OK, well in the process of cycling my nano, i've got BGA infection. It's beginning to blanket the java moss that I was so happy to get growing well, so i'm going to show it who's boss! The double edged blade, is that i've been neglecting my tank as i'm doing exams at the moment, but because i'm a medical student, i've been able to get hold of IV preparation erythromycin, which will kill BGA and preserve the majority of good bacteria.
This is the dosing regime I found on the web, which I will be using:
Day 1.
Add 2.5 mg/L erythromycin. If you have a protein skimmer, turn it off. I believe it will inactive a lot of the antibiotic through coprecipitation with protein. It will, however, be very usefull later.
Day 2.
Add 2.5 mg/L erythromycin.
Day 3.
Now you should see a lot of dead blue-green bacteria floating around in the tank. Increase filtration (a second mechanical filter if possible) to get rid of it. If you have a protein skimmer, turn it on. The critical thing now is to get rid of as much protein (dead bacteria) as possible to avoid a peak of ammonia.
Day 4.
Most blue-green bacteria should be dead by now. Try to clean out as much as possible of the dead stuff. I use a jet stream of water from the outlet of a canister filter to remove
it from plants and decorations. Combined with the second mechanical filter, this works fine for me. Let the filter work for a couple of hours then make a 50% water change. Add 2.5
mg/L erythromycin.
Day 5-7.
Wash the mechanical filter at least once a day. Keep check on ammonia and nitrite but do not change any water unless absolutely necessary. The extra filter can be removed as soon as the water clears up.
Day 8.
Make a 30% water change. Add 1 mg/L erythromycin.
From now on, resume your normal maintenance.
The concentration I use is in theory a bit high and getting up where it should starts having an effect also on G(-) bacteria. When I started using erythromycin I had problems using lower concentrations in the tank. It was not very effective. It might be time to check it again.
Now, to work out the dosing...