My 48g Fowlr Journey. 13 Months On...

Lol, yeah you're off to a good start fiona. To respond to what you said a little earlier. Dosing "pH buffer" is never a good idea. pH buffer is just bicarbonate labeled as pH buffer. If you only dose this to your tank, for a while things will be just fine. Your alkalinity will rise and so will your pH. Eventually however, you'll get to a supersaturation point, precipitate calcium carbonate out of solution and crash right back down. I've seen TONS of new saltwater aquarists fall into this dosing/crashing path. This is why I reccomended using Randy Holmes-Farley's 3-part additive system. It simultaneously brings up calc, alk, and mg and prevents bad crashes. I dose half of what Randy reccomends and my calc stays at 450ppm, alk at 12dKH and mg at 1400-1500ppm. The additives cost me a whopping $40 and at my current rate of use will last me for the next decade. Prety cheap if you ask me :hey:
So! Update! We have bought a pair of black perculas! A bit different to the plan, but these two were too adorable to leave in the LFS. They are currently bombing up and down the tank, which must seem huge to them because they're tiny! Probably 1 1/2" and 2" and we've named them Jack and Jill. Stuart at the LFS said he's had them in 3 weeks and they paired up straight away. So cute. He has had alot of people want them but he was asking £25 each and wouldn't seperate them so... we got them both!

PH is a definite 8.0 maybe even 8.1, so all is looking good :good:

Pics tomorrow!
Good for you! :good: :good:

I love the black and white clowns but they are varey expensive $100 for a pair .I also like the ones with the big white paches i dont know if you have seen them Lynden i think has them in his avetar my lfs is seling a pair for $600 :crazy: :crazy:
Good for you! :good: :good:

I love the black and white clowns but they are varey expensive $100 for a pair .I also like the ones with the big white paches i dont know if you have seen them Lynden i think has them in his avetar my lfs is seling a pair for $600 :crazy: :crazy:

Snowflake clowns I believe :drool: , our LFS has a couple in their display tank, gorgeous fish! I think with the pound-dollar exchange rate being at an all-time high, usually it wouldn't equate to $100. Normally maybe $75 or so... but yeah, not cheap. The true perculas were only £30 a pair, but were wild caught, so not for us. :D

These two are real characters, and already eating well. *fingers crossed they stay like that* :good:
i Meant to say a $100 at my not so local lfs at the one closest to my they are $200 a pair .The reson for that is they have 400 wat metal halides over every tank even there FO ,they like the shimmer.

Once again good luck with the clowns and remember to feed them a balenced and vared diet.

1.00 USD United States Dollars = 0.511763 GBP United Kingdom Pounds

1 USD = 0.511763 GBP 1 GBP = 1.95403 USD
i Meant to say a $100 at my not so local lfs at the one closest to my they are $200 a pair .The reson for that is they have 400 wat metal halides over every tank even there FO ,they like the shimmer.

Once again good luck with the clowns and remember to feed them a balenced and vared diet.

1.00 USD United States Dollars = 0.511763 GBP United Kingdom Pounds

1 USD = 0.511763 GBP 1 GBP = 1.95403 USD

Oh, I see, I thought you were converting the £50 into dollars :)

Yeah, got pellets, frozen brine shrimp and dried bloodworm so far... going to buy some other bits and pieces tomorrow. :nod:
I dont know what they sell in The uk but if they have it at your lfs i have read good things about foumula 2 flake and pellets.The flakes even come with 2% garlic in them now so that is good

Almost anything based on spirulina is good
Clowns will eat anything you add to the tank

But mine do like some Nori (I used to feed my Tangs this when i had the Larger tank & all my livestock ending up loving the stuff)

But dont buy it from your LFS as it is hugely expensive, try either Asda or Tesco or a Chinease food type place (not a takeaway joint :lol: ) & ask for Sushi Wrap, it is exactly the same thing & a fraction of the cost & double the qty

Also Bloodworms are really a nutritious food for Marine fish, you would be better of feeding Mysis, Marine Cusine, Marine Dream etc.
Just a quick update! The clowns are doing lovely, hosting on the powerhead and being all loved up. :wub: LOL

a quicky piccy:


I need to take some full tank shots, and my camera is on its last legs. *ugh* :sad:

So, I'm feeding pellets, algae flakes, brine shrimp and crab pellets for the clean up crew - but the clowns get a hold of them and swim around the tank holding them in their mouth - too funny. They're eating very well and are begging for food 24/7, all good stuff. The water is testing at PH 8.1 and all other stats are 0.

Planning on another fish in about a week I think. :good:

The clean up crew are doing good, the largest peppermint shrimp molted and then tried to eat it?! :S and there has been bad stuff with the hermits... one I found dead... no shell, just kind of a bunch of red legs and some flesh :/ and there is a hermit who very much resembles a cerith snail, having stolen its shell :-(

So, pretty good so far :)

Jack and Jill

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