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What do you think is the minumum size a betta should be kept in permanently?

  • 0

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1 cup (8 oz., 1/2 pint)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2

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I don’t think anyone in this thread has stated that bettas belong in large tanks unless I missed a post. A 2+ g tank is a far cry from a large tank and that is what most seem to be advocating (accept me). Nobody demanded for anyone to go out and get an extra job to afford fishy needs. Some just mentioned that is what they do if they have to. I mentioned that I go to garage sales on the weekend as an alternative to spending money. I don’t understand why anyone would get upset over this thread. If any feel what they are doing is all well and good then there is no reason to get defensive. Maybe there is something to it.
Gaya, you know as well as I do..when someone is on your case..whether what you are doing is right or get's under your nerves somewhat. Kinda like when you are obeying the speed limit and you see a cop and you take your foot off the peddle for a split weren't actually doing anything wrong..but for that split kinda felt like you might have been.

Tokis-Phoenix said:
and i don't see any unesarsary trolling apart from you,
Obviously, you don't understand what trolling is then.

Actually, I stated the facts on the matter at hand, not my opinons ....and we all know what opinons can be referenced to.

The "fish rule" of thumb is 2" of fish per 1 gallon of water. That isn't my opinon or some other person's opinion I heard here or there, that is one of the top basic rules of fish-keeping, that was researched before being put out for everyone's viewing pleasure.

Trying to make someone feel bad by putting them down (even in a tasteful way) for doing something "you" wouldn't do yourself is not debating, that is arguing your own point of view (debating is based soley on gathered facts, not what you believe to be true).

If you were trying to only voice your opinons your post would have simply stated what size you thought was appropriate and why..not that is was without a doubt wrong..and by saying that you throw out there to beginning fish keepers that they are wrong and you make them feel stupid.

That is my problem with threads like this, people don't know how to use TACT when expressing themselves and in turn make other people feel belittled, regardless of whether they realize, at the time, that they are doing it or not (although many do it just to be an ass alot of the times. I guess it makes them feel like a bigger person). It turns from a question, to a discussion, to a debate, to "who's right and who's wrong" argument faster then you can blink.

When in essence..fishkeeping is a hobby that is quite can flex a little in all directions to fit EACH individual fishkeeper's individual situation, within reason of course.
Tokis-Phoenix said:
i don't see any unesarsary trolling apart from you
She's not trolling. She's stating an opinion. Her opinion is as valid as everyoine else's, and you'd do best to let her express it. You don't have to like it, but calling someone's actions "trolling" when they are a valued member of a community voicing their opinion is pretty closeminded and childish, in my opinion.

I can understand why many of you may disagree with ideas presented by others, but why this need to villify them? Says more about those that are doing the finger pointing then those that are giving an opinion, to my mind.
Just for the record... I put Hannibal in my 1 gallon earlier. Hannibal is your average red VT. His body is about 2 inches, his tail about 2.5 inches. And you know what, I felt sorry for the poor guy. Stick to plants in a 1 gallon. And maybe a plastic snake :p (don't ask, lets just say sand, plants and a plastic rattlesnake....)
I feel like this thread is going around in circles and it's going to spiral downward out of control fast.

Lynn, I have nothing but complete admiration and respect for you - and I think you are a much stronger person that most of us could ever hope to be. I look up to you. I'm SO very happy that your little guy now has Lucky's old tank, and I have no doubt he's completely content and happy in that little 1 gallon tank, and will be forever if you choose to leave him there. This forum would suffer greatly if you were to leave, and I for one would be upset if you did go.

I think this thread has run its course and I'm not going to argue my point anymore, I've already made it. Because I know for a fact that all my fish are happy with their lives - and don't ask me to explain how I can tell that, I just KNOW.

I think that some people need to keep in mind that their opinion is JUST THAT - an opinion. Just because you feel a certain way doesn't mean you have the right to tell other people that what they feel is adequate care of their fish is not. I don't think any less of any of you for wanting to put your fish into huge tanks where they might not like the current, or they might not like the huge space they have to patrol. I don't feel that's doing them any favors. But I haven't forced that upon any of you - that's your opinion, you can do what you like with your fish - it it works for you, more power to ya.

My point has been made - several times.
SRC said:
Gaya, you know as well as I do..when someone is on your case..whether what you are doing is right or get's under your nerves somewhat. Kinda like when you are obeying the speed limit and you see a cop and you take your foot off the peddle for a split weren't actually doing anything wrong..but for that split kinda felt like you might have been.
SRC, i understand the knee jerk reaction of getting defensive but some are way too sensitive. There has been no attacking in this thread though maybe i just read differently then some. I have friends that tell me keeping fish is cruel period. On some level i know they're right but I don't get emotional about it. I consider their opinons and what they have to say and then i proceed to do what it is i do. I just don't get it but that doesn't matter.
cation said:
I can understand why many of you may disagree with ideas presented by others, but why this need to villify them? Says more about those that are doing the finger pointing then those that are giving an opinion, to my mind.
Am I just hallucinating? I feel like I’m reading a different thread or something.
eudielyn i am not trying to have a go at you and not attempting to attack you or anything like that so please don't take it that way.

For anyone who wants to know where some cheap small gallon tanks are, here's some on ebay;

2 1/2gallon tank, 50p, UK, 3days left

10gal tank, 3days, 1p, UK

2 1/2gallon tank, US, 2days, just over $8

2gallon tank, US, $5, 2 days

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I know, but not everyone is as self resilliant as others. You have young kids here and New people...not exactly the "friendliest" way to approach them, imho. What others think plays alot on how others act 90% of the time in this world..and people tend to use that to their advantage and be rather snide about things when they might should have not been.

I'm telling you though..this fish (who is a whopping 3 1/2" inch from his lips to the tips of his shiny tail) looks miserable.





This 1 gallon hospital tank is only 10" wide x 7" deep by 8" tall...very cramped with the 4" spread plant I plopped in there. :rolleyes: :fun: Sorry I had to do it...I was nice as I could be while being smartellic though :D.
That's the exact tank right there that little Lucky spent several months of his life in - busy growing his tail back, right next to Six in the same exact kind of tank. Those are the tanks that I just offered up for free when I upgraded - and I had pages and pages of people responding to the offer wanting them.

I agree with SRC.. of course we would love to give our Bettas the roomiest, most well-furnished tanks we can. If the only thing people can afford/have room for is a 1 gallon, the Betta is definitely not suffering or in a cramped little cup! This is an example of Bettas in 1g Aquaviews... they look happy to me ;)

(this is Kara's picture... I really hope she doesn't mind me using it as an example!! look at her beautyful fish :wub:)

All of my bettas are in standard 10 gallon aquariums by themselves. My female is in a 10 gallon hex and my oldest male is in a 6 gallon as he didn't do too well in the bigger 10 gallon. I think 2.5 gallons is reasonable for a full grown betta. :thumbs:
gaya said:
cation said:
I can understand why many of you may disagree with ideas presented by others, but why this need to villify them? Says more about those that are doing the finger pointing then those that are giving an opinion, to my mind.
Am I just hallucinating? I feel like I’m reading a different thread or something.
Sorry, Gaya. In this thread I was specifically referring to tokis, but my second comment (that you quoted) was a more general one. This is the second or third time in a week that I've seen long-time members called trolls, and I don't like it. I didn't bother to mention that, my bad.

Gotta get back to lurking. Posting's leaving a bad taste in my mouth lately.
Tokis-Phoenix said:
For anyone who wants to know where some cheap small gallon tanks are, here's some on ebay;

2 1/2gallon tank, 50p, UK, 3days left

10gal tank, 3days, 1p, UK

2 1/2gallon tank, US, 2days, just over $8

2gallon tank, US, $5, 2 days

erm, maybe its just me but what is so expensive about the tanks in the ebay links i gave? Everyone keeps on saying any tank bigger than a 1gallon tank is too expensive to afford...
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I hear ya cation. I shouldn't even be here cuz i have a paper due at 5:30pm today that i haven't even started :D i tell ya this forum sucks up so much time.

I do wanna say that their are plenty of people stating that 1g are perfectly fine. Why can't i state my opion without people getting offened. The the tank src posted is sooo small. I can't help it. I look at it and think "poor little guy" I thought she was being serious :lol: rather than sarcastic. Though i tend not to read sarcasm and it usually goes over my head.

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