My Fishless Cycle

Hi WD!

So it is good then? Finally. I was worried I had a fluke tank that wouldn't cycle purely because it's mine *wouldn't surpise me*. It's doing it then? However slowly!
Confidence Twink, Confidence!

Yes, its good. You've got the first sign of moving from phase 1 to phase 2 (out of the 3 phases of fishless cycling that I like to define, just to make things complicated :lol: ) The other sign will be when the A-Bacs (ammonia oxidizing bacteria, the Nitrosomonas spp.) are dropping from your ammonia dose down to zero ppm within 24 hours (ie. making "daily drops" as we say sometimes.)

Cool thanks, will do today's tests later. I may do the whole lot if I have time.

Can I ask, if my normal P.H reading is 7.6 and my high P.H is 7.4 does that mean my P.H is prob 7.5? I know it's not my concern yet (coz I think a higher PH is better for cycling isn't it?) but when I get my fish is that a good average PH to have (for the fish I've chosen)?
Day 22:

I haven't put this in my log yet because I'm not sure.

A - 2.00 (but definitely "clearer" that yesterday if that makes sense)

Nitrate - 10 (just about - so that's gone up)

PH - both still the same, normal 7.6, High 7.4.....unless it is 7.5 like I thought.

Nitrite 5.00 ppm, BUT, and this is my question....I know you said that if it goes purple in the bottom of the tube straight away then it's off the chart. It didn't with the first drop but by the time the 5th one was in there it had done that (before I shook it up or waited). Does that mean it's off the chart?
Day 23:

Only tested Ammonia today coz I'm still not sure about the Nitrite thing but the good news is my Ammonia had dropped to 1.00 ppm :)
Day 24:

HAPPY NEWS! Ammonia has dropped down to 0! I can't believe it stayed 2 for so long and then dropped to 0 in 2-3 days. I just redosed with 2.5ml of Ammonia which I hope is right, I used 3ml last time which I think was about right and I have slightly less water in there than when I first started. I take it I should test again in a bit?

I have a question about the 5.00ppm thing though. I;m not very good at maths so when I get later on in my cycle, do I have to make sure I dose to 5.00 ppm or will it be ok if it's approximate (like more than 2 but not as much as 8)? What are the drawbacks?

P.s Is prime suppposed to have bits floating in it? I just dosed some of that too! :)
Ok so Ammonia is now about 3 I'd say. That's alright for now isn't it?

So it looks like prob 3ml will be about right to get me to 5 when the time comes won't it?
The exact concentration that you dose ammonia does not matter much until the last final test of the filter's processing capacity. We tend to try to use the same amount all the time because that is a way to get consistent meaningful measurements of how our bacteria are performing. As long as you do not have values over about 5 ppm, the right bacteria will develop.
Thanks. Am I right in thinking though that if I use less (say 3-4 ppm), whilst the filter will eventually be cycled, it may not be able to handle as many fish straight off as it would if I'd done exactly 5.00 ppm? If I planned to stock slowly, like Platys first week, Pygmys the next etc would that solve the problem?

Also, do you know about the Prime? Coz if it's not supposed to have bits (they look blueish) floating in it then there's something very wrong with mine lol.
Ooo Ammonia has dropped back to 1 in 24 hours :)

Day 25:

Ammonia 1

Nitrite 5
Day 26:

Right so my Ammonia has dropped back down to 0 in 48 hours which obviously I'm really pleased about coz it took so long the first time but my questions are about the Nitrite -

1. Does everyone have a a Nitrike "spike" where it goes off the chart or do some people just go up to say 5.00 ppm before it starts to process?

2. Am I right in thinking that with the API kit,if I have that spike then after 5 mins the solution will have turned green?

3. Am I right in thinking that it will take my filter about twice as long to be able sort the Nitrite as it did to sort the Ammonia (so I've got a long wait ahead of me basically)?

Also I'd stil really like to know the answer to the Prime question.

Thanks :)

When my tank had a nitrite "spike" the drops as soon as you put them into the test tube (using the API kit) went dark purple and then the colour in my case went pinky purple after five minutes. When I left the test and went back to it 20 minute later it was pale green. I have read on this forum that it could go back to blue or even go grey, but this all means you are in your spike.

When you have lower nitirites the drops go bright blue in the bottom and the colour develops slowly over the five minutes starting blue, then lilac and finally pink/purple if your nitirites are at that higher level.

My ammonia took 13 days the first time to go to 0.5 and the second time 36 hours and from then on in 24ish hours. The nitirite didn't go to nil until day 26ish and this was after 13 days of being over five. I am still waiting for them to regularly process in 12 hours, currently on day 66. However, I think my cycle has gone a bit wrong and am still trying to work out how and why.

I do have prime, but can't say I noticed any blue bits in it, come to that I haven't had that hard a look. Maybe someone more experienced can answer that question.

Good luck

Hiya, thanks for your answer.

Ooo that's worrying about the Prime then, mine definitely has them in :S

I think my Nitrite may have spiked then coz it does go dark purple more or less straight away and then goes pink. That's good then I hope.

Oooo where to find about the Prime?????
I have a quick question -

When my Ammonia is processing in 12 hours, does that basically mean I'll have to redose every 12 hours until I get my first fish? Even once it's cycled and I'm just waiting for a convienient day?
I have a quick question -

When my Ammonia is processing in 12 hours, does that basically mean I'll have to redose every 12 hours until I get my first fish? Even once it's cycled and I'm just waiting for a convienient day?

Waterdrop said to me you only ever dose it on the same 24 hour mark :good:

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