Gaya, you know as well as I do..when someone is on your case..whether what you are doing is right or get's under your nerves somewhat. Kinda like when you are obeying the speed limit and you see a cop and you take your foot off the peddle for a split weren't actually doing anything wrong..but for that split kinda felt like you might have been.
Tokis-Phoenix said:
and i don't see any unesarsary trolling apart from you,
Obviously, you don't understand what trolling is then.
Actually, I stated the facts on the matter at hand, not my opinons ....and we all know what opinons can be referenced to.
The "fish rule" of thumb is 2" of fish per 1 gallon of water. That isn't my opinon or some other person's opinion I heard here or there, that is one of the top basic rules of fish-keeping, that was researched before being put out for everyone's viewing pleasure.
Trying to make someone feel bad by putting them down (even in a tasteful way) for doing something "you" wouldn't do yourself is not debating, that is arguing your own point of view (debating is based soley on gathered facts, not what you believe to be true).
If you were trying to only voice your opinons your post would have simply stated what size you thought was appropriate and why..not that is was without a doubt wrong..and by saying that you throw out there to beginning fish keepers that they are wrong and you make them feel stupid.
That is my problem with threads like this, people don't know how to use TACT when expressing themselves and in turn make other people feel belittled, regardless of whether they realize, at the time, that they are doing it or not (although many do it just to be an ass alot of the times. I guess it makes them feel like a bigger person). It turns from a question, to a discussion, to a debate, to "who's right and who's wrong" argument faster then you can blink.
When in essence..fishkeeping is a hobby that is quite can flex a little in all directions to fit EACH individual fishkeeper's individual situation, within reason of course.