Miss Wiggle And Big Ian's First Marine Tank!

Sweet, make sure you take pics of what you get :hey:

i'll do my best to, been very slack with the camera lately, I need to have a good session get some pics of the tanks cos everything's changed the last few months.

put in our xmas pressie request with my daddy, a TMC Vectron V2 400 Protein Skimmer :good: just upgrading everything slowly :good:
So let me get this right coral will actualy absorb nitrates????

i din`t think they did that, but then i suppose the bacteria that grow inside and feed the corals absorb it for energy...
Course they do :). Remember, most corals have zooxanthellae in them and all zooxanthellae are photosynthetic algae without cell walls (only cell membranes). The corals protect them within their flesh and they process light, CO2 and nitrates to provide the corals with excess organic nutrients that the coral can use. Furthermore, corals will to some extent filter feed out larger uneaten food particles and consume them for even more nutrients. Different corals are obviously better at eating different sized uneaten foods, but they all do it :).
Course they do :). Remember, most corals have zooxanthellae in them and all zooxanthellae are photosynthetic algae without cell walls (only cell membranes). The corals protect them within their flesh and they process light, CO2 and nitrates to provide the corals with excess organic nutrients that the coral can use. Furthermore, corals will to some extent filter feed out larger uneaten food particles and consume them for even more nutrients. Different corals are obviously better at eating different sized uneaten foods, but they all do it :).

Just occoured to me as i was asking the question....

So if we go for corals with larger polyps they should photosythansize more and so absorb nore nitrates.....
Yeah, in general, LPS and softies consume nitrates and uneaten food better than SPS. SPS usually only absorb very fine uneaten foods. Think the size of phytoplankton or cyclopeeze. Most LPS can eat mysis or brine shrimp with ease and some larger mouthed LPS like Cynarinas can eat whole fish. I've seen a Cynarina consume an entire dead percula clown :) Corals dont usually eat whole live fish, but they will digest dead skeletons :)
Yeah, in general, LPS and softies consume nitrates and uneaten food better than SPS. SPS usually only absorb very fine uneaten foods. Think the size of phytoplankton or cyclopeeze. Most LPS can eat mysis or brine shrimp with ease and some larger mouthed LPS like Cynarinas can eat whole fish. I've seen a Cynarina consume an entire dead percula clown :) Corals dont usually eat whole live fish, but they will digest dead skeletons :)

Wow... that'd be crazy to see :hyper: . I bet it takes awhile but just to see something like that would be crazy interesting.
Course they do :). Remember, most corals have zooxanthellae in them and all zooxanthellae are photosynthetic algae without cell walls (only cell membranes). The corals protect them within their flesh and they process light, CO2 and nitrates to provide the corals with excess organic nutrients that the coral can use. Furthermore, corals will to some extent filter feed out larger uneaten food particles and consume them for even more nutrients. Different corals are obviously better at eating different sized uneaten foods, but they all do it :).

more than slightly off topic here, but ski, are you an atheist?

also, me want pics :D
well we now have a nice acopora and a xenia,
Very pleased with both of these they look awsome, the tanks really taking off now and i think more corals could be in order after Xmas
Pics 8)

Keep that Acro high on the rock stack. What species of acro is it? millepora, digitata, radiata?

And as an aside, no I'm not an Atheist, if you're really curious I'd be happy to tell you more over pm's, but for now I'll let BigIan and Miss Wiggle get those pics up :D
not sure what sort of acro, trying to do some more research but my works internet keeps buggering up and not letting me on sites :rolleyes: it's orange and green if that's any help! it's right at the top of the rock stack, we've checked our calcium levels too and they're spot on so hopefully it'll be OK. Probably not the best choice for our first go but hey I'm willing to learn quick!! :D

the xenia didn't open yesterday but started too this morning so I'm pleased it seems to be fine. it's only a little teeny bit, can't wait for it to grow and spread.

the tank really looks so much better with just a few more in, got us both really excited and enthusiastic over it all :D

hopefully my lovely other half will be so good as to oblige with some photo's today :)

oh and what's even better is they we're free. well sort of. we closed down another FW tank last week and took the fish in there so we knew we had a bit of store credit. asked how much we we're owed and they said £80 :D :D :D was shocked I hadn't added it up before, didn't realise it'd be that much :) so we promptly spent £50 on corals and Ian can have the rest for his planted tank
Its one of These

when we firt put it in itr seemed to release alot of mucus, i`m just asuming this was some defence mecanism and not it dieing?

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