My Fish Tank And It's Owners

a shark would look nice, however, considering the terratory space, i doubt much else would be able to be put in with it without getting torn apart but if you like the look of a shark then it's up to you. keep in mind a shark only become a "peaceful" fish when it has the adequate space but it can then sometimes become a vicious little thing!
angels or discus would be nice, especially once they pair up (if you get a male and a female... discus mainly lol DOSH!!)
with the piranah, sorry but i dont think it would work. this is my own opinion though as i've never actually owned a piranah. they stay still most of the time and cost a bomb to feed but if you have the money well it's up to you :shifty: would be an impressive conversation though lol
anyway, goodluck :good: and we want pictures once you've decidide lol!
grrr so confused. many people saying different things and websites saying i need 30gal for discus, 20gal for angels, 50gal for rainbow shark, but people on here telling me different aswell as other websites.

I'd love a pair of Discus, but I'm thinking I'd remove a piece of mopani wood for more swimming space, same with angels and same with the rainbow shark... right?

EDIT: Right I'm thinking, forget the Discus and Angels for now.

So it's a choice between:
1 Rainbow Shark and some tetra's of some kind?
1 Rainbow Shark and my 6 Zebra Danios?
1 Red-Tailed Black Shark and tetra's of some kind?
1 Red-Tailed Black Shark and my 6 Zebra Danios?

Now I know I'll need some sort of cleaning fish, and it'd either be a Golden Nugget Pleco or 3-5 Otto's.
Right earlier I done a 3/4 water change, took out some plants that I don't think are growing and also took out the 2 pieces of mopani wood.

Now here's a picture of it all filled up again, and now I have chosen to put the background on as I can actually see it now.


Now the thinking part.

How long should I keep the 2 pieces of mopani wood in a bucket of boiling hot water for?
Or should I just go out and buy some already soaked wood? As I really cannot be doing with another 3/4 water change.
Or should I just get some rock/slate instead of wood?
got back from the LFS with 3 plants, some more pea gravel and a pleco :D







Sorry about the fuzzyness

Enjoy :)
I think it's a Ancintrus *forgot to right down the name that they had on the tank*

Only grow to 5.5" :D
it has been at the LFS for a week before I got it, so surely it would've rotted by now?
Nope, because it's a plant that has adapted to be able to cope with periods of flooding in it's natural environment.

It's Dracaena species, a very common house plant :). Stick it in a pot on your windowsill and it should grow nicely.

In regards to stocking, I'd personally go with one piranha. Not a red belly though, a wimple piranha. Even though it's not a true piranha, they are pretty awesome. And tropical imports even have them in stock for £10 :good:.

You'd need to have increased filteration and aeration though, the juwel filter would certainly not be up to it :lol: .

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