Mods And Admin?

*peers out the window* well.... we dont have your sun thats for sure!! :p
tcamos said:
I moved it. It wasn't an announcement or a suggestion so it didn't really belong there. It was just a question about what mods and admin do...
It's kind of morphed into a general chat too anyway!
Ya lunar, that's what I thought too. After all the moving around I just did I'm still just a little anal about a place for everything and everything in its place. It will pass I'm sure.
Baccus said:
As above, pretty much nailed it.
Okay, so what's a Super Moderator then?  Bigger banhammer?
The super just designates that they have a broader scope and a few extra controls. Really the name was just needed for the system to differentiate. The name Super Moderator is actually built into the IP.Board software, we didn't come up with it.

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