Moodys Aqua Cube Journal.

Like ive said i had algae ( kind of thread algae) in the cube, but after cranking the Co2 up it really ( and im not bulling ) hasn't shown up since i get a very fine film on the glass but that really about it.

I think the success is down to very regular water changes, stagged ( every other day ) fertilization, and high Co2, like me and you have said if we conquer the nanao/pico anything is possible :D
Hi moody

A question for you!

What wattage is the light in your nano? Is a standard halogen bulb? what im getting at is if i happend to get myself a 20 watt halogen and a little cube (not as nice as the tropica one) for £15. Do you think it might work? ;)

Just like this - :D

Nano ?
Hi moody

A question for you!

What wattage is the light in your nano? Is a standard halogen bulb? what im getting at is if i happend to get myself a 20 watt halogen and a little cube (not as nice as the tropica one) for £15. Do you think it might work? ;)

Just like this - :D

Nano ?

I was gonna get one of those!!! From IKEA! :p

I still might after ive got my 15 gallon sorted.
Ah ha gnat fish !! :p

lol s gotta work surely. Ok so the glass isnt as clear but i think it could still look cool! if nothing else could be a nice cheap little experiment! I was thinking of adding Co2 via a DIY yeast jobby, just dont know what to use as a diffuser. Gotta be tiny!
Yeah, it should work, its basically the same thing, I had to add a filter, to get water movement and for the possibility of adding live stock.
The water isn't very nice to look at when theres no movement, it tends to have particles sitting in mid water and it gathers a film on the surface much quicker.

I would try in yours ( Ive been meaning to try myself, same thing from places like IKEA ) some cryps, they would lend them self to that kind of thing really well.Some gravel and tablet of granule ferts underneath and perhaps not even liquid fertilizer would be needed.
I have seen IKEA selling aquatic plants like ludwigia ect in plastic pots with water.

Dead simple though ahy?
Nice book shelf with a compact spot lamp fitted above and some crypst, Yup nice idea. :good:
You could use a bell kinda thing to diffuse the CO2. The CO2 goes into the bell and can't escape, so it dissolves....

though about that too moody got myself one of these little babies!!!
Havent tried it for size yet! besides am hoping to get away without using it.


As for the diffuser Yeah i was thinking along those lines gnat dont know how effective they are though?
If I can be so bold as to answer a question your journal Moody? This ceramic diffuser will work on yeast type kits and is teeny tiny, I have one in my nano.

though about that too moody got myself one of these little babies!!!
Havent tried it for size yet! besides am hoping to get away without using it.

As for the diffuser Yeah i was thinking along those lines gnat dont know how effective they are though?
Hay!!! gont one just like that on my cube, great minds think a like :D

This is the one I have ............ £7.99 BARGIN :D
Well ive added some fish yesterday, 6 guppys for £1 BARGIN.

Its not all good though, two jumped out of the tank over night and are now rather dry cured :/ :rip:
I think the remainding fish are going to have to be moved into my 2 foot holding tank ( BUMMER) they look really nice in there as well, gives the cube some life.

Any sugestions on what i can add that wont try and comit suicide???

Make me wonder how many fish people loose in these ADA style open top tanks :crazy:
1 of my Siamese flying foxes lept to its death on the first night -_- but i think once the fish are settled they are o.k! maybe best to cover the tank for the first couple of days in future!
Ive lots well over 20 dwarf rasboras from my nano, stupid idiots used to swim in the current of the filter outlet and get thrown out, have added a spray bar since getting 15 more and no crispy aromatic fish as yet, here's hoping!

If you can get them can I recommend dwarf rasboras (boraras maculatus) Moody? a stunning little fish that would look great in your tank.

rasbora maculata is a great fish for the nano. Might be worth checking out rasbora brigittae though! even prettier IMO!

Nearly forgot! I been meaning to ask moody does the aquacube have a heater? my 20 watt halogen is RED HOT was kinda hoping this would emit enough heat, what do you think?

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