My First Real Planted Tank

lol I could use some, I just got oto's today and the qt has little algae. I think I'll do what your are and put in the higher wattage bulbs again.
LOL! I'm not trying to grow this algae, but it happens! I'm actually lowering wattage this week to 16 watts instead so I don't need CO2.
Yeah lol! The ferts are supposed to be here by Friday so if they get here by Wednesday I'll have mik send the plants Thursday if possible but I'm planning on having them shipped out next Monday. Now to find a gram scale.
Oh Ok. I actually found a gram scale in a cupboard. I also ordered 2 1,000 mL fert dispensers. I'll just use those, then premix the ferts.
Thinking about having the plants sent tomorrow. What do you guys think? :unsure:
I getting them shipped tomorrow. It was the ferts coming Friday, but I'm sure they'll be fine without ferts for a few days.
I do. I have Tahitian moon sand. Anchor before adding what?
It is inert. Thats what I've got in my 46g. No nutrients.

I would think the plants would be ok for a few days. I would just do a very short lighting period each day to be sure.
I have Tahitian moon gravel actually, but when I bought it it said it was a plant substrate? :unsure:

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