My Custom Tank Arrived

:blush: WOW puts my puffer to shame what a lovely specimen, he looks very happy. What are you feeding him?
:good: WOW fantastic looking tank there. Have you decided on what your having yet?

There's a picture of the single inhabitant on page 4, a Fahaka puffer. He'll be the only inhabitant for life, unless I feel brave and get a plec.
You could try a birchir or pleco as tankmates? I have seen them kept with fahakas and mbus.. Beautiful puffer though!

You could try a birchir or pleco as tankmates? I have seen them kept with fahakas and mbus.. Beautiful puffer though!


I've been considering a plec (especailly as the algae has just started appearing) and the L185 spiny devil was my first thought, because with it being so armoured I don't think any fish would touch it.

My other thought was a big school of lampeyes. With the tank being so big, and the fahaka being so big, a school of 1.5" fish might work out, with them being too small for him to be bothered about them.

My other feelings were fish like CAE's/Garra, fast moving fish that should theoretically stay out of his way and have somewhere to hide.

I'm happy how it is, but I might add a another mate in future.
hy mate, my self and a close friend are thinking of getting the same tank as yourself, we were just wanting to know how the tank is for you. also we would like to know where you mounted your bulbs in the hood as we, just don't know where to put them. also how are you getting on with your fx5 as we both have them as well :) many thank's hope to hear from you soon :D
No need to worry about polystyrene! I heard about wickes after I'd already filled it. I got some pieces from wharf aquatics, I wouldn't have filled the tank without them.

The tank is going fine right now. the filter was cleaned for the first time today. Fahakas make a lot of mess...

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