Moodys Aqua Cube Journal.

Well I loved it on day 1 and love it on day 2, sod the golden rule thing, didn't make any different to my eyes, but hey I am almost blind! So who knows! :lol:

But yes I do like this moody, as I've already said and others have said too, the simplicity is the key and you've worked it well :)

Hi Moody,

Great aquarium, wouldn't worry about moving a rock slightly to the left or right here based on a plan, it is simple and it works!

I always feel that the eye is the best judge of layout! I really like this type of layout and I also like most of the ADA tanks, however some are slightly too clinical looking for me!

Shame you took the rocks from Devon, if everyone did that we wouldn't have any left! :blink:

Hehe, i like it how many are mocking the golden ratio yet i am sure have little understanding of its use. The golden ratio is quite rightly only a guide, but it certainly helps when you have very limited understanding of art.

Well I loved it on day 1 and love it on day 2, sod the golden rule thing, didn't make any different to my eyes,

wouldn't worry about moving a rock slightly to the left or right here based on a plan, it is simple and it works!

I always feel that the eye is the best judge of layout!

Maybe your eyes are the best judge of layout, however mine are not. So, for now i will continue to put my GRatio grids on and make comments based on what i see and my understanding.

Good luck moody, and i think there is a great improvement from Day 1 and Day2 AND as i have always said IN MY OPINION!

This is art, and in such a small tank Chris_Wood
slightly to the left or right
make a massive difference.

As i originally said, to move or not to move the decission is yours, and if you decide to move then even then your eyes can tell you whats better or worse, but since I am not there with him, i can only make personal suggestions and proposals.

Kindest Regards

Sorry, I am getting wrongly fired up; I am now chilled and calm.

My point is, if it was good enough for the Greek sculptor Phidias 490 BC and millions of other artists and architects after him, I consider it ignorant not to even consider its potential in the aquarium.

Maybe more people could do with looking more closely at the divine proportion and reconsidering its value in the aquarium!

Maybe not, i suppose that choice is yours to make. However do not judge me when i make comments to people based on its principles and my understanding of them.

My point is, if it was good enough for the Greek sculptor Phidias 490 BC and millions of other artists and architects after him, I consider it ignorant not to even consider its potential in the aquarium.

I wont rant over Moodys thread, that wouldn't be fair, but thats not what I am saying at all. Yes considered it, but dont necessarily be ruled or governed by it, it is after all just a ratio, a valid and age old one but it doesn't mean it has to be followed.

Agree with Themuleous.

Wasn't trying to be critical and it is always good to have great advice (and that is exactly what you are giving craynerd).... ....I was only stating that IMHO you can measure things till the cows [fish!] come home, if it don't look right, it don't look right!

But hey, my tank looks like a jungle a long way from Amano etc! Many peaple love it but I am sure the true 'nature aquarium' guys would not!

Actually, it wasn't so much the position of the rocks that botherd me; it was taking of them in the first place..... .....this is the reason many of the limestone pavements in the Dales and some of the clitter fields below the tors on Dartmoor have disappeared.... and stones removed one by one, little by little!

limestone pavements

hope they are not using them in the aquarium !!! :p :p

it is after all just a ratio, a valid and age old one but it doesn't mean it has to be followed.

IS it a RATIO ?? its actually an irrational number (pi) therefore to state it as .618 (as done in the Da Vinci Code) is not exactly true since the number is being rounded as an approximation and can never be an exact quantity. "it is after all just" lol, is it really??

Golden Ratio is another tool in my bag, and i shall definately make use of it. AS i have saidcountless and countless times in every post i have made, your eyes are the judge of whether your adjustment is for better or worse, but at least it gives you an indication that an adjustment for the better potentially could be made.

maybe i shall leave it here....we are clearly have very different opinions.

Wel well well, what have we all started, a phew excited post's :unsure:

I like the fact that i may cube has had a great reaction on us here.

Id like to comment on my rocks, I know that we shouldnt take from the countryside but unfortunatly we ALL doit and if we don't then im sure in the past you would have done so, sea shells at the sea shore ( glad i type that and not seid it :blink: ) pine cones, bits of wood and the odd pebble, and yes it all adds up, it wont change and will always go on.I mean ADA are doing it but selling it for a profit, taking wood from river systems in malaysia and the amazon, they also take rocks from poticular mountains in japan, so even the big boys doit, this doesn't make me right.

As for using RATIO's for aqua design, this is a subject best disccused on another thread.
Ignorance is bliss!

As rightly moody rightly says, all the rock and wood we use in our aquariums come from somewhere, whether they are collected or quarried, they still come from mother earth!

I hope you have not taken offence, it was just our opinions

Good job moody

None taken. :)

Just hope that you all apreciate what im trying to acheive.
Any critisisem as long as its constructive is always welcome.
Nice tank, and nice arguements, also Moody I hope you weren't very good at English, because "phew" is actually spelt 'Few', "Phew" is just slang for saying thank god, as if someone has removed a great weight from your shoulders.

Phew, im glad a few of you may have spotted that, I do do that a few times when spelling phew or should it be few :blink: Errrrr Phew im out of here :S :D
Nice hardscape Moody. Day 2 is much better than Day 1.

Have you considered an ADA substrate, your plants would love it and it would improve the aesthetics IMO.

Removing your hardware before photographing would be more shakkei. ;) You've gone to the effort of final presentation, it seems a pity to "spoil" it with ugly equipment.

Good work.
Cheers gf,

I have got a bag of ADA Aqua soil Malaysia, Power sand special and a bottle of Brighty K step1 but I'm saving them for another project.

And next photos will be hard ware free.

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