I posted a previous thread:
But no one has answered it. It has got really bad now and i am fighting a mini-cycle still (due to kanaplex).
He is no longer biting as i am doing two 50% changes a day but it is still receding with a nasty red tinge.. that part of the tail is under a third of what it was. I really need help now so please can you answer this thread.
I have used over 3-4 months,
Disease clear by King British, which made him act funny so i took it out.
Melafix, did not do much
Kanaplex which did stop it but afraid to use it again due to mini-cycle
Now i am using interpret antifungus and finrot (no.8)and the receding has happened during this so i believe is not working (i'm about 3 days in of the 7 treatment and topping up with lost medicine from water changes).
Between i checked the water quality (all 0,0,30) until the kanaplex which caused a mini-cycle.
I've tested the water and its ammonia 0, nitrite under 0.25 (fluctuates due to water changes, so right now slightly purple) and nitrate 30
All the rest of the info has not changed from the previous post.
I know its not good to medicate whilst it is still cycling but as i saw the tail recede again i just jumped into action, if anyone else can tell me what to do i would be really thankful. Just clean water is not doing anything either, it has gone too far now.
But no one has answered it. It has got really bad now and i am fighting a mini-cycle still (due to kanaplex).
He is no longer biting as i am doing two 50% changes a day but it is still receding with a nasty red tinge.. that part of the tail is under a third of what it was. I really need help now so please can you answer this thread.
I have used over 3-4 months,
Disease clear by King British, which made him act funny so i took it out.
Melafix, did not do much
Kanaplex which did stop it but afraid to use it again due to mini-cycle
Now i am using interpret antifungus and finrot (no.8)and the receding has happened during this so i believe is not working (i'm about 3 days in of the 7 treatment and topping up with lost medicine from water changes).
Between i checked the water quality (all 0,0,30) until the kanaplex which caused a mini-cycle.
I've tested the water and its ammonia 0, nitrite under 0.25 (fluctuates due to water changes, so right now slightly purple) and nitrate 30
All the rest of the info has not changed from the previous post.
I know its not good to medicate whilst it is still cycling but as i saw the tail recede again i just jumped into action, if anyone else can tell me what to do i would be really thankful. Just clean water is not doing anything either, it has gone too far now.