My hybrids are growing up!

I replied on YOUR forum to that go back to it and have a look.....okay?

As for all of my friends here.....if you want to have a look at where this came from, Sky042 was kind enough to find out just where the storm arose from for me.
Thanks man. :thumbs:

Here is the link....Under the Bridge
Chris I've read your reply and I must say you were much kinder to their forum than they were to ours :) Seems some of their own members are a tad upset with their aggression.
Well, here I was defending. This is where I live. Gotta be a little more aggressive I suppose. There, I just wanted to point out that they were indeed in the wrong for EVER coming here to do what they a polite manner. There is NO need to start some sort of forum war over something so insignificant as me owning 3 hybrid cichlids. Used to be 4.... :-( . But, whatever, I just wanted to share what they had to say on their own forum as well....which was pretty supportive of what this is truly about anyway. Thanks to everyone for your support. Including other forum members. :thumbs:

don't know where I've been lately :lol:

FM, you are the envy of ALMOST all of us here. You keep your fish healthy, happy and they all have a good quality of life.

That said.......
You have done nothing wrong and to some of us it is actually an exciting thing. I am proud of you for raising those babies and it doesn't matter if they aren't the exact same species, the babies are beautiful and deserve to live out their lives in your glorious tanks. I think that they have every right to live and am very happy you are allowing that. I think the act of you "Playing God" would be if you did in fact kill them....NOT the fact that they spawned in your tank -_- :huh: sheesh!!

I don't think your fish would have spawn if they didn't feel the need :lol: It was "meant to be" in MHO. I am happy for you........... I am proud of you..............and I am disgusted with others :grr: :sly: :grr:

Woooo Hooooo FreshMike has hybrid babies!!!! :hyper:
You will also notice after my post on the other forum, that the Admin warned his members to not do what they have done again.....hopefully they will learn.

Once again. Thank all of you. :D
Man they are bruital they jumped all over you with out even reading your thread.

I say we lay siege :flex: :flex: :flex: Whos with me! Not an actual suggestion
The administrator at the other forum has editted most of the posts.....there is no need to seige, it was only 4 members and of that, only one was out of line, really. :flex:
wow too bad FM ruined the hobby for me, he got 2 fish and smashed them together and now there is only one. (I read in one of his posts he was nude :crazy: ) To each his own i guess. Well now that the hobby is forever in shambles I shall go kill all of my cross bred fish. I had a marble mollie breed with a lyre tail molly. :sick: oh the horor :X now I will have :alien: little forum trouble makers and they will over take the world and there will be dogs and cats living together in sin. Now i hear that the water supply from this demonic unholy union will cause Mikes water supply to be poisened :S

I can feel :look: the unholy demon spawn living in the unpure waters that is FM's tanks. Mike I think the evil father fish should do the right thing and marry the animal equivalent of lucifer himself, the momma fish. On the bright side your evil unholy, demon spawn is 1 notch above Saddam , and one below Hitler in the top 10 evil things of all time(I saw letterman last night) . I forgot to thank you for starting the wag tail plattie revolution, that was pure evil.
Sorry Fogel but I completely 100% DISAGREE with you on this. Yes he has a couple of hybrids that have resulted from keeping the wrong species in the same tank together. And yes he states that he will not distribute them, yet he continues to let them breed and the hybrids breed. Eventually he will run out of tank space and try to sell these "Pretty" fish or give them away to friends. That where it all starts!
With the amount of uneducated hobbiests out there it is imperative that we enlighten as many as possible to the dangers of hybrids.

Anyway thats just my opinion, take it for what its worth. I have posted on the other site, not to BASH but rather to inform.
Wow Mike you are letting the hybrids breed now, lets see those pics LOL :D You and the fish must be all naked again.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Here is the mom.....think the babies will be alright trying to survive with 20 psycho demasoni surrounding them?


  • hybridfemale_1april27.jpg
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:rofl: Dont you know Fm is planning on hireing a group of secret ninja :ninja: assasins to sneek into fish stores and homes across america and spread his poluted seed.
Man, what a brouhaha. Sorry you had to deal with that!

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