My First Adventure In The Salty Side!

Okay so I got a few salifert test kits and Ive just done my first tests. They are as follows.

Ammonia: <0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 25

How do these look? Normal?

Hi James
Can;t believe I missed this but I've not been active on here lately

Its looking good, definately the most exciting part in my opinion lol

Consider the shrimps when your all stable as my twoare so active and in my opinion really make a mini reef

Little gobies are cool as are firefish :good:
Hey thanks and ill let you off, there is a lot of journals on here!

Cheers, it is really exciting :hyper: I cant help but finding myself keep staring into the tank every time I am near it. I spot something new and interesting every time. I will ait a little while for my shrimp. I plan to be as patient as I can be, I dont want to have casualties.

Thanks for the suggestion. At the moment im like maybe a shrimp/goby pair or a assessor (as seffie suggested) or a firefish. They have also been one of my favourites.

Any input on the test results? Would it suggest no die off?

Cheers, James
your results seem fine to me. :good: if their was die off then you would of seen ammonia and nitrite. you would of got die of as your nitrate is gone up. wait until it goes higher and lower and then do a water change and a get your cuc. i would wait a week :good:
Okay mate thanks. Ill keep testing.

A quick question though, what should my light period be now? Im starting to get signs of diatoms, any ideas how to reduce this? I know its normal in new setups?

I would just keep your light off completely while cycling.

EDIT: Or for a very short period of time so you can rock stare :p
Yeah I had a couple come in on a piece of live rock I bought but no worries. I would like to keep them if I can. In regards to the diatoms is there anything I can do to help other than an 8 hour light period.

When do I need to look at phosphate removal? (another thing I need to research a wee bit more) I thought it was important once the tank finished cycling, correct?
Diatoms are just a normal product of cycling, your cuc will get rid of them for you :good:

I think I would proably start to run a phosphate remover straight after my cycle finished

Seffie x
Hey thanks, im a bit confused on the cycling as I have yet to see an ammonia spike, should I have seen one by now? Or should I still expect it. I did another test earlier and it stayed the same except the nitrates have dropped slightly.

With the phosphate remover, what would be the best way to run it in my tank. I dont know if I could run it in the skimmer body?

Can you show me your stats please? You might not be having a full blown cycle :look:

So it goes like this:

Ammonia is present and is then used by the nitrite, Nitrite is then used by the nitrate - when you have the nitrate spike alone (no ammonia or nitrite), its time for a large water change, test again in 24 hours and if nitrates are <10 woo hoo, time for cuc

Seffie x
woops, missed the phosphate bit - it is all according what skimmer you have?
Okay thanks, im using salifert test kits.

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 25-50 Inbetween the two

I know how the nitrogen cycle works, well I think I do :blush: Pretty much the same as FW. Ill do water change in a bit and test tomorrow. The skimmer is a deltec mce300.

Yep, with those results thats exactly what I would do as well :good:

I dont think the deltec mce 300 has a media chamber :sad:

Seffie x

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