Money No Object....

Give me a cat any day

I second that lol

Any terrier will turn into a nasty little dragon of a thing if not properly trained, this is all too common in smaller breeds. I can't see bedliingtons being the exception, but I could see the show groomed lamb look alike being deceiving.

It's becuase people think they are cute and so therefore let them get away with things they would never let a bigger dog do. It drives me mad - a dog is a dog and should be treated like a dog, regardless of size!

i agree. people think that all rotties are vicious, just because a few idiots are horrible to them and turn them nasty. you can turn any dog bad by not treating it properly as a pup.

cheers :good:
Like a few others, I'm very happy with the mixed poodle/shih tzu we have. She is super smart and loving once she get so know someone. Very protective when strangers are around. Also very spoiled. If you look up spoiled in the dictionary, you will see the second picture below. She does sleep in the bed every night, but doesn't have a pillow unless I'm not in the bed yet.

As far a pure breeds are concerned, it would have to be a lab. My dad had 3 over the years. Actually, the first (Princess) was mine that I bought with my saved allowance and money for making "A"s in school when I was 14. It was $100 and that was in 1966 (man, I'm old.) The sire to her litter had been on the US Duck Stamp two years prior. We drove from near Charlotte, NC to Sumter, SC to get her. In those days, that was about a 5 hour drive. Of the 3, 2, including Princess, had to be put down in their teens with cancer. All three were great dogs.


Give me a cat any day

I second that lol

Any terrier will turn into a nasty little dragon of a thing if not properly trained, this is all too common in smaller breeds. I can't see bedliingtons being the exception, but I could see the show groomed lamb look alike being deceiving.

It's becuase people think they are cute and so therefore let them get away with things they would never let a bigger dog do. It drives me mad - a dog is a dog and should be treated like a dog, regardless of size!

i agree. people think that all rotties are vicious, just because a few idiots are horrible to them and turn them nasty. you can turn any dog bad by not treating it properly as a pup.

cheers :good:

You ever seen the Dog Whisperer? Cesar's pitbull Daddy is the prime example of "it's not the breed - it's the owner!" I love Cesar Milan - I swear the guy should be a life coach lol B-)
yes, he is really cool. on one episode it shows all of his pitbulls, i wish they weren't banned in england,i'd have got some when i'm older. :/

cheers :good:
I love Cesar, my dog used to be so bad but now she is the most obidient thing ever!! When im older i already have my future dogs sorted :lol:

Boy lab called Marley
Girl golden retriever called Bonnie
And collie called Tess


Heres my current dog called Jess







Bliss is....... sleeping in my daddy's bed..... It's clear to see that Trixie is one spoilled .... mutt!

Those dirty paws also tells a story.... have I been digging in the garden???

I nominate pic 1 for February 2010 POTM!
I am a sucker for most dogs, but I tend to have a real soft spot for tri-coloured dogs.

I currently have two tri-coloured Welsh Sheepdogs, and a rottweiler x GSD (who is almost tri - she has a white chest and toes). They absolutely adorable.

My next dog (when I qualify as a vet finally) will be a Bernese Mountain Dog. I've been dreaming about them for years! They were my second choice after my Welsh Sheepdogs :p

(I do love rottweilers and GSDs too, but Ruby is more my partner's dog - a big macho looking tank of a pup lol).
Well, im not a fan of dogs small enough to be drop kicked over the nearest fence by accident when they dont shut up squaking and yapping....

Not a fain of eating dog hair in my dinner so nothing hairball like...

I have ALWAYS wanted a Saluki, a Black and Tan one would be cool but i would go for a rescue and with whatever colour dog a fell in love with.

Hungarian Vizlas and Rhodesian Ridgebacks and Weimeranas (sp) are all gorgeous too!!!

In the end... id go for a mutt! A Lurcher mutt, smooth coated!!

Anything like my beloved Bella (my mums really but... )


Well, im not a fan of dogs small enough to be drop kicked over the nearest fence by accident when they dont shut up squaking and yapping....

ABUSE!!! :lol: is it just me, or is it the little dogs that are really yappy. my dogs are quiet, unless there is a cat or someone is walking through the field next door.

cheers :good:
I would love a border collie or any other dog like that really. i just love animals. husky's are cute like a big furball. :fun:

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