Mini spawn fry adoption

I loves me some genetics! I'm hoping to become a research scientist some day and definitely want to work with genetics, but I'm not sure *exactly* what field to go into yet. There's actually a specific project I'm interested in... there's a type of rock fish which has no natural lifespan. 100 year old fish are practically identical to 1 year old fish, and I'd really like to know why that is.
The funny part of my interest in genetics is that I actually hate maths, but luckily it comes easy to me and I don't mind statistical work as much as some other types of maths :p

jollysue -- I read all that from various websites, mainly and
Well apparantly you nailed it. :thumbs:

That! sounds promising. If you make hundred-year-old babies--I want one :lol:

Hmm Maybe just bettas that will live a little longer than butterflies. :)

What a crew we are growing here. You betta lovers go!
Those are good sites. I only scanned.

I also am drooling. Maybe I'll put my name down for one of the purple babies.
I thought ill share

Heres hades flaring at himself and making a huge bubblenest
Synirr said:
There's actually a specific project I'm interested in... there's a type of rock fish which has no natural lifespan. 100 year old fish are practically identical to 1 year old fish, and I'd really like to know why that is.

Wow, that is really interesting! I really am interested in the "side-effect" physical traits associated with specific behaviors. Like the man who did an experiement on foxes to try and tame them like dogs. While he was specifically picking the more docile females and males and breeding them for even more docile kits. The more domesticated the foxes became, the more "mutant" side-effects began to pop up such as a dalmation-type coat coloring and more floppy ears. In short, they physically began to resemble dogs according to the domesticality of their genetics. Interesting, huh? I'd like to do a follow up experiement focusing on the specific genes and their associated physical traits.

Anyway, does anyone have any more fish genetics sites? I'd like to (in the future) try to isolate certain genes like melano etc. (Kinda like doing maths proofs for things that have already been proven).
I've heard of the domesticated foxes, Elise!! Very, very cool :nod:. One of the reasons for it is that melanin plays a much bigger role in development than just physical pigmentation (which is also why white cats are often deaf). Apparently pigmentation patterns are an observable result of different developmental patterns, and since developmental patterns changed in the foxes as a result of the domestication process, they started developing different pigmentation patterns. This is also true of rats... "hooded" rats, which have pigmentation primarily on their heads and necks, are generally more docile than other rats.
I'm totally hijacking my own thread here :lol:
So are any fish getting delivered? I haven't had time to check all the threads.

Did I scare you off Synirr?

MaC dAddy want some babies. He told me to pass it on.
Yeah, Mac PMed me about it ;)

I'm mailing out some babies on Monday and Tuesday of this coming week, yes. I hope to be able to catch up on mailing all the orders, but I dunno if that'll happen. I'll PM each of you individually when I mail your fish :)
I meant had any been delivered that had been shipped. :) I wasn't meaning to put pressure. I know you'll get to it when you can.

I've got an outbreak of culumnaris that has reappeared in the first tank and spread to my 100 gal, 4 new tanks to set up, 10 cories and 3 to 4 new bettas coming to home. I've got my hands full trying to figure out how to disinfect everything, treat 9 tanks, etc.

I thought it was whipped and stopped at the quarantine tank. Then it showed up a day or two ago in the big tank (several weeks after I had seen the last of it in the quarantine tank.) Tonight I just saw it back in the quarantine tank. The kicker: I spread media around to cycle the new tanks. :hyper:

So I have to assume that All the tanks, including the new betta tanks, are infected. I am uncertain what to even do about water changes. I only have one syphon and it is infected each time I use it even if I can figure out a surefire way to disinfect it.

I assume I will need to do hundred percent water canges on the bettas to avoid using the syphon. But I really have to assume that they are infected anyway. I am treating everyone. So far I haven't started the goldie's tank...
You ordered more bettas? I'm waiting for the next breeding pair (most likely, the wild one if she does get them)

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