Mini spawn fry adoption

Hi Synirr :) Just in case I forgot to mention it ur babies arrived safely on Thursday..I posted some pics of them in the thread Dasauce made for ur adorable babies :) Take Care and thanks so much again :D
Oh yea.......

I got good news.... :) Im going to breed Hades and Amphitritie in December :p

Im hoping to get some Coppers :drool: DTs :drool: and Cambodians right? :drool:
I'm gonna breed in April, I'm going to find a nice female for either Rocket or Emerald.
I'm sorry if I missed this, when will Synirr's Babies be old enough to breed? I was thinking to do it when my boyfriend came out in January. (He wants to see the miracle of life... :p )
Elise said:
I'm sorry if I missed this, when will Synirr's Babies be old enough to breed? I was thinking to do it when my boyfriend came out in January. (He wants to see the miracle of life... :p )

Well, at least he doesn't want you to perform the miracle of life! :rofl: "Hey, honey, I'm curious, can you have a baby for me?" Just thought what you said was funny, I hope you're not offended. I meant no harm, you just cracked me up. :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Well the babie are about 3.5 months old right :)

by next month they should be able to breed :D

thats when i start to condiiont and BREEEEEED
Just doing a check to see if you are still shipping this week? With hurricane rita and all..
Yep, some should be able to breed by next month, but the slower-developing ones might need to wait until November or December... I'd say once the males are bubblenesting and the females have ovipositors, they're ready.

Yes, I am shipping this week. Got packages for Booboo Puppy and SandyMushCowgirl out today, and am doing more tomorrow and probably Wednesday ;)
Oh, pweeeze send mine tomorrow!!!!

Look, here's some flowers for you :flowers:

What do you think? :hey:

Just Kidding! I'm just so excited about the baybees.... I swear I am too excited!!!

Happy Fishy Dance: :fish:
Hrmm....Just a thought

I might breed Hades to Amphitrite or Hades to The marble girl

I was just wonder....I know Ill get DTs and Coppers....But is there anything else in the mix I dont know about :thumbs:
Don't worry Elise, you're next on the list right after JoLtbolt, and he's only getting two fish so I'll definitely have time to bag yours and get them out to you tomorrow :)

DaSauce89 said:
I was just wonder....I know Ill get DTs and Coppers....But is there anything else in the mix I dont know about  :thumbs:
Uh... there's a possibility of marbles, obviously, and since Mini's mother was orange you might get some oranges. There's only a 50% chance of each juvie being a carrier of that gene, so I'd say it's about a 25% chance. As far as Ipos's genes go, I have no clue... it's a surprise! :-

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