My First Adventure In The Salty Side!

After a discussion on a reef forum I visit people suggested that there hadnt been enough time for the tank to cycle. I have added some flakes to rot and produce ammonia. I will then test for ammonia and nitrite and wait for them to go down. Then that way I know the tank has definetely cycled. I would rather wait and be safe than sorry. I dont want to risk my wallet or the livestock I could put in too early.

Ill update daily/every two days with the tests results and see how we go.

Still thinking about the phosphate removal, anyone got any ideas on how I can run it. Ill have the same issue when I need to run carbon. Could I just put it in the body of the deltec mce300 skimmer?

Well, it really all depends on your rock, if it was fully cured and not out of water for long you might not have a cycle - which would be why u r only getting nitrates. So, whomever told you that is not completely correct!

Seffie x
Yeah I thought that but then to be more safe than sorry I thought it would be best just to make sure. I will wait for ammonia and nitrites to rise and fall to zero and then see the nitrates go low. It would make me feel a lot happier knowing it would be able to cope with an ammonia source like livestock.

Its hard as everyone had mixed opinions, at least this way it will give me reassurence,

I know, thats what im starting to wonder. I put in some flakes y/day and just tested. Ammonia and nitrite still 0 and nitrates now at 25, maybe lower. Now im really confused. If the tank is done, then thats cool but I dont know how to check rather than wait.

What would that suggest to you guys? Surely if the flake I put in has gone, whoch it has, there would have been an ammonia spike? or could it be that the ammonia and nitrite from this has already been processed?

if its good, well matured live rock it may of already been consumed.
Cool thanks, maybe im being overly cautious. At the moment ive got a mixture of wanting to get my CUC in, bloody diatoms :grr: and being patient, just incase. Maybe I should just chill out :lol:

I still need to get my nitrates down though, what is a safe level?

Cool thanks, maybe im being overly cautious. At the moment ive got a mixture of wanting to get my CUC in, bloody diatoms :grr: and being patient, just incase. Maybe I should just chill out :lol:

I still need to get my nitrates down though, what is a safe level?


Hi James, LR is beautifully arranged... :good: Just wanted to drop by and comment. :D
Depends on what you mean as a safe level.
Fish can handle 100ppm
Inverts are more fussy so I would say 40ppm as a safe guard.
Softies and your looking for 10-15ppm but 0 if you can.

Obviously these are rough figures as no tank will run at 0 all the time but be aware that coral does not like nitrate lol.
Okay, I know there isnt any set in stone figures. I was just thinking in terms of how much for when I add my CUC. Obviously I aim to get this figure as to near 0 as possible before I add anything.

The two mushrooms that cam on the rock are doing great. They have both grown considerably and their colour has become more green than the browny green they were, so im happy with that. They dont seem to mind the high nitrates the tank has at the moment. I seem to have loads and loads of very small feather dusters come up. I take it that is a good thing?

if you think you have life now........
the first week is amazing, watching all the things pop out :) and soft corals can be amazingly tough, if you think that the bit of rock they are on has probably come over 1000 miles wrapped in newspaper and they are still alive you can begin to understand just how amazing softies are.
if you think you have life now........
the first week is amazing, watching all the things pop out :) and soft corals can be amazingly tough, if you think that the bit of rock they are on has probably come over 1000 miles wrapped in newspaper and they are still alive you can begin to understand just how amazing softies are.

Tell me about it, it is amazing. I keep finding myself losing a lot of my day just staring at rock. Pet rock! :lol: Softies do seem to be so hardy. The mushrooms were out of water for like 45 mins too, for the journey home and they seem to be thriving now. Its crazy to think that they may have made such a journey like that.

Hopefully Ill be getting my koralia nano tomorrow, along with the phosphate remover. Is rowaphos the best? I still need to find a way to run it in my tank though.

Rowaphos is good but I buy phosban, its cheaper - why dont you look out for a second hand reactor or make one :good:

Seffie x
Hey thanks well I got the rowphos and it should last me for ages on a tank this size, well I think it should. I should be getting my other test kits tomorrow but Ive started running it anyway. I think it will have a high reading. Ive just placed it in the skimmer body at the moment.

Ill look into a reactor seffie but tbh I havent had much of a chance to look at them and dont really understand the workings yet. Does anyone know a good link to a DIY tutorial?

Test results as of today are:

Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: In the middle of 10 and 25

Im thinking this is cycle pretty much complete. I didnt get my powerhead as Swallow had none in stock, bummer. Ill probably order it off ebay now. I was going to get some CUC today but I have had a hectic day and wouldnt of had the chance to acclimatize them properly so I thought best not to. Hopefully during the week.

Oh and my mushrooms are still getting bigger. I cant believe how quick these things are growing. On a bad note though, my Aiptasia isnt good :devil: I had three very small ones until today I notice there is a big one hiding at the back, maybe the size of a 50p piece :grr:

My CUC will be:

-4 Hermits, im thinking blue leg.
-4 Turbo Snails.
-1 Green Emerald Crab.
-1 Peppermint Shrimp.

How does that sound?

Most reactions
