My 7 Day Vegetarian Journey- With Pics!


I just could never ever be a veggie! I love game too much. Venicon, Iron age pork, phesant...errrm, Duck, wood pigeon, you name it, I'll eat it. As long as it's been hung for a few weeks! :p

At breakfast i had CocoPops™
Heres the packet.

Here is them in the bowl.

At Lunch i had an Egg Sandwhich and some beef an oinion crisps(The beef is only flavouring)


At dinner i had a veggie pizza only took one pic as i was in a hurry. :p

My mum has bought me about 15 different Quorn items, I hope their nice!
Day2- Was frustrating having to turn down KFC, full english breakfast- But for some reason i wasn't too bothered, i think going vegitarian for a week has started to make me think more about food, what i can have, what i can't have, and infact how much better i feel at the end of it
Splink!. Hmm im being random because i'm bored. Dad wouldnt take me to lfs whheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
Ahhh don't eat KFC at all. Its horrible about what they do to their chickens. The workers at the slaughterhouses find it fun and necessary to grab chickens by both legs and rip them apart, stomp on them, have throwing contests with them, all while the chicken is still concious. For all animal lovers on here, show your love by banning KFC. If you ever took the skin of the chicken or looked at the chicken in their pot pies ull see it has purple marks. These are bruises from being abused.
CS! Haven't seen you around in a while...!

Sorry...I'm hi-jacking the thread here...

Lexie - I've heard about what they do at KFC and can safely say I don't and won't eat it.

My views are from someone who loves animals, in every way shape and form! However, cows were made to roam the fields, and I'm sure you'll agree with me. If we didn't eat them, there's a possibility they'd be endangered, and I personally wouldn't want to pay to see a cow in a zoo...I'd much rather see it in a field...

I'm definately against battery farming, though.
for all your horror video needs....

animation well done! and well done to your mum for getting behind you and your "choice". considering it's been 2 days and you're already thinking about what you eat it's a good thing.

kfc are just scum.

along with harrods. them and joseph are the only two outlets you can buy fur from in the uk. fur and leather are not bi-products of meat before anyone suggests it! we certainly don't eat mink or ocelots!
CS! Haven't seen you around in a while...!

1.Sorry...I'm hi-jacking the thread here...

2.Lexie - I've heard about what they do at KFC and can safely say I don't and won't eat it.

3.My views are from someone who loves animals, in every way shape and form! However, cows were made to roam the fields, and I'm sure you'll agree with me. If we didn't eat them, there's a possibility they'd be endangered, and I personally wouldn't want to pay to see a cow in a zoo...I'd much rather see it in a field...

4.I'm definately against battery farming, though.

1. this was generally to encourage thoughts and views so kudos to you
2. kfc are evil.... see for more info
3. cows would be endangered? by not being eaten by humans? surely the fact most predators in the us and uk are smaller than cows would give the moo's an advantage. what other animals would be predators for cows if we weren't their only predator? given that we've taken them to the very spectrums of their abilities to survive in terrain they weren't originally in; which links nicely to the fields bit; surely cows should be on fields than in on someone plate? or in a big mac (well their hair would be anyway). cows in zoo's : see rare breeds farms
4. woop!
You're doing well Animation! Keep it up.

I'm not veggie, but am quite fussy about the meat I eat. I only eat organic, free range chicken and pork for example, but don't eat beef at all anymore (for any of you in the UK that watched the tape worm documentary a couple of years ago, you'll know why!).

I'll also pretty much try anything once (ostrich and crocodile have both been on my plate) but draw the line at eating things I know are endangered, therefore won't eat shark or whale meat.

As someone said earlier - we're omnivores. As long as we ensure that our food animals are treated humanely and with respect, then I don't mind eating them.

Plus some things just tast tooo good - roast lamb, bacon... :drool:
I was a vegetarian for 5 months and then I cracked. I decided now just to limit my meat intake. I was very weak and constantly sick so Im eating meat-very little but still. I guess this is a suggestion I can give to everyone who can't go veg. Just lower your meat intake, safe a few innocent animals.
Ahhh don't eat KFC at all. Its horrible about what they do to their chickens. The workers at the slaughterhouses find it fun and necessary to grab chickens by both legs and rip them apart, stomp on them, have throwing contests with them, all while the chicken is still concious. For all animal lovers on here, show your love by banning KFC. If you ever took the skin of the chicken or looked at the chicken in their pot pies ull see it has purple marks. These are bruises from being abused.

I'm eating KFC chicken right now, apart from being really greasy, i took the skin off and it looks fine. its delicious, but the way they cook it is bad for u haha. i ahve KFC atleast 2 times a week because im always on the road. ill keep checkin for bruises


if your a vegan or whatever, take ur vitamins! because not having that meat has to take a toll on ur body
its not the "no meat" part of being a veg-head that gets you; its when you simply drop meat components without replacing them with other protein sources. you also need to make certain that you're eating plenty of fresh/frozen veggies and carbs that aren't just drenched in fat. meat protein is only really different from beans, nuts and rice in that meat contains complete protein, saturated fats, cholesterol and taurine. and complete proteins are synthesized by the body from incomplete proteins anyways.

although i've always been a big fan of teriyaki steaks, i recently went pesco-vegetarian with a "2 meats a week" limit as a way of controlling my weight. i have to say that i've never felt healthier, more alert, and less prone to violent blood-sugar swings. i'm also beginning to feel full after smaller portion sizes and i'm snacking less because i'm eating more complete meals. limiting my meat intake really works for me because it forces me to pay better attention to what i eat and why i eat it. it also encourages me to make better choices about non-meaty but unhealthy foods.

by deciding that i'm not going to eat a hamburger for lunch, i also don't feel as compelled to get frenchfries or a milkshake to go with it. by planning my dinner around a non-meat protein source, i can also take vitamin content into consideration. i've always been a bit neurotic about handling raw meat; since most cookbooks emphasize meat as a main component of an entree, that's always discouraged me from cooking for myself and encouraged me to eat out a lot. but now that i own vegetarian cookbooks, i have a good selection of healthy recipes that i feel comfortable preparing and can prepare fairly quickly. all of this enables me to closely control the amount of saturated fats, chloesterol, sodium and empty calories that i ingest.

just dropping meat from your diet isn't healthy. you have to replace it with healthier alternatives. this is why its so hard to go vegetarian without the support of the people sharing your meals. living off the "potatoes" portion of a "meat and potatoes" diet isn't that much better for you than just living off the "meat" section. yes, you still benefit the animals who would have otherwise died for your meals, but ultimately our diets need to keep us healthy. for most of us, that means low-fat, low-sodium, high-fiber: all readily supplied by a vegetable-rich diet.
I didnt say all meat was bruised. Either way-all chickens throats are slit or they are boiled alive. Sounds fun right? Either way you're eating abused/tortured chicken.

Oh and I did have alternatives for the meat. I had soy protein-everything. And I still ate fish. I think the mere fact of my family harrassing me about it stressed me out and made me sick
Anyone else find it funny...that the vegan's avatar is a picture of bloody heads :lol:.

And how do they boil chicken to kill it..when you get it and it's Raw? How should they kill something then? They can't drug it to kill it..then we'd get the after effects of the drugs. The slicing of the throat (actually they completely remove the head..not slice it's throat...that way the nerves are completely severed) is a quick and painless death. The most humane way.

God made us killers...we were intended to eat meat...animals are pretty, but they were not put here just to look at. Should a lion feel bad for eating a gazelle? No? Then why should I?

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