Miss Wiggle And Big Ian's First Marine Tank!

the acro seems to be doing really well actually, it's all opened up and looks really good :good:

we'll have to wait and see to an extent but it can't be that terrible for it in there or it would be showing signs of distress straight away

the nitrates we're above 80ppm when we started :S they we're redder than the highest reading on every test kit for a long time. they're still not perfect but they're a shed load better than that now. definately in need of some TLC, but I'm really pleased everything seems to be getting sorted. It's taken a lot of hard work, money and patience, there was a point Ian couldn't even bear to look at the tank it was so much hassle. Thankfully it's now starting to get much easier to maintain and look much prettier too :good:

Just like to say a massive thankyou to everyone who's helped us out, couldn't have done it without you guys, especially Mr SkiFletch


cheers guys

I'll reward you with some pics when I get a chance! Will try and remember this weekend :D
I'll reward you with some pics when I get a chance! Will try and remember this weekend :D

Want me to remind you? :p

You guys have come a long way, and I've been happy to watch your trials and now successes :D. If your acro has its green polyps extending, its probably healthy :good:. I actually saw one of those little guys in my LFS the other day. I grilled the store owner (whose knowledge makes mine look like a swimming pool next to the ocean) about it and he says their survival rate is pretty high but their growth rate is very variable. He's seen some tanks in which that particular species grew like a weed, and others in which it barely doubled in size in a year. Just so you guys know what to expect :D
I'll reward you with some pics when I get a chance! Will try and remember this weekend :D

Want me to remind you? :p

You guys have come a long way, and I've been happy to watch your trials and now successes :D. If your acro has its green polyps extending, its probably healthy :good:. I actually saw one of those little guys in my LFS the other day. I grilled the store owner (whose knowledge makes mine look like a swimming pool next to the ocean) about it and he says their survival rate is pretty high but their growth rate is very variable. He's seen some tanks in which that particular species grew like a weed, and others in which it barely doubled in size in a year. Just so you guys know what to expect :D

cool thanks, it's got looooads od green polyps out, more than in the store so it seems to like it! the bloke at our lfs said a similar thing, said it probably won't grow with other stony coral's but if it's by itself then it'll be reet. so we'll see anyway, i'm excited to see how it goes. oh and thankyou very much for remembering us and our corals and asking him! :D

the xenia on the other hand hasn't been open for a few days now :/ we've done water tests, ph 8.2, ammoni 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 15-20ish. salinity was a little high so we did a big water change a day or so ago to get it down. it also had a bit of algae on it when we got it from the store and in our tank it had just blossomed so we thought that might be blocking it, we carefully blasted it with a syringe and the algae came off so there's v little on there now. so I just dunno what's up with it, everything else is out so I can't think what it is. any thoughts, what else should we test for?

oh and we got blinds in the living room again and the battery charger is plugged in, gonna get a load of pics tonight :good:
yay, moved the xenia to the bottom of the tank in a lower flow spot and it's all opening up again :D

shows how much positioning matters, i'm really glad i was starting to worry
well i think we're getting our first new fishy tonight

we've been after a nice purple firefish, mentioned it to our mate in the lfs and he's just rang Ian to say he's got some nice one's in. And we've a credit note for nearly £30 to spend, so we're off there after work and are hopefully coming home with a new feeshy :D i'm so excited
well i think we're getting our first new fishy tonight

we've been after a nice purple firefish, mentioned it to our mate in the lfs and he's just rang Ian to say he's got some nice one's in. And we've a credit note for nearly £30 to spend, so we're off there after work and are hopefully coming home with a new feeshy :D i'm so excited

Oh, so jealous.... I have a purple firefish on my wish list. Post pictures!! :)
Good choice :good: :good:

purple firefish are very nice.

Do you have a lid on the tank??? They may jump.....
was quite upset, we got to the shop last night and saw one of the firefish's had died...... so we weren't gonna get anything out of the same tank, at least not for a few days until we know there's not a disease or anything.

we do have a lid on the tank though adn they're still on our list for the future.

he had some lovely new corals in too though so we took some of those home, we have a large soft finger coral and a really pretty rock anenome (yes we already have loads, but it's a different colour to ours :rolleyes: )


unfortnately we came home to a crisis and couldn't acclimitise the corals properly, literally walked in the door and got a phone call from my best mate in tears, her violent ex was threatenening to come break the door down and stuff, so we had to just dump the coral's in the tank and rush off. :S

they seemed to be starting to open a little when we got home so hopefully they'll be OK.

now with acclimitising corals, I just realised I've never looked into how your meant to do it, i've just treated them the same as fish.... so what are you meant to do.... and what effect do you think just dumping them in the tank will have? :/
was quite upset, we got to the shop last night and saw one of the firefish's had died...... so we weren't gonna get anything out of the same tank, at least not for a few days until we know there's not a disease or anything.

we do have a lid on the tank though adn they're still on our list for the future.

he had some lovely new corals in too though so we took some of those home, we have a large soft finger coral and a really pretty rock anenome (yes we already have loads, but it's a different colour to ours :rolleyes: )


unfortnately we came home to a crisis and couldn't acclimitise the corals properly, literally walked in the door and got a phone call from my best mate in tears, her violent ex was threatenening to come break the door down and stuff, so we had to just dump the coral's in the tank and rush off. :S

they seemed to be starting to open a little when we got home so hopefully they'll be OK.

now with acclimitising corals, I just realised I've never looked into how your meant to do it, i've just treated them the same as fish.... so what are you meant to do.... and what effect do you think just dumping them in the tank will have? :/

So sorry about your disaster. Hope your friend is ok... been there myself.. not nice.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for your corals :)
thanks, she's alright now, was just a bit scared last night. It's all looking a bit better this morning :)

thanks, she's alright now, was just a bit scared last night. It's all looking a bit better this morning :)


Good to hear. Properly acclimitizing corals should be done with the same drip method as used for fish, no big tricks there. If your tank's water chemistry is pretty similar to the LFS' then your corals will likely survive. You'd be surprised how hardy these things can be and how tolerant some species are of drastic chemistry changes. I had to dump my new giant palythoas into the tank when I was in a rush last week, but they pulled through just fine :)

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