George Farmer
ad aqua
Getting there...
yep slowlyGetting there...
The pictures and tank are really beautiful.
Lovely work
Many thanks, and yes it is the Limnophyllia Aromatica, its growing pretty well at the moment, got that off a forum member and since then have sent clippings to other too, really like this plant.Simply a breath-taking aquarium..!!
Whats this plant, gotta get myself some of that...
EDIT: Its ok I managed to find some images on google so I know that it is Limnophilia Aromatica. Beautiful stuff.
Many thanks, I am not really into constant rescape, don't have the time of money for that lol I like to see things growing over time and trying to maintain it and keep things looking good as it matures. Its been a slow journey but I am happy with the outcome so farONe of the best planted tanks I've seen in a long time. Its good to see it develope some times i think those stunning amano style tanks are just planted photoed then rescapped so your never sure how well the tank is actully working. But not with yours
Keep it up
it is the Limnophyllia Aromatica, its growing pretty well at the moment, got that off a forum member and since then have sent clippings to other too, really like this plant.