My 10gal Nano Diary

Oh did come on the live rock. Im not sure if it is Red Finger Gorgonian but it looks something like it right now......its still real small right now. I do put some phytoplacton in the tank every few days to feed the baby feather duster......I dont spot feed so Im sure whatever this is it gets some food. Thanks though

I really hope I didnt screw up my tank with the new fish. This morning they were moving about and pretty active which is good but I tested the ammonia and its between .25 and .5 so when I get home Im gonna have to do a partial. Ive been told that gobbies dont like haveing others of thier species around but strangely the two firefish have been swimming together and the only aggression shown in the tank was with the cleaner has tried several times to catch one of the firefish. I gave it some bloodworms cuz I thought it was hungry and it ate about 5 or so in a matter of minutes.
sadly the clown gobby was dead yesterday morning...... :-(

tested my water today:
Temp: 80F
SG: 1.025
PH: 8.2
Alk: "normal"
Ammonia: .25
Nitrite: .05
Nitrate: 5.0

the firefish, my cleaning crew, cleaner shrimp and the baby feather duster are all doing well and dont seem to be affected by the ammonia or the nitrites at all. I hope it continues to go well and the ammonia and nitrites go back down to zero.
Everything has been going well. Today I took one of the firefish to a lfs and picked up a true percula clown and a green clown gobby :D . All my fish look so cool! :hyper: :D :p Ill test my water tomorrow and post stats. In a week or so Im gonna get 1 nassarious and 1 astrea snail and maybe 1 more hermit. Maybe a hawain feather duster too.........

now to get money for a digi cam :*) .........................

oh and when I get my pay check friday im gonna get some chemi pure and seagel for my filter along with a skimmer and a lunar light and various things i need such as salt and stuff for my FW tanks.

Total stock to date: 1 red firefish
1 true percula clown
1 green clown gobby
1 baby feather duster
2 nassarious snails
2 astraea snails
3 hermits
1 cleaner shrimp
1 unknow snail(came in as a passenger on my LR)
Digital cameras should be considered 'standard equipment' on a reef setup. :) SH
That's the fish stock I've got too, but with the purple firefish. Just watch that firefish, they're notorious jumpers when spooked.
agreed SH!

luckily my lid covers most of the tank and the parts that are open for filters and whatever is coverd with a towl and a giant clownfish stuffed animal. i was going to get a yellow clown gobby but they were sold out and i didnt want to wait. i wanted this firefish but look at the price tag.......OUCH! i dont like the purple firefish too much so i didnt get it.
Ive finished off my cleaning crew and I also got a Prizm delux protien skimmer along with adding some chemi pure to my filter. since I added the skimmer and the chemi pure my water is even clearer than usual....if thats even possible. now all thats left is to continue with my water changes, upgrade my lighting, get some corals, and some feather dusters. Ill test my water tonite or tomorrow morning and post them here as soon as I do. Everything has been going well and all inhabbitants are happy.

oh and get a digi cam :*) .................
Everything still going real well. I just added a really big hawaiian feather duster and a small zoanthid frag that looks similar to this:

I placed it at the highest point possible in my tank to make sure it gets enough light. Every polyp was open with half an hour of placement in the tank :D . theres about 20 or so polyps too and it cost only 10 dollars :D
Everything is going well, except that my firefish jumped out and died....RIP poor guy. later on the day it happened I decided to replace him with a hi fin red banned gobby.
well i havent updated this in a while. anyway i had gotten a neon goby a little bit ago and sadly it brought ich into my tank. luckily a lfs near me suggested i try something called no ich. its a reef safe non copper treatment for ich. its been working and there is almost no ich left. best of all non of the inhabitants appear to be stressed. unfortunetly the hi fin red banded goby disapeared. no sign of it in or out side of the tank. i even too out all the LR for a few min to find him..........hes definetly not in the tank anymore :-( RIP poor guy. i may replace him.........not sure though. if i do it wont be for a while.
man i feel stupid. i had gotten a neon gobby a while back and since then my tank has been going down hill. the fish get ich, the hi fin red banded gobby goes missing, the cleaner shirmp dies, the feather duster does something wierd. i get a another ten gal to treat my fish in and it cracks after i had it set up and the fish transferd to it. im so &%#$ing fustrated right now............

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