My 7 Day Vegetarian Journey- With Pics!

I really don't get that either.

Mushroom burgers and things, fine, they're not pretending they're anything else. But the whole 'sausage' thing - I don't get it.

Partly because most of the non-meat protein sources are shaped like their alternate products... Most aren't overly like real meat, I know the quorn chicken substitutes only taste a bit like chicken because both don't have much flavour on their own anyway... The texture of qorn if completely different, I mean, does the TVP in, say, pot noodles actually taste or feel like chicken?
my avatar is of PEOPLES heads! probably meat eaters.....

and they're in water....probably fish starting the animal revolution

Just because veggies dont eat meat doesnt mean they dont like the taste of it. By eating things that act like meat/taste like it, they get the almost same taste but without sacrificing an animal for it.

i was raised very unvegan, so i still enjoy the smell of meat. and occasionally have the odd bit of "fake meat". i think it just shows how bloody ace we are by previously enjoying the taste of such things but now we're forgoing them as they are wrong
Good luck with the challenge! I myself have been a vegetarian for 10 years now and never looked back.
I just dont understand the whole vegatarian thing.

We are animals just like everything else on the planet. We eat to survive, if it wasn't for our ancestors eating meat, humans probably wouldn't be alive today. It would be some other animal at the top of the food chain.

Humans have evolved to be at the top of the food chain. Animals kill other animals to eat and stay alive. We're no different.

If you want to be a veggie fine, its your choice. But do you honestly think that 93 animals won't be killed because of your decision?? The same amount of animals will be killed, all it means is that the meat will stay on the shelf for a few minutes longer, until someone like me comes along and thinks... oh that looks tasty!!

Its a bit like the environmentalists that refuse to ride in cars and buses etc because of polution. So they really think that they're actions will make the slightest bit of difference?? Of course they wont. All it does is make a statement, nothing else.

Rant over.

*shrug* but cutting down on your driving/busing/general motoring does make a tiny difference. and it helps keep alive the question of "just how much do we need to drive anyways?" and it presents other people with an example and a challenge to find other small ways to make a difference in the environment. it also saves some pocket change. ;)

while you can argue back and forth on whether we as people evolved to eat meat, you can't argue against the fact that most members of the Western 1st world eat more meat than we need. we also eat too much saturated fat and too much bad chloesterol. where do saturated fat and chloesterol come from? animal products. what's the easiest way to reduce your intake? eat fewer animal products! you don't have to stop completely, but it doesn't hurt to cut back and eat more vegetables.

you can easily get your daily protein requirement by eating essentially any combination of beans, grains, nuts, broccoli, corn, potatoes, squash, figs, melon... but you have only minimal amounts of fat and no chloesterol. heck, eating beans, whole grains and anything else with soluble fiber will even reduce your chloesterol! the vast majority of vegetables also contain valuable anti-oxidents which help fight against cancer. so there you go. reduce meat eating and increase fresh vegetable eating and you've just combated obesity, heart-disease, and cancer. voila!
in short

it actually does something about it instead of being completetly apathetic, paul. even if it's a mental thing for us that do something about it, which i don't think it is...but that's a different conversation.

viva la revolution
Its supply and demand. When we don't demand, they won't supply. So you'll find that those animals are saved. You can look it up.
I just dont understand the whole vegatarian thing.

We are animals just like everything else on the planet. We eat to survive, if it wasn't for our ancestors eating meat, humans probably wouldn't be alive today. It would be some other animal at the top of the food chain.

Humans have evolved to be at the top of the food chain. Animals kill other animals to eat and stay alive. We're no different.

If you want to be a veggie fine, its your choice. But do you honestly think that 93 animals won't be killed because of your decision?? The same amount of animals will be killed, all it means is that the meat will stay on the shelf for a few minutes longer, until someone like me comes along and thinks... oh that looks tasty!!

Its a bit like the environmentalists that refuse to ride in cars and buses etc because of polution. So they really think that they're actions will make the slightest bit of difference?? Of course they wont. All it does is make a statement, nothing else.

Rant over.


I have been veggie for 16 years! Up until the day I became vegetarian I used to enjoy a nice bit of Medium Rare Fillet steak once a week. It was my treat. One day, all I saw was a slab of dead cow, and have not eaten meat since. I do NOT shove my opinions down the throats of others, I cook meat, and my husband and children are NOT vegetarian. We are NOT all trying to "make a statement". I do not like the inhumane way that a lot of animals are slaughtered, and for that reason, and that reason alone "I" choose not to eat it.

MY rant over :nod:

p.s. Not all animals are carnivores/omnivores.

I just dont understand the whole vegatarian thing.

We are animals just like everything else on the planet. We eat to survive, if it wasn't for our ancestors eating meat, humans probably wouldn't be alive today. It would be some other animal at the top of the food chain.

Humans have evolved to be at the top of the food chain. Animals kill other animals to eat and stay alive. We're no different.

If you want to be a veggie fine, its your choice. But do you honestly think that 93 animals won't be killed because of your decision?? The same amount of animals will be killed, all it means is that the meat will stay on the shelf for a few minutes longer, until someone like me comes along and thinks... oh that looks tasty!!

Its a bit like the environmentalists that refuse to ride in cars and buses etc because of polution. So they really think that they're actions will make the slightest bit of difference?? Of course they wont. All it does is make a statement, nothing else.

Rant over.


Thank you paul!
If less animals are killed for food, more plants will be. The poor things, ripped up by the roots, chopped up while they're still alive. It's horrific. :crazy:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D
I have not been eating meat since sunday. Lol, I know it hasn't been that long but it has been very easy so far. I don't really feel like I'm missing out on anything and I feel pretty proud of myself for being able to do it. I have only planned on doing it for a week but if it goes well and I don't mind not eating meat I just might become a vegetarian.

For me I guess it would just set me free of haveing the guilt that an animal died just so I could fill my belly.
I have nothing against vegetarians and vegans. Everyone makes thier own choises. But the thing that I have always found funny about it is that you need to take special vitamins and minerals that you would normally get in meat to stay healthy. I have a vegetarian friend, not for morall reasons, she just doesnt like meat. She doesnt believe that she needs to take anything - no iron or anything. She is always sick. her doc keeps telling her to take stuff, but she wont.

I think as long as you are carefull about it, and make sure you give your body what it needs, thats cool.

How did the week go?
Don't mean to interupt the discussion but I have never seen corn on pizza before :look: ... can't say it looks too yummy.

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