My hybrids are growing up!

Amazing how much politer they are on their own site isn't it?

I have gone to that forum a few times and it is very informative, just a shame that it was let down by a few foul mouthed idiots.

Keep us posted FM!
I just looked at that link and, Man those people have anger problems for the wrong reason. I'm sure that if some of those people knew where FM lived they would hurt him. Bunch a looneys without a bin :lol:
Well looks like the storm is over....phew. :)
Naw. I think it is over. Hopefully anyway. At least we got a few new members out of it.
Hello, I'm new here, and granted, I'm generally new at the "other forum" full of people with :angry: problems.

I just want to take this opportunity to :flowers: on behalf of the forum's :angel: members for all of the :saddam:, :eek:sama: and :devil: members that hopped over here and started :flex: about the :alien: :fish:.
Some of you need definitely cold shower :lol:

People who think that hybrids are ok, should really read about them to see what's wrong with them. Best way to prevent it to happen accidentally is to keep those species, that are known to cross-breed easily, in separate tanks. (You could think about situation where common fishes, platies and swordtails are in same tank. It's not very good combination either.)

And what becomes to this issue, I understood that those two fishes bred accidentally and "freshmike" didn't try to breed them to make new "cool-looking" fish (like some psychos do). So, what to do? Kill those already grown fishes or keep them? I don't think killing is very good thing, so I'll probably keep them and somehow prevent it to happen again.
Hi...I got to say that I am a member of both forums,joined both on same day.The other one has the same type of people as this one does ,there are alot of you that think you can walk on the surface of your tanks and not get wet,you at one time, was also a beginner as some of us might be.The other forum is probaly alot more friendlier than this one is and this one says that it is the friendliest forum :lol: .But I will say that I have had good advice on this forum as in the other.My compliant is of the floaters that are in more numbers here than there,I feel there are a couple of MODS here that think they float,they can be very abrupt and rude with their answers but non the less it has been good advice I will say.just dont be so abrupt and rude and remember you were once a beginner also,I most always feel that I should defend myself in here but I refrain from the abuse I could give just as well,for I wish not to be like that as I enjoy this hobby and also these forums ,BOTH also have good people as there members as well as bad.Now I am not trolling as my name appears the same on both forums and I am proud to be a member of both and yes I have my moments too.Thanks for the time that anyone has given to me,in replying to my quetions.Freshmike I believe that your fish are very pretty and if I knew you I would beg you for some of them,so what does that say for me ?.
Romwhi Would, you please reword your post, it was a bit hard to read. You also said that we were bigger and I don't believe thats true, But I will say this much the people on this forum don't say outragious things without reading the material we coment on. Several of the members of the other forum accused FM of breeding them to sell and also they treated him like he had forced the fish (that live in close proximity in nature) to breed.

And Mr. V I don't like hybrids but these fish are a mistake and he isn't distributeing them or alowing them to breed back into either species. Also on the platy sword tail issue I think that about 90% of those available comercialy are already hybrids. But its still not a good idea to keep them together.
(freshmike @ May 1 2004, 04:30 AM)
I think I will name him...hmmmm.....Matt. After my good buddy, l00b3r.

pity not all *%&$ can have names like that isnt it, or yours would be the best name of all.

you are pathetic.

you sire are a noob. My work mate said you are a complete idiot and wished me to pass this on.

"People like you have ruined the hobby, boasting about a man made fish is nothing to be proud of, its the reason honest people have to constantly mark fish as mixed africans or mixed fish. People like you and your hybrid buddies are making the work harder for the honest people who try their hardest to keep legitimate strains of fish going well".

and a comment from me,

If I knew you in real life, I would come poisen your water supply.


IS THAT A THREAT? :flex: Matt? Who do you guys think you are just coming in here and critisizing someone who you know nothing about. As FM said before Run Along its nap time. :sly: Hopefully you've gone because you were kinda pi$$ing me and some others off.

FM wonderful fish even if they are HYBRIDS 8) :kewlpics:

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