I had posted the San Juans before when I first took the pics in a previous thread and actually again recently for a thread asking what a gravid female looked like. That female died soon after her first big spawn when I added some new fish to the tank. The new spawns of San Juans are from the same WC bunch, but the females are just maturing almost 2 years after I got them! That's why I say patience seems to be the key. I am just repeating what Frank says over and over.
It looks like it will be awhile before I do much serious pic taking with all that's going on. I can comb some files at work though for pics, just for fun.
I have been changing substrates and moving fish recently so all the tanks are in disarray, too.
I have 40 lbs of fish coming next week, which I have to turn around and move in a month.

That was some perfect timing, don't you think?
I am so tempted to beg Bryan to hold them, but that is just unfair to him. I suppose I could offer to pay for kenneling but the space is probably more important to him than the prospect of some storage fees. Although I have no doubt that he would do it if I whined a little.
The blacks will be fine, ICG; they are in a 10 usg with other fish of their size. That will be an easy tank to move. It's the 125 System II with 70 lbs of lace rock that will be a nightmare for the fish. The 100 usg will be hard on the fish too. In both tanks they will need to be nearly emptied and the fish bucketed. My friend and a local Cichlid store owner is going to move the tanks for a small fee, but it will still be a minor nightmare for the fish.
tetraqueen: In response to the conditions in the lps and in the aquarium: My Corys have conditions that they like: sand substrate, air wands, water movement, live blackworms, and familiar surroundings without gawkers tapping the glass--just as ICG said. Most don't even get too upset when I have to do something in their tank. I just moved about 17 fish into a different aquarium. They were absolutely freaked about being caught, but they were immediately relieved when released and seem happy today with their new surroundings. The Super Schwartzi that weren't moved look more taken aback that the panda,
et al, crew.
I stopped and saw some of my LF peppers at the lps after I sold them and they looked so forlorn. They are on gravel with a mix of other fish. They surely never see any live food.
I always have extra filters and media running to seed and hurry a tank along if I have to set up a new tank or recycle an old one. The tanks really are more likely to suffer from old tank syndrome, than new tank syndrome.