Moodys Aqua Cube Journal.

Planter, these no heater, as you have picked up on the halogen emits quite abit of heat so its fine, havent actually done a temp reading but it feels ok when im fiddling around with it.

Sam, borasas maculatas sound good, havent ever seen any for sale any where near me EVER which is a shame because that would be my first choice.
Yeh that is a shame, I do love 'em. Do you have a local MA shop? That's the only place I know that has stocked them in the past and seen them in at least two of their shops. Could try asking them if not already in stock?

Shame, if I'd known I could have brought you some when I went up to Chester for the TFF meeting. At least then I would have actually met someone as no one turned up!

The dwarf rasboras are great, I think the brigittae is the best looking and quite hardy and easy to keep, only they would want a pretty constant temperature between 23 and 25C. When the light is off even in a heated room they could get too cold, you would have to watch the temperature. The tank looks so peaceful that guppies just strike me as too big and too frantic for it. If you don’t want to heat it red cherry shrimp would be okay with a varied temperature and would look great I think. They are busy but in a relaxing looking way they could establish a nice colony in your gem of a cube, their colour is striking without being distracting from the whole picture, anyway those are my thoughts.
Nice ideas, ill have to have a look around.
I can get hold of tigar shrimp/ cherry and amano's.

Since ive added the guppys ive knocked the Co2 down, so im watching the cube closly for signs of algea.
What about a couple of balloon mollies? Or are they too big?

Beautiful little livebearers, although do better in slightly brackish water - mine have done well in freshwater.

Well I guess its time to bring SHAKKIE to an end. Its been a great journey with this cube and ive Learned allot from it.
I am so pleased that i could enter this into an international competition, i am ( and don't mind admitting so ) a little gutted I didn't get a Rosette, but the compotion was strong and i am very happy with effort with this design, i also feel abit special being the only UK entrant, surely theres more great UK aquascapes for next year.

Contest index, mine is number 68 second from the top, check out the compotition!!!!!!!!

Well looking at the other tanks, there amazing!

But i still think yours is incredible even compared to theres! :good:
Congratulations Moody on a great little aquascape and thanks for representing the uk!! I think SHAKKEI stands up well against the other entries. You should be well pleased!!

You certainly got my vote in the popular choice category!!
I was a little surprised you didn't get an "honourable mention", but the competition was very tough and there were other's that deserved one too IMHO.

I look forward to reading the judge's comments.

Well done anyway mate, you entered and no doubt boosted the aquascaping hobby/art on TFF which is a great thing in itself. Respect.
Cheers guys, ive read the judges coments, and with what they have said i thought that i would of perhaps got an honorable mention, but thats just wishfull thinking, i like what they have said and am very pleased.

I will endevor to to do better aquascapes and keep entering into world compotions, " you'v got to be in it to win it :D ".

Cheers guys, ive read the judges coments, and with what they have said i thought that i would of perhaps got an honorable mention, but thats just wishfull thinking, i like what they have said and am very pleased.

I will endevor to to do better aquascapes and keep entering into world compotions, " you'v got to be in it to win it :D ".


I think your scape definitely held its own in that competition. I also think it was great seeing a UK representative. The geographic distribution of applicants seemed a bit lop-sided to me, but hopefully that will change. There were very beautiful tanks this year, and yours was one.

llj :)
yeah it is but this is a 4 year old thread

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