My 90 Us Gallon Reef Tank Journal

What do you plan on stocking

Reef or FOWLR

I would sugegst getting around 30kg Liverock (depedning on how you scape it)
hi just bought some live rock post some pics later tomorow as im getting the rest tomoz at a diffrent store due to not enough l.rock

so any way i got told to buy some ocean rock aswell to put under l rock is this ok beacuase he said that way the bottom of the live rock will not die off is this good advice or ..

also stocking wise it will be reef but not have made my mind entirely yet on fish etc... i will come across that later in the journal
my tank aqua scaping is no were near done but this is the setup of live rock with ocean rock at the moment

your opions should it stay or should it go ? ( ocean rock) -white


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just finished aqua scapiung at filled rest with water and slt to right salinity

but my skimmer has decided to shoot water out of the air tube(dont know if thats correct) when i take the outlet out of the water its fine when its in water it happens again so does the bubble stop have to be in the air? or is it fine as i read some were else that it will calm down over a few day ?

plz reply as i am getting really annoyed with the skimmer and need some urgent advice


still need help on skimmer problem

i will post pics soon of tank
but first i wanted to know what will be the next step in my tank- is it wait until cycle is done ? and how soon shall i wait to add c.u.c

c'mon ppl
What type of skimmer you using

Add your CUC after your cycle is complete - you will know when this is done by taking & recording you tank parameters

Ammonia MUST be at NIL
Nitrite MUST be at NIl
Nitrate would be better at NIL
PH - 8.0 - 8.2 - make sure it does not swing
Same goes for SG (1.025/6) & Temp (26/27c)

TBh you dont need your skimmer on at the moment as there isnt a lot to skim

PS I would do away with the Ocean Rock
tmc skim v2 400 i hope i have just fixed the problem so dont worry
abput the ocean rock i only have 4 pieces i will post pics later today
also i will be buying some more l.rock hopefully at the end of this week does this have a major effect on the cycling process or dont it make a big diffence ?

Adding rock will give you a spike in readings, depending how much die off there is from the rockl

Best getting all you LR in before any livestock
i will be getting some l rock this week- then i will wait untill the readings finally cycle and get to 0 then i will be then taking adding cuc, fish and coral nice and slow :good:

----->about the ocean rock i have just replied in this forum ' adding base rock' and it seems there that it is a bad thing so has my lfs gave me bad advice or shall i undo my aquascaping and test the ocean rock or will it be fine as i sterlised it in boiling tap water ( i know tap water is bad but i used all my ro water up :sad: ) so what shall i do im in a bit of a dilema :( :S
hi still need an answer
have done tests and these are the results also the tank has been running for about 6 days now
ph-8.5 ish
as for the others i need 2 buy tests for does this mean my ocean rock is fine and does this also mean my tanks is just about to cycle? i also will be adding a bit more live rock at the end of this week

and i found a little snail about tooth size slowling moving from rock to rock :D i will be posting pics of the tank and stuff soon :rolleyes:
Sounds like there is still decomposition going on in your tank with a positive ammonia reading. TBH, I'd stop testing organics until you put your next batch of LR in. Then start testing them to see when that resulting mini-cycle ends... Keep yourself more concerned with pH, temp, and salinity for the time being
salinity 1.023
temp 79

also i have just been looking at the l.rock and there have been loads of life starting to grow ,but i read up about a green bubble thing on here somewere as i have been looking i have found a green bubble on 1 of my rock what do i do is it the bad thiong i have been reading about? shall i take the rock out i need help

and im going out 2day to watch liverpool v psv so i cant really do anything today what would u lot do?
Valonia, aka bubble algae. Can be a pest algae if conditions are right for its growth. Here's what I'd do.

Prepare two buckets of mixed saltwater at least 70f and big enough to fit the rock in question in.
Take rock out and remove the bubble. Try to not pop it, but it may be inevitable.
Throw away the bubble and if you break it, blot the remains up with a paper towel.
Dip rock in bucket 1 and shake it around a little
Dip rock in bucket 2 and shake it around a little
Place back in tank
we havent got any ro water spare could i use tap water or purifed water? or .... shall i wait until i go back to the lfs to pick some ro up ?

also what is the perfect ph because i cant seem to come acroos that any where
we havent got any ro water spare could i use tap water or purifed water? or .... shall i wait until i go back to the lfs to pick some ro up ?

also what is the perfect ph because i cant seem to come acroos that any where

Try to use RO as much as possible, I would wait, if it will only be a few day

Perfect ph - hmmm whats that - there is not really a perfect ph what you want is a ph within a certain parameter and for it to stay stabile

8.2 is what most reefers try for but as long as it is stable between 8 & 8.3 I would not be overly concerned

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