Most Expensive Fish Ever

ya deffenitely for its size, larger fish cost more (ie the green moray at my store is 2m long and close to $800CAD).
Conspicous angel.. retails in the Uk between £1000 and £3000 depending on size :-(
the day I spend 2500 USD on a fish is the day that you will all have to read about the local police fishing my body out of the river because my Wife to be has had enough :)

scalloped hammerhead: $8000 USD + Shipping

keep in mind that shipping includes a marine biologist to monitor water conditions and a 12 foot pool on the bed of a truck. So, easily another $2000 in shipping.

That i've seen in my LFS, the $3500 2 foot black tip reef shark or the $5500 asian green arowana.
Many of these fish are not what i would consider standard home aquarium marine fish. I am a member of many marine boards and yet so far i know of no one who owns a hammerhead shark! :crazy: Im sure Florida marine world paid alot more for their resident killerwhales :p

I think normal home aquariums would be best to keep the subject matter on track etc.
I don't think anyone would even condsider buying a fish that expensive unless they were very experienced and had all the correct equipment and set up so it's unlikely to occur from human error.

Plus most people will insure their fish once they get expensive, I myself have insured my reef tank and its contents so, should the worst happen, althought I would be upset at the loss from a monetary point of view there wouldn't be an issue.
I knjow someone who bought a lovely Conspic angel. I think he got it cheap at around £1200,. Looked great i nthe tank for about 1 week (this is a huge 17000ltr tank) until it swam right into one of his huge anenomes. :crazy:

Now that was an expensive lunch!

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