My 2 Foot Rebuild

Looking good 
It is a very fat Kuhli Loach
This is after I took out over 30 shrimp and put them in the big tank. I hope Tetras and Clown Loaches love live shrimp/



RCS in this tank are only there for my Betta to hunt.
Thank RCA, They must like the water conditions.
Because I wanted 2 Bettas I was planning to pull my 2 footer down, So I set my 20 l Aquael cube up and put a male Betta in there, and went out and got a new 30l Aquael for the PK female, I raided a number of plants from the 2 footer and the 6 foot tank to set up the cubes, Now I have a BIG problem, I was intending to pull the 2 footer down like I said till I saw this.
This is now my Shrimp and Kuhli Loach tank,
Ok it needs a little straighting  up but I just dont have the heart to do do it the shrimp love it.
Photos of my 20 l Aquael cube can be found here My New Shrimp Cube.
I will start a new thread for the new 30l Aquael cube with photos soon.
Fish keeping.
Its not bad enough I have to make sure I don't suck my Betta up into the siphon hose, Now I have shrimp that think fingers are food.
Adds a whole new meaning to finger food.
Lets play spot the Betta
I can see something moving on the right hand side ... could this be the elusive betta?
Really wonderful rebuilding of your tank. All photos are awesome. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work with us.
Who says Bettas can't stand a bit of current? That tank has a 2 tray canister filter on it turning over 300 liters per hour ( I actually timed it ), But with some  drilling of extra holes in the spray bar its a sluggish current, You can see the plants are just moving yet the Betta can easily hover in one spot like they do.
The only trouble with that set up I hardly ever see my fish, Other than food time, Hes always paroling his tank harassing the BN or hunting shrimp, Thats when hes not Flaring at me , Dark tank, Lots of plants, lots of Indian Almond Leaf and a dark fish, But hes happy.

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