
Rubbing it in?

I'm just concerned that this person is going to make sure he doesnt forget how remorseful he should feel right now.

Killing your pet by (a rather stupid) accident isnt the sort of thing I'm going to pat him on the back and tell him he has my sympathy for.

I am genuinely sorry for anyone who thinks my contribution to this topic is out of order. But as an animal lover it enrages me to see topics like this over and over where it was entirely preventable and an animal had to suffer and die before someone would use their common sense. It is not ok and the people who show up and gloss over it are just as bad as me but in a different way ;)
im am very sorry for wut happened. i have never owned a mudskipper before and just held it for 30 seconds................the amazonia people did seem like they had a lot of knowledge about them, they told me i could, but i guess they were dumb.......... :sad:
Rubbing it in?

I'm just concerned that this person is going to make sure he doesnt forget how remorseful he should feel right now.

Killing your pet by (a rather stupid) accident isnt the sort of thing I'm going to pat him on the back and tell him he has my sympathy for.

I am genuinely sorry for anyone who thinks my contribution to this topic is out of order. But as an animal lover it enrages me to see topics like this over and over where it was entirely preventable and an animal had to suffer and die before someone would use their common sense. It is not ok and the people who show up and gloss over it are just as bad as me but in a different way ;)

I thinks maybe you should keep your opinions to your self, it was an accident and the guy is sorry
well its not a guy, its a child, did you never make mistakes when you were a kid, cause I know I made loads, like feeding t-bags to my goldfish, thinking a walk for a gold fish was a swim in the toilet. you go get yourself another mudskipper bud, but just be a little more carefull next time m8, I would rip someones head off if they spoke to my son like that. not suprised that kids dont have hobbies when folk just dont want to help them. :X :/
yeah i think we need to strike a balance here. Fair enough he's done wrong, he can see why, he's seen the consequences and he's obviously sorry. Yeah it's terrible that the mudskipper died and of course we shouldn't be congratulating him or anything. A word of caution and explaining why it shouldn't be done again is needed and would help him and any future pets he gets. But slating him out right is just gonna completely discourage him from ever trying anything again which is bang out of order. We all make mistakes, I've had fish die and it was my fault for not researching and looking after them properly, I didn't know any better at the time, I do feel bad about it but I know I'm a good fishkeeper now and do much better, there's nothing to say he can't be, maybe this will teach him a very valuable lesson.

Jaws, go google mudskipper, do a tonne of research, then go get yourself another and you enjoy him :D
get another one, but just dont try to hold it this time. :)

oh and by the way, its "perished" not "parished" :D
Well I'm sorry that you all think I'm a monster.

I'm sorry to you Jaws that you had to learn a nasty unfortunate lesson and sorry for your pet that it had to die.

There is a good reason why where I work we have a strict policy of no live animals for unaccompanied under 16's.
If you guys had a houseful of animals that you had rescued from irresponsible people who had damaged or just plain neglected their animals you might see my annoyance at topics like this.

Yes Jaws is sorry and no doubt he is feeling pretty crappy right now but from my (7 years of trade) experience it is important to reinforce what went wrong and that it is not just ok. When a parent and his/her 13 year old kid walk into my shop with a half dead leopard gecko/finless betta/snake that they stood on and casually say that it's unfortunate or it was just an accident. I DO speak to their children in that way actually. I DO make them see that this is never to be repeated and that animals are not toys to discover what works and what doesnt the hard way with.

Accidents happen but lots of them are wholly avoidable, people like Miss wiggle have done the correct thing by stating that perhaps lots of research before attempting to care for another mudskipper. Those people who simply reply saying "oh RIP poor fishy etc. go get another one mate it'll be fine" are helping to perpetuate irresponsible action.

Accident or not there is no one here who can tell me that this animal did not suffer unnecessarily because of silly actions. People should not seek to excuse these things or even compare it with the time they put fish down the toilet.

I have said my piece and again, I apologise to those who do not like hearing the truth or a bit of realism. I find it bizarre that on a forum full of people who get hopping mad if you use a fish to cycle your tank some people are equally casual about this.
Yea I wouldnt go so far as to say he shouldnt get one again. I'm only 13 and I'm breeding killies so Kids arent completely helpless when it comes to fish or any other pet for that manner. I dont have any help breeding besides this site and a book and most of the stuff you learn is from experience so this has been an educational experience. Now he knows that the only appropriate time to hold a fish is if it somehow jumps out of your tank onto the floor(happened to me this morning, female killies ok) So Just dont hold your mudskipper and I have to say very cool addition to a tank even though it needs like land right?
thx guys/gals. i have had 4 yrs of experience with fish but none with a mudskipper, i wuz goin to the store to get a newt which i knew alot about but they were out so i got a skipper. i did have knowledge of these but not enough. i held him very shortly and when i wuz a foot from its tank he jumped. i knew he would try but i wuz tryin to be careful. not careful enough. thanks qero ill spell it right next time :D so wuts done is done and i couldnt be more unhappy
Rubbing it in?

I'm just concerned that this person is going to make sure he doesnt forget how remorseful he should feel right now.

Killing your pet by (a rather stupid) accident isnt the sort of thing I'm going to pat him on the back and tell him he has my sympathy for.

I am genuinely sorry for anyone who thinks my contribution to this topic is out of order. But as an animal lover it enrages me to see topics like this over and over where it was entirely preventable and an animal had to suffer and die before someone would use their common sense. It is not ok and the people who show up and gloss over it are just as bad as me but in a different way ;)

I think you're a bit of an asshole... he loved his pet, he wanted to hold him, and we've all made mistakes.

I think your "no kids under 16 can buy my fish" rule is just plain bull####. I am 14 and know alot more about my fish than alot of people twice my age do. Age doesn't even matter, it's the person's ability to care for the pets she/he takes home, and I'd be willing to bet there are nearly as many adults who abuse animals as there are children. Saying that kids can't take care of animals is rude, ignorant, prejudice, and mean, and you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to make JawsA10 feel so bad about his accident.

I am an animal lover too. But there are accidents, and if someone is truly sorry for what he has done, then I don't think that person deserves to be attacked about his mistake, and frankly, anyone who thinks otherwise needs a kick in the ass.

Sorry to hear about the loss Jaws.

Lynden - Rules about animals that apply to your age are only because of a few young curious idiotic kids that have betrayed pet shop owner's trust, i.e. by seeing how long the hamster will last in the washing machine.

Most animal loving under 16's are aware of how to care for pets that shops may not allow them to buy, when I was younger I gained the pet shop owner's trust by talking to him about fish etc. Even though their 'rules' stated that I couldn't buy fish, he knew that the fish he sold me wouldn't later be found in a puddle [to see how long it would last].

he does have every right to be mad. i was very very stupid to hold a defensless animal like that, and i should be very ashamed of myself. thx man for getting my back anyway :)
Ok it happened and he's learnt by it so give the lad a break.
Never hold a fish in your hand they can soon jump.
im sure the kids in uk will love that! (sarcasm) geez im glad thats not in the us

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