My Fish Tank And It's Owners

Well just bought some plant weights and I finally snipped some of my Cabomba from my current plant, put the weight on and put some in my new tank, now just need to wait and see if it grows or not.

I also got some Aquarium Filter Aid, to clear the water up, so hopefully it'll look clear soonish :) and then some better pictures :D

Also I took a picture of this:

It's the patchy stuff on the waters surface? Anybody know what it is, or how to get rid of it?

And also I just put my sisters cat on the hood, and she quite liked it so:

But my dad told me to get her off, because she'll bend the it lol, I agreed, she is quite chubby.

Also do I need to put anything in the tank to start the cycle off? If not then it's been cycling for about 2 weeks now :D
Nice looking tank. I don't know much about the stuff in the watter, never had anything like that.
hmm im thinking it might just be toxins, or maybe that rock in the tank...

oh yeah instead of having kribensis I might have something different, not sure which, but I'm thinking maybe a Guppy tank, because my LFS supply some amazing males.

Well don't know I'll see
Little update.

The guppy fry in my 9Gal are starting to show colours on their tails :D Bright yellow and black hehe soo cute.

and one of the purple/black tail females is pregnant.

when would it be possibly to sex the fry?
hey people,

just got back from the LFS and the man in there said that the patches may be from the mopani wood, as they take sometimes 3 weeks to stop spilling their colour. Boiled it for 2 and 1/2 hours, so not long enough. So hopefully that's that.
And I came back with 5 zebra danios friends for lucky. I asked for 1 male and 4 females, but think I have more males then females :(

Will be posting pictures later tonight.
There in the bag (5mins), with the light off, then I'll release them for 5mins and after the 5mins turn on the light.
Yep, the patchy stuff on top is from the manopi wood, i have it too. :(

Nice looking plant. the 2nd unknown plant COULD be Creeping Jenny. Im not sure, though.
Thanks alot for clearing that up. I thought it was something much more worse.
I guess a water change would get rid of it right?

Also I think I have found the fish I want in the tank.

Some Denisonii Barb:
and a pair of Robin Gourami:

My walls are orange so I need some colour to make the tank look good :)

I'll need to find out if the Gourami's and Barb can go together or not. I also saw some pufferfish think they were called african pufferfish and grow to 10"
and they were in with platies, but they were only babies :) Very cute too.
see if you can find some water polishing treatment or when i set a new tank up i use polyester sheats in an internal filter added to the tank temporarily as they work as a micro filter. The tank looks exelent good luck :good:

the stuff on the surface is oil from the wood same effect as leaving a teabag in the cup for to long
ok thanks. I've got rid of most of it from using a jug and just scooping it out, still a few little bits, but that will go as I do water changes :)

Some pictures, just took them:

Full Tank Shot:

The Wood Cave, and Plant Pot:

Plant Pot and Danio:

Group of Danios:

Side Shot:

Enjoy :)
I have more guppy fry in the 9Gal hexagon, I've only seen 4 at the minute...

And do you think it would be wise to put the older guppy fry into the 125 with the danios? If not no worries they can stay in the 9Gal a little longer. They've just recently started to show colours on their tails

new stocking list for the 125 (if possible)

My current 5 zebra danios.
1 Rainbow Shark (female or male, not bothered)
4-5 Otocinclus.

now I'd like a response from as many people as I can get for this stocking list. Is my tank big enough to house a rainbow shark etc...

Some say it is on here, and then again on info websites it says they need 50G
I personally wouldn't try it.
Were you looking for a main attraction fish?
right im on this website:

and I've looked at some big fish.

I like the look of 1 piranha, male if possible as they are smaller. (says they need 30Gal minimum, mine's a 39gal)
I like the look of 1-2 Discus (says they need 30Gal)
I like the look of some angels (says they need 20Gal)
I like the look of a red tailed black shark

Now I would be willing to get rid of my Zebra danios if needed.

I want a big fish possibly a shark or something that looks impressive... I don't mind if it has to be on its own either...

the tank is 125litres.

so any other suggestions?

need all the help I can get on choosing fish for my 125.

thanks! :D

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