My 2 Foot Rebuild

Wow, that's amazing Nick! My loaches are nowhere near that committed. :)
I have the hikari carnivore pellets too. Hikari brand products are fast becoming my favorite foods. The fish seem to respond much better to them than the other brands like tetra or sera.
I pruned a little again.


I just saw 2 baby Kuhli's in the tank they are about an inch long the camera is next to the tank so next time i can take photos. I now have no idea how  many Kuhli's I have.
I just spotted this little guy in my tank, its from my Bn's second spawning on 08 September 2015
I put 2 in the tank this 1 and an Albino, I wonder if the Albino is still alive also.
Love the tank and choice of inhabitants! Wishing to create one that looks similar to this over time, for now just letting the plants grow a bit but hopefully it'll end up looking something as beautiful as yours!
Love the tank and choice of inhabitants! Wishing to create one that looks similar to this over time,
Thanks, I went for the wild jungle type look, I just stuck the plants anywhere there was a gap in the substrate.
New plant $57. Photo of it in the tank to come, once the water clears up I bit i also pruned.
NickAu said:
Also everybody tells me Kuhli's are great escape artists, mine are too fat and lazy to leave the bottom of the tank where like the rest of my fish they are over fed on brine shrimp, blood worm, blackworm, New Life Spectrum thera + Atisons Betta pro and  Hikari pellets. And the Betta can eat any shrimp she catches.
The main thing with Kuhlis is if you lift anything out of the tank put it into a bucket of water, as more than likely they will be a Kuhli inside it!

NickAu said:
I just saw 2 baby Kuhli's in the tank they are about an inch long the camera is next to the tank so next time i can take photos. I now have no idea how  many Kuhli's I have.
Awesome, well done.

Love the tank and your photos, what camera do you use?

Plants are expensive in your neck of the woods!

Have you looked at Peacock Gudgeons to go with your Betta? Rasboras are like Piranahs when feeding, hence the Betta struggles, but the Gudgeons tend to be more accommodating, plus they will breed for you too.
Love the tank and your photos, what camera do you use?
Thanks I use an old Nikon coolpix 120 I got on ebay.
Plants are expensive in your neck of the woods!
Everything is expensive where I live and that is a big plant., New Life Spectrum Pellets 60 gramme ( 2.1 ounces ) $22.90.
Might look into Peacock Gudgeons
Here's a short clip of the tank, That is the actual light level in the tank.
Now before anybody says I just over fed remember I have 9 or 10 Kuhli loaches More shrimp that I can count 2 big Mystery snails and a baby BN.
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Great tank, I especially like the lush plants.
One note on your BN plecs though.
I  just read an article that says that adult bristlenoses will frequently hunt baby and juvinile cherry shrimp, and even take adults occasionally.
Although with all these plants, I wouldn't be surprised if the shrimps could breed fast enough to keep with them.
Great tank, I especially like the lush plants.
Thanks, Im going for the overgrown jungle look.
One note on your BN plecs though.
I  just read an article that says that adult bristlenoses will frequently hunt baby and juvinile cherry shrimp, and even take adults occasionally.
Although with all these plants, I wouldn't be surprised if the shrimps could breed fast enough to keep with them.
That's OK,  They are just feeder shrimp anyway, I put them in there to give my Betta something to hunt, She's not doing a very good job, A few weeks ago I counted 70, Since then I netted a bunch and put them in a tank with 2 firemouth cichlids.
I have a breeding pair of BN and the fry in the tank is from them, When he gets bigger I will sell him to LFS along with his brothers and sisters and keep a new hatched 1, I might keep an albino next time.
New addition 6 Albino corys, They were a Christmas gift.

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