Muppet Points


Fish Herder
Feb 4, 2013
Reaction score
eaglesaquarium said:
A question for you tcamos: why does the search on "my Content" restrict the findings (Search limited from 03-May 03)?  If it could be expanded it would assist in finding all content a member had posted?
Can I ask why you need to search something prior to 10 years ago?
 Ha, good point detective, I did not even notice the year, that is not like me!  Just do not like being "limited" ;) 
"I am a Muppett and score 2 Muppett points" 
Muppett points?  Must be a UK thing!  :lol:
It depends on what they are exactly. 
I assume like warning points, only based on how stooooopid you are, rather than how nasty you are.
eaglesaquarium said:
Muppett points?  Must be a UK thing! 
It is an RCA thing, my own invention

Lunar Jetman said:
Muppett points?  Must be a UK thing! 
Maybe we can get these added to user profiles along with post counts...
Yes that would be 

eaglesaquarium said:
It depends on what they are exactly. 
See below ...
the_lock_man said:
I assume like warning points, only based on how stooooopid you are, rather than how nasty you are.
Spot on TLM, you are credited with -2 MUPPET POINTS
Basically, as a manager with my team I used to award Muppet points when they made a mistake, it became a bit of a joke and they ended up with a Muppet Leader Board, and they would state who was at the top.  It was a great way to lighten the load when they made an error without beating up on them.  If they did anything really daft they would be awarded 10 Muppet Points and it soon got around the team as they all wanted to know what a Muppet they had been!  You can be credited points too for doing something extra special, it was actually good for team moral believe it or not, and helped to lighten the load 

NB: it was never an exact science i.e. I did not keep a tab

@tcamos - 
 will check it out again sometime soon
How come I get 2 Muppet Points, when I wasn't that stoooopid? You should give them to Eagles. He deserves them more than me.
I want a muppet point!
I can be stupid sometimes:
I painted my shoes red when I was 6 ( true story )
the_lock_man said:
How come I get 2 Muppet Points, when I wasn't that stoooopid. You should give them to Eagles. He deserves them more than me.
the_lock_man, on 02 May 2013 - 12:56, said:
the_lock_man said:
I assume like warning points, only based on how stooooopid you are, rather than how nasty you are.
Spot on TLM, you are credited with -2 MUPPET POINTS
the_lock_man said:
How come I get 2 Muppet Points, when I wasn't that stoooopid. You should give them to Eagles. He deserves them more than me.
You did not get 2 Muppet Points, read the above again.  You were praised and therefore earned (were credited) -2 (minus 2) Muppet Points, so you can use them against your tally when you are a Muppet, like now for not reading properly, you are deducted 1 point ;) 

So you are in credit by 1 point now - get it? :)
TallTree01 said:
I want a muppet point!
I can be stupid sometimes:
I painted my shoes red when I was 6 ( true story )
Only interested in the present moment TT and I know you can be stupid most of the time, but you could not even tell me what Muppet you would be, you chose something from another show.  At least when you are a Muppet you will know about it from one of us 
I propose a "Muppet" emoticon... perhaps "Kermit", although that would probably be copyrighted.... 
It could replace this one: :blush:  And it would show up as :muppet:.
If you think that two should be distributed, then :muppet: :muppet:  or even the classic: :muppet: x2.
I don't have that kind of authority.  :p  
Thought that might have earned me a Muppet point or 3! lol
Talking of muppets, which pair of TFF regulars might these two be? :)

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