More Faces! Such Cuties!

The guppies are fry still/ They are in the fry tank with the little longipinnus and some of my smaller fry. I might keep them with the regular bronze Cories. They produce many more eggs than I want to deal with. But I collect the eggs pretty fast--as soon as they firm up usually. I have some fish that aren't spawning and I have not taken time with. I could put them with them. I also have an Eclipse 12 that they might like. I might also just keep them in the fry tanks.

If they out produce me I can separate the girls and guys. Or my fronties might like the fry.... :drool:
Thanks, I was told they would be good for my new tanks set up. Your timing of posting and to see how sweet their little cute faces are has inspired me. There are some in the lfs albinos I think but they are nothing like these.

Can you recommend some to me they must be peaceful little fish as I like that type best. An active but harmonised community I am aiming for.

You have really captured these well Thanks
Great corys :good: and you got so many sadly i only have 1 so if you no any breeders on here that sells them can you point them in my direction plese they look so good when you get loads of them shoaling if thats the write word lol thanks
dave, try Sp00ky at ####. You can get the online address from AlexandCarmen.

tetraqueen, there are so many wonderful Corys. Find out what is available. We would all be glad to give our recommendations.

C. leucomelas, C. aeneus, C. sterbai, and C. paleatus are all nice availlable fish, but there are just lots and lots of wonderful Corys.

I'm glad you all are enjoying the pics. :)

Well, the forum isn't going to let me post the address for Sp00ky. Check in with Alexand Carmen. Take a look at this link

Fishes don't have faces;
You can't talk to animals,
You Stupid Woman.
((sorry it will not copy oyur picture))

Now I was told of for saying male attitude. Now your saying stupid woman and I know that.....

:lol: :lol: in the most happy way I do talk to my fish and an answer is the best words are usually left unsaid. Body language most fish have in a beautiful way if not get a dwarf Gouramis and they squirt water at you epecially if your late feeding them. That says something does it not ??

Will maybe talk hubby to visit Wildwoods in a months time when I am happy my tank has settled but cory's are a must now. Thanks
I put the "fishes don't have faces" together after an incident with two adolescent boys on probation and in placement in the group home where I work. One of our boys was very into fish keeping. It was his potential "talent." I said something about the fish's face, and he said, "Fishes don't have faces!" with great disgust and a sneering attitude. The next morning I was talking to one of the farm animals in my "animal talking" voice, and a different boy there to feed for his vocational job said, "What are you doing?" I said, "Talking to the pig." "You can't talk to animals!" The attitude and sneer was "You Stupid Woman!" Both of them drowned me out when I tried to enlighten them.

So it isn't about just male attitude. It is about "attitude" in general. It could have been teen age girls, although those behaviors were most likely to come from a boy.

Awhile back in the Betta forum, I said something about the wiggle dance that Bettas do. An adolescent boy admonished me. Bettas don't don't do a wiggle dance because his Betta didn't do the happy dance! I made short work of him!! :lol: :fun:
I'm not going to touch that other conversation, but the fish... I love them.
I'm really glad you like the guppies. They are cool. They are worse than rabbits! I have got to find a way to sneak about 15 or 20 out of Shay's tank. She is badly over populated!
I was told my spotted cory was another kind, but she looks like yours to me. I am going to see if I can get a good pic of her. My camera and computer both have decided to work when they want to. It may take me a while.
I am going back to bed now. I feel really bad. I will check back in when I can.
Spotted? The closest to spotted in there are sterbai and San Juans. The sterbai have orange fins (pectoral?) and the San Juans are less than 2.5 inches.
As soon as I get my computer working right again I will put up a pic. I can't load it right now. My computer is doing strange things right now. It keeps freezing up and stuff. I think it has to do with the new security thing we put on it. I can't even get on it half of the time. When I do get on it I don't get to do much before it goes nuts and shuts me down. I keep getting messages that programs (I don't know what they are) are not responding. I am working on getting it fixed though.
Yes ICG it sounds like conflicts with your security. Very maddening when that happens.

I have little pandas, duplicarus and San Juans, for sure! I finally get another chance with the San Juans after killing my first batch. I am so excited! I am also really hoping there are some gossei fry too.

I plan to start concentrating on breeding more of my species as soon as I get everyone settled in.
This is my fish that is in question...
I just have the one lonely female. I can't find more like her.

Oh... here is the cross I told you your babies made...
That cross is so awesome!!!

Here are the other shots of the San Juans, but one thing I see is that is looks from your pic that your gal has solid color fins, where the San Juans have dotted stripes:




The San Juans I am pretty sure have some wigglers in the net, so If it turns out that they are the same, I'll see what I can do.

I now have wigglers in the second net. I believe they are mostly from the panda tank. but there may be some from the San Juan tank.
The fins do look different.
I think she is ready to spawn. I wish I could find her a couple of males. She has been flirting with my delphax males. (they don't have a female) I don't think the 2 can mix though. I hope not any way. I have yet to find a list or anything that will tell me what is capable of breeding with what. So far I have been lucky. Nothing has gone outside their own kind. (except a guppy and a molly) I had fancy tail mollies.

How are the others doing?
I hope they all make the move. Be really careful with the black ones. I have plans for them... :drool:
I found some call leopard corys that looked really cool. Have you seen them?

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