My Fish Tank And It's Owners

very nice upgrade of the fish tank. hope it cycles fast :)

as for a clearer water try checking the filter. also if the water is very yellow then it could either need a water change or maybe you have too much algae. got a pleco?
It will cycle in abotu 1 day if you use BioZyme!! Around 3 dollars( E6) It comes in a little yellow container.
Just bought a 2kg bag of pea gravel for the other end, and another piece of mopani wood :)

mopani wood will be done at 6.45pm tonight, and the pea gravel i washed until the water was clear but mud bubbles still appeared and mud patches on the surface :( so I scooped most out using a jug and then put 1 new jug of hot water in there.

The filter will be able to sort out all the patches on the water surface right? if not how can I get rid of it?
don't suggest water change as that just makes it worse :(

I'll take a picture when the new mopani wood is in :)
how's your new tank getting along? i cant wait to see it all set up :0
got some new pea gravel today and i need to put the new mopani wood in and then take pictures :)
done a few adjustments:



well the bit on the bottom has abit pointing up and the bit in mid air has a hole so i put the pointed bit through the hole and then also to make it safe the bit in mid air has 2 bits sticking out, one of which i put through the hole in the rock which is also on substrate so it's not going anywhere, unless I have a real strong fish when i stock up.

which i wont

7zebra danios
few otos
and a plec
Just got back from the LFS/Garden Centre.
I got 5 plants and a terracotta plant pot.

Now I know what 3 of them are but I'm unsure about the other 2.

Ophiopogon gigantea

Alternanthera cardinalis

Anubias nana



Full Tank Shot

Sorry about the cloudyness.

The plant pot isn't in yet. And won't be until I decide that I want my kribs to breed, when I have a pair.

All I need now is some nice substrate laying plant, that looks like grass in the forward left corner of the tank and I'm all done.

Hopefully go looking for that tomorrow, anybody got some suggestions for that type of plant?

Then once thats in I think a 50% water change is in good use to get rid of the kicked up muck and tinged water.
Thanks for looking and reading,
all comments accepted, good or bad.

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