Most Expensive Fish Ever

Surprised that no made comments re: the fish, Shaw's Trunkfish:

Shaw's Trunkfish is also called Shaw's Cowfish, or the Striped Cowfish, and is a member of the Ostraciidae family. Males and females of Aracana aurita are dimorphic, with the males having a blue to green hue that is absent in the female.

This is a very difficult fish to keep in the aquarium setting by any other than the most experienced aquarist. The Shaw's Cowfish should have a minimum of an 70-gallon tank. Use caution if placing it in a reef tank as it will often nibble at tubeworms. When stressed, the Cowfish releases a poisonous substance, called ostracitoxin, from its mucous glands which will kill other fish in the tank very quickly.

Very little success has been achieved in breeding this fish in an aquarium.

When introduced into a tank, the Shaw's Cowfish can be fed a diet of live brine shrimp or bloodworms. After acclimatization, chopped squid, clams, mussels, and herbivore preparations can be fed. This fish has the peculiar habit of coming to the surface and spitting when it is hungry.

You'll lose more than $399.00 if you put that fish in with your reef or stress it out with all your other fish. LOL.

Japaneese Dragon Eels sell for $1500 here.

There are some corals around $800 as well. The Conspicious Angels go for about $1800, and there is a large tang locally for $1700.
i know you are talking about marine fish here but at my local pet store they will order in a £250,000 (uk) pure platinum arowana they wouldnt dare have one in stock. U could buy a good house for that.
i know you are talking about marine fish here but at my local pet store they will order in a £250,000 (uk) pure platinum arowana they wouldnt dare have one in stock. U could buy a good house for that.
Not are, were.

This thread was last posted on in March 2006 before you resurrected it.
lol, its back from last year :lol: hrmm, that platinum arowana sounds really nice, but thats just way too much. i know they live for like 80 years or so, but still, thats 3.2k a year.
i know you are talking about marine fish here but at my local pet store they will order in a £250,000 (uk) pure platinum arowana they wouldnt dare have one in stock. U could buy a good house for that.

Uh... why in the world did you think you should bring back a 17 month old thread? :rolleyes: If you wanted to talk about it, perhaps you should have made a new post... sorry if I sound grumpy, but this is my biggest pet peeve.
he was saying it to the person who brought it bak so not you rhysiboy :p ,

if it was made into a new post then chances are the same fish will of been named again n again .... not like its hurting anyone being brought bak its interesting to look bak into the past ...
Well, it's back, so I guess I'll post before it goes down again. :p
There's a fish store in my area called 'just fish' and they have tons of saltwater fish but really high prices - $30 for a SMALL skunk cleaner. Anyway, they had a Moray eel in there, I think it was Gymnothorax fimbriatus and it was over 2 feet long and the price was $5,000.00!

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