Last night I took a water sample to one of my lfs that I trust a lot and the owner always carries very healthy animals. Anyway he said my water is perfectly fine so I picked up 1 cleaner shrimp which cost me $ was one of the largest ones he had at the time along with 3 hermits, 2 astraea snails and 2 nassarius snails. I also picked up some empty shells for the hermits, a bit of macroalgea to put in my filter and some plankton for my feather dusters. Every one in the tank is doing well, the feather duster, the polyp(which described to the owner of lfs I went to yesterday said its probly a zoo), and the coral that looks like a red spikey thing which I belive to be
this or atleast something similar. The "mystery" snail Im not sure about, I havent seen it in a few days but it was alive last time I saw it.....there are lots of place where it can hide. Oh and there is also a brittle/bristle worm that came in with the macroalgea I picked up.
The owner of the lfs told me that in about 2 weeks or so if my water tests out fine again then it should be safe to add a baby clown fish. I will also get 1 more each of the astraea and nassarius snails when I do.
One quick question: can anyone explain what exactly happens to soft corals if they arent recieving enough light.....this is because the owner of the lfs I went to had some small polyp frags for $5-$15 and I nearly got one.......I had to stay away from that part of the store to keep myself from getting one.
Oh and I wanted to add that he has a big tank(55 gal I belive) that had 2 small anomes(SP) along with a big clown and 5 or so baby ones and the big one kept chasing everything away from the anomes(SP). It was really funny to watch.