Muppet Points

Lunar Jetman said:
Talking of muppets, which pair of TFF regulars might these two be? :)
The apostrophe Police and his li'l helper for sure!
TallTree01 said:
I want a muppet point!
I can be stupid sometimes:
I painted my shoes red when I was 6 ( true story )
Only sometimes? ;)
Name me 3 other instances. :)
I need proof that I do not only sometimes be stupid.
TallTree01 said:
Name me 3 other instances.

I need proof that I do not only sometimes be stupid.
1) Yesterday
2) The day before yesterday
3) The day before the day before yesterday.
Firstly we seem to have gone totally off subject here, but it is an interesting debate, maybe a mod can create a New Topic for it and move all the Muppet stuff to it - Eagles?
eaglesaquarium said:
I propose a "Muppet" emoticon... perhaps "Kermit", although that would probably be copyrighted.... 
It could replace this one:
  And it would show up as :muppet:.
If you think that two should be distributed, then :muppet: :muppet:  or even the classic: :muppet: x2.
Sounds good to have a Muppet Point Counter ;)
Mamashack said:
Thought that might have earned me a Muppet point or 3! lol
Clarification needed on "earning" Muppet Points...
...they are not for deliberate actions of stupidity or otherwise, they are to soften the blow when someone is inadvertently a little bit "silly", then you can safely say "you Muppet".  
In the case of TT, the issue we have is that it is very rare that he is inadvertently a little bit silly, as in his case it appears it is a natural trait 

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