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What do you think is the minumum size a betta should be kept in permanently?

  • 0

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1 cup (8 oz., 1/2 pint)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
so basically what you are saying SRC that people shouldn't be allowed to talk about controversal things that they may get upset about on this forum? Personally i couldn't care less in some senses if people disagree with each other and get angry on such threads as everybody here is to take responsability for their own actions while they are on this forum and i think most things come down to the individuals that took part in thread and not the thread itself's fault.
I don't find it very fair that you have a go at alabaster for starting this thread, if you have a problem with threads of these kind in general why not post a thread about them in general yourself to raise this is issue, but not on somone else's individual thread itself if you don't want to give the impression it is just this thread that irretates you.
Tokis-Phoenix said:
Personally i couldn't care less in some senses if people disagree with each other and get angry on such threads as everybody here is to take responsability for their own actions while they are on this forum and i think most things come down to the individuals that took part in thread and not the thread itself's fault...why not post a thread about them in general yourself to raise this is issue, but not on somone else's individual thread itself if you don't want to give the impression it is just this thread that irretates you.
Exactly. I don't care at all if people argue about the topic of the poll or the original post, but I hate it when people get mad at each other and argue about things that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. Why should people who are reading the thread for the first time have to waste time reading senseless arguments that are off-topic? They shouldn't, and that's why I made the statements I did. Thanks for presenting a thoughtful sentiment in such an eloquent way, Tokis.
What do you guys think about decorations in a fairly small (1-2.5 gal) betta tank? What do you guys use? What about substrate? Which types do you guys think work the best?
I suppose as long as the decor doesn't take up half the tank then its fine- its not much point though if you have a 1gal tank but half of it is taken up by a rock or somthing but i suppose with plants you can put a fair amount in especialy if they are live as they'll help keep better water quality and bettas seem to like wandering around them :) .
alabaster said: long as the opinions stay just opinions, I'm glad my thread is a host to them.
I didn't mean this to mean that you guys shouldn't debate tank size...I meant that the posts in this thread should only contain opinions about the present issue, and that a group of people presenting their opinions shouldn't turn into a circus where people insult each other and focus on arguing instead of discussing the topic. That was a grammatical blunder on my part, it conveyed the wrong idea. :X Sorry about that.
Yeah it doesn't seem like plants would take up much water volume in a tank, even in a small one. A huge amount of plants might make the tank seem smaller to the betta if they visually crowd the space so that everywhere the betta goes there are plants. Do bettas like to have open swimming space? It seems like in a 1g it'd be wise to have a small rock with java moss, and a broad-leafed plant, as I've heard that bettas feel more secure with these. What are good low-light plants with big leaves? Any ideas? In order to have a planted tank, I think it'd probably be best to get a larger tank, like 2.5g ($8 at my petsmart, though I understand that most people don't have them available for that price). That would open up more options as far as plants, allow the betta more space, and allow you to fit the same amount of plants in without crowding the betta.
alabaster said:
What do you guys think about decorations in a fairly small (1-2.5 gal) betta tank? What do you guys use? What about substrate? Which types do you guys think work the best?
I've used a thin layer of gravel with a smaller soft silk plant. I avoid caves and stuff cuz it doesn't really leave them with tons of swimming space. :)
alabaster said:
That has NOTHING to do with bettas, and there's no reason to argue about stuff like that.
Really? That's the difference, then, I think there is a reason. I think it's quite important to point out the hypocricy of people who attest to wanting everyone to be "nice " and "friendly", yet feel perfectly okay about calling long-term, contributing members trolls.

You may not like me or my posts, and that's fine. No one's asking you to. But I don't think it's too much to think that people can have a lively, passionate debate without calling names or making direct personal insults. Apparently, that is not something that is important to you. Fine, I can live with that. I can even live with the fact that you don't actually care enough about the topic you're posting on to read previous posts on the subject - that's certainly your perogative.

The fact of the matter is these topics come up time and time again, but it seems like people's skin gets thinner and thinner every time they're discussed again.

As much as it may be off-topic, I won't read a post containing blatent, non-retalitory personal insults and not comment on it. You don't have to like it, but that's the way it is, my friend.
If you are referring to me and SRC, for a member i don't know at all and makes coments on things that i think are rude in themself and pointless to say, i don't care how long they have been a member on this forum- wether they have been on it for years or months, i'll still say what i think needs to be said. Also on that subject i appologised for being harsh earlier to SRC so i don't see why you can leave things at that instead of continuously bringing the incident back up when you yourself complain about repetetive threads -_- .
Tokis-Phoenix said:
If you are referring to me and SRC, for a member i don't know at all and makes coments on things that i think are rude in themself and pointless to say, i don't care how long they have been a member on this forum- wether they have been on it for years or months, i'll still say what i think needs to be said. Also on that subject i appologised for being harsh earlier to SRC so i don't see why you can leave things at that instead of continuously bringing the incident back up when you yourself complain about repetetive threads -_- .
I'm not complaining about repetitive threads, but whatever you want to think, darlin'. I'm not saying the topic shouldn't be posted, but why not post links to other threads discussing it, to get a feel for as many opinions and ideas as possible.

As for who I'm talking about? If the shoe fits, wear it. That's up to you to decide for yourself - you're a big girl.
Thanks for your reply BettaMomma. What do you mean by "a thin layer"? How deep? And what grade is the gravel in your tanks?

And also: When you had all your bettas in 1g tanks, were they all in Aquaviews? Do you know if there are rectangular 1g tanks available? They'd be small, but seems to me they'd be a better shape than the Aquaviews, and would allow more swimming room (lengthwise). If there are no rect. sheped 1gs, are there any other options as far as tanks under 2.5 gallons? Thanks for reading BettaMomma. Oh, by the way, I love the pic of Charlie flaring. B) Did you get him at WalMart? (sorry if I've missed a post about that).
cation said:
Tokis-Phoenix said:
If you are referring to me and SRC, for a member i don't know at all and makes coments on things that i think are rude in themself and pointless to say, i don't care how long they have been a member on this forum- wether they have been on it for years or months, i'll still say what i think needs to be said. Also on that subject i appologised for being harsh earlier to SRC so i don't see why you can leave things at that instead of continuously bringing the incident back up when you yourself complain about repetetive threads -_- .
I'm not complaining about repetitive threads, but whatever you want to think, darlin'. I'll stop talking when I'm done saying what I want to.

As for who I'm talking about? If the shoe fits, wear it. That's up to you to decide for yourself - you're a big boy.

The shoe does fit, and i suggest you re-read my last couple of posts as either you are just trying to wind things up further you are slow on my point.
So, what point exactly are you trying to make if you are not directly having a go at alabaster, you are not complaining about repetive threads and its hard to say to say wether you are just here for the actual debate on betta tanks etc. Oh, you are protecting your friend from bad little me despite me appologising to him many posts ago, you continue to throw accusations.
Sure keep posting, i never asked you to stop and i find you theorys interesting :p
Tokis-Phoenix said:
cation said:
Tokis-Phoenix said:
If you are referring to me and SRC, for a member i don't know at all and makes coments on things that i think are rude in themself and pointless to say, i don't care how long they have been a member on this forum- wether they have been on it for years or months, i'll still say what i think needs to be said. Also on that subject i appologised for being harsh earlier to SRC so i don't see why you can leave things at that instead of continuously bringing the incident back up when you yourself complain about repetetive threads -_- .
I'm not complaining about repetitive threads, but whatever you want to think, darlin'. I'll stop talking when I'm done saying what I want to.

As for who I'm talking about? If the shoe fits, wear it. That's up to you to decide for yourself - you're a big boy.

The shoe does fit, and i suggest you re-read my last couple of posts as either you are just trying to wind things up further you are slow on my point.
So, what point exactly are you trying to make if you are not directly having a go at alabaster, you are not complaining about repetive threads and its hard to say to say wether you are just here for the actual debate on betta tanks etc. Oh, you are protecting your friend from bad little me despite me appologising to him many posts ago, you continue to throw accusations.
Sure keep posting, i never asked you to stop and i find you theorys interesting :p
I changed it to girl already, sorry about that. :lol:

That's cool, my last few posts were more about me defending my right to post and the fact that I will when I feel someone is treated poorly. You apologized, that's cool. My responses after you did that were more in response to alabaster then you. If you're cool with it, I'm cool with it. Seriously. :thumbs: It was this personal attack that got my crack turning for a second time:

Reading your posts leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Virtually every statement you make is argumentative for the sake of being argumentative, and it makes me sick.

The comment about most of my comments being argumentative made me want to reach through the computer and slap him, considering how much I go out of my way to be helpful much of the time. When it comes to debating topics? Well, that's the nature of debates - arguing the sides. But the fact of the matter is, alabaster can think whatever he wants of me, and he's entitled to. But that goes both ways.

And just for the record, SRC's a gal too. ;)
I didnt get to vote because it said I already voted but I didnt! Anyways ill post my opinion here ------> I think the minimun permanent home for a betta should be 1/2 gal to 1 gal.
I think every betta is different. I started out with all my boys in 1/2 gal tanks. At first I though they all seemed happy considering the tiny cups they came in. I noticed that one of my boys seemed like he was sulking so considering I had just aquired a 1 gal tank, with the help of wilder I decided to move him to the 1 gal. Now hes swimming aound so happily and I know I made the right decision. Three of my other boys are still in 1/2 gal tanks but they seem happy.

So just to sum it up these are the tanks I have my boys and girl in:

Haze - 1 gal
Calico - 1/2 gal
Tuggs - 1/2 gal
Lucky - 1/2 gal
Twist - 1 gal
Female betta (she needs a name.. any suggestions?) 10 gal community


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