More Faces! Such Cuties!

All of the pet shops around me have quit selling fish. Now I am forced to learn the ins and outs of mail order fish.
I didn't know that they don't usually spawn. All of mine (that I have the right sexes in) have/do spawn. I just figured that it was common with most of them. I did know that there were some that were hard though.

The fish in that auction is different than mine. Mine is more brown than white, and the white on mine looks gold/yellow. The fins on mine look sort of gold/yellow also.

Will groups be happy if I have all the same sex? I thought the females would get egg bound and depressed without a male in the group.
I am not really out to breed them, but I do want them to live and be happy. My female is huge, and has been for a long time. She has never layed any eggs though. I was afraid that she never would without a male. Do the eggs not build up and cause problems? She just keeps getting fatter and fatter.

On Byans site is where I got that you had to get a certain amount. He gives the price then in the quantity part most of them start at 5. I can see I still have a lot to learn about ordering fish. :rolleyes: I am learning though.
Thanks you all for helping me.

Sue... Any more pics yet?
How are things working out with the new camera?
The resolution on the camera is so great that my lap top I think would bog down even if I don't edit them. I use Corel to edit and it is a power hungry monster too. So between the power gobbling camera and the Corel Paint Shop Pro, my little IBM laptop would have a struggle. I have a larger Dell Inspirion Media Center lap (HA!) top that would handle it just fine, but it needs service, so I can only use my desk top, which also struggles a bit with all the power demands of those two, but it can do it--just. There are some shots on the desk top, but not edited. I have 45 lbs of Bryan's fish coming in tomorrow and lots of work to get ready for the move.

But I will work on up loading some this weekend. I have taken a week off, but lots to pack. The shots on here are the new camera. But after this weekend it will all be outdated pics, and after Nov 11th they will be really outdated. I can see the detail is finer on these shots. I had to contact American Express to get the camera shop to stop messing with me. One call from American Express, and the Macro Lens was in the mail.

I may have to look at getting a new computer to go with the camera! haha

I would not get one fish in the mail. Just too expensive. But Bryan I believe will ship smaller shipments. It's just the shipping cost are outrageous. You know Fosters and Smith has decent fish with a 15 day live guartantee.
I am considering ordering some from thatpetplace. They had a kerri tetra that is a very pretty blue. They had several cool fish the last time I looked. I just haven't found any one that has ordered fish from them to ask about quality of fish and packing. I love drsfostersmith for lots of things, but they don't usually have the fish I am after. I have also found that thatpetplace is usually a little cheaper. I have used them several times for supplies and such, but I have never gotten live goods from them.

Sue... IT IS FRIDAY! How long is it going to take to get back on line so you can tell us how it is going? I know you are going to be very busy for a while. I can't wait to hear about the move and the new fish room!
Some more faces:

Mama Pepper on her never ending search for food:




C. Virginiae/Sangamas (I believe it was)

Nice pics. Man those long fin C. Aeneus have long fins. I've seen some long fins before, but not that long. :hyper:

Love the pic of the eggs in the shape of a cross. Very cute. Gorgeous pics as always ladies.

Nice pics, jollysue, but it makes me sad when I see poor deformed fish like the C. aeneus you posted. :X
That lf looks like her fin is broken. Is it?
Nice pics :good:

My lf lady has fins as long as her now. It is really pretty when she swims. They are going to be hard to catch though. They are really fast!
I studied the ladies lf albinos tonight. While some of the fins are crooked, none seem to be broken as it looks in the photo. The fins can be bent, etc. in the rough and tumble of the tank I have found, ICG.

Actually Inchy the lf aeneus from Chas. have become one of my favorite group. They don't seem to be bothered by the fins in any way I can see, although I have to keep their maintenance up against any fungus. They are a happy bunch and are very personable. They always come out to watch me and get very excited at feeding time and spawn regularly. I take it that you don't want any of their fry? LOL
Actually Inchy the lf aeneus from Chas. have become one of my favorite group. They don't seem to be bothered by the fins in any way I can see, although I have to keep their maintenance up against any fungus. They are a happy bunch and are very personable. They always come out to watch me and get very excited at feeding time and spawn regularly. I take it that you don't want any of their fry? LOL

Absolutely not! :X I do not encourage the perpetuation of freak corydoras, in any way.
I will remove the pictures for you, Inchworm. And I will not post any more pics of my long fins (C. palaetus, C. aeneus, C. panda) on your forum. These are the ones I got from the breeder that you recommended. I assume that you have separated your long fin females from the males so that there will be no chance of offspring.

Yes, the females have all spawned and given me fry who have become young adults, Fishkeeper2006.
Hi jollysue,

It's not my forum, and I never asked you, or anyone else to remove their pictures. I don't know where you got the idea to do that. Despite being a moderator, I am still entitled to express an opinion of my own. Personally, I don't see how anything they can do to a bronze C. aeneus can make it more beautiful than Mother Nature's own creation.

Remember Big Mama?


No jollysue, I haven't separated my long fins. Since they are schooling fish, it's best to house them together with their own kind, and that's not necessary to stop reproduction of egg laying fish. All you need to do is to not save the eggs.
My group may or may not have spawned.
I am just having a hard time understanding what feels like a public repremand, Inchworm. I do not want to offend you with pics of fish that hurt you and make you sad. I also do not enjoy being shamed. If pics of my fish make you sad, I will not post them.

In my experience aeneus and peppers spawn and occasionally their fry survive. Again I purchased these fish from a breeder that you recommended as a source for long fin fish. Now I feel as though I am being reprimanded for liking them and hurting you by posting their pics.

I do not understand this having been made a public rather than a private correspondence. Last time I knew you were not intending to make long fins an issue on the forum. As a mod your opinion carries the weight of protocol.

I am just trying to follow your lead, but I am having difficulty understanding. Of course you would not be the first one to think that I may be a little dense. LOL
I take it that you don't want any of their fry? LOL

Absolutely not! :X I do not encourage the perpetuation of freak corydoras, in any way.

I will remove the pictures for you, Inchworm. And I will not post any more pics of my long fins (C. palaetus, C. aeneus, C. panda) on your forum. These are the ones I got from the breeder that you recommended. I assume that you have separated your long fin females from the males so that there will be no chance of offspring.

Hi jollysue,

It's not my forum, and I never asked you, or anyone else to remove their pictures. I don't know where you got the idea to do that. Despite being a moderator, I am still entitled to express an opinion of my own. Personally, I don't see how anything they can do to a bronze C. aeneus can make it more beautiful than Mother Nature's own creation.

Remember Big Mama?


No jollysue, I haven't separated my long fins. Since they are schooling fish, it's best to house them together with their own kind, and that's not necessary to stop reproduction of egg laying fish. All you need to do is to not save the eggs.
My group may or may not have spawned.

I am just having a hard time understanding what feels like a public repremand, Inchworm. I do not want to offend you with pics of fish that hurt you and make you sad. I also do not enjoy being shamed. If pics of my fish make you sad, I will not post them.

In my experience aeneus and peppers spawn and occasionally their fry survive. Again I purchased these fish from a breeder that you recommended as a source for long fin fish. Now I feel as though I am being reprimanded for liking them and hurting you by posting their pics.

I do not understand this having been made a public rather than a private correspondence. Last time I knew you were not intending to make long fins an issue on the forum. As a mod your opinion carries the weight of protocol.

I am just trying to follow your lead, but I am having difficulty understanding. Of course you would not be the first one to think that I may be a little dense. LOL

If you are dense, then I must be denser than lead because I'm really not seeing how anybody has offended anybody else here. Come on over to the Planted section for a visit! We bash eachother's tanks and ideas all the time!!! Even George, the moderator's current algae-ridden mess. That was a doozy! But we know it's all in good fun and that people are just expressing their opinions.

I honestly don't think Inchworm meant any harm with her comment. I actually think she was perhaps trying to be funny? Unless I'm way off base, then I'll keep my trap shut. Some of us, myself included, possess an extremely dry (sahara dessert) sense of humor. Either way, she's entitled to her opinion, like everyone else is here.

Jollysue, I love your cories and they always look awesome and healthy, but TBH, the long-finned varieties don't really do it for me either, especially on cories. They look really dorky to me, and all that finnage detracts from their beautiful faces, which really should be center stage (read sarcasm). :lol: That being said, if it rocks your boat, then keep 'em and post pictures by all means! It doesn't hurt me to look at them. You are proud of your fish, and should be.

:flowers: :friends:

llj :)
The problem is that she is an extremely nice person, and she has been jumped on and criticised so much that she has become extremely sinsitive to it.
I understand completely. I see so much of it that I have even become leary of posting in a lot of situations because I do not want to get fussed at or put down. It seems that lately there has been a grouchy convention going on. With everything I have gone through lately... I just can't handle the ugly comments and attitudes. I just don't get why anyone needs to be anything but nice. Being mean does not serve any purpose except to make a person look bad.

I don't think inchworm was being mean, but Sue has just had all she can take from all directions. She needs someone to be nice to her for a change. She just took it hard because she likes inchworm. What she says matters, so it hurt her feelings. There are nicer ways to say the same thing that maybe would be less hurtful. The problem is knowing when you need to tread lightly to avoid hurting a person. Most people just don't care enough to even try...

She will be ok. It will just take some time. (Me too)

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