My 90 Us Gallon Reef Tank Journal

ok thanks i will wait for 2moz when i also get some l rock also i have brown algae now how can i stop this and how can i prevent it in the future
in the tank :hyper:

some on sand and back glass and some rocks are browner than the others
dont meen to sound dumb bcuz im not but whats what ? :crazy:
p.s the brown is getting very dark on the rocks now :angry:
i have read through alot but obviolousy i missed this one thanks :D

pics of brown algae


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Looks more like diatoms to me... Got any CUC in there yet?
no i have found a snail hitchhiker (tiny) but i was gonna wait as im adding live rock tomoz and dunking that green bubble rock also
how long wouldn u leave it ?
ok would it be ok to add 3 turbo snails tomorrow while getting live rock or shall i wait a few more days to getthe t.snail/c.u.c

(was origanally planning on adding c.u.c when tank is cycled or does it not make a diffrence to the cuc at this stage )
ok i will add a couple of turbo snails and more liverock tomoz then wait till stats go 0 again then slowy build up my c.u.c (will ask qs later on this week bout c.u.c)
this sound good or ....
never kept record of how much lr but i will be posting pics hopefully 2moz as the lfs has no lr but i will go 2 another 2moz
as for the t.snails i bought 2 and at the min they seem to be doing fine :D

i will later on today be posting some stats up

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