Mental health


Fish Herder
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Oct 6, 2019
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Hi all

So I think this a good subject to have going on here. To share thoughts or even your experience and to show others they are not alone!

My story

I have suffered with anxiety for quite a long time now. I should have been medicated long before I was but I was never aware that I suffered. I started pushing my husband and kids away, my family and I was coming home and sitting in my own little world. I would cry for days on end and find it hard to get out of bed. It wasn’t until someone who suffered from mental health that picked up on my emotions and told me that I need to see a doctor. I booked myself in and as I walked in the doctors office I fell to the ground in a heap flying words out in a jumble. I ended up on medication for sleeping and to help me with everyday life. I still had my off days but ended up worse down the track due to my meds not working properly and was put into see a psychologist and had my meds adjusted. Everything seemed to get better and I wasn’t to fond on the psychologist but did it as I was signed up. It wasn’t until 1st July 2019 that I got a message from my sister saying that the hospital had rang her stating our mum had been admit in to emergency surgery for internal bleeding. She was flown up by a helicopter on life support to one of the big hospitals in Brisbane. The next day we were advised that our mum had stage 4 gallbladder cancer and the bleeding was from the cancer puncturing her stomach and lower intestines due to its fast growing and aggression. Mum ended up having another internal bleed and we were told to come up as soon as possible. We were taken into the consulting room and advised that mum only had 24hrs to live and to say our goodbyes as they couldn’t do anything else. Well you could imagine how my health and my siblings and I well being went. Fortunately to the doctors surprise mum amazingly pulled through it. We took turns going up to shower and feed her and even sleeping at the hospital. The 5 months that we got extra with her was the hardest months I have ever gone through! There were times where we were given a slime chance of survival due to blood clots or her lungs and overdose of her meds as she was losing so much weight the weight to med ratio was to much for her. During this whole ordeal my mental health was a mess, my meds had to be adjusted twice, I took it out in my mum for my anxiety issues, I was just a totally different person! After mum passed on 31 Oct 2019, I just could handle it and I started drinking while popping sleeping tablets. I woke up in a fall daze one morning and went down to the shops, I almost crashed my car and pretty much couldn’t remember anything that happen that morning except what I have advised above. That was my turning point, I was at a breaking point of a nerves breakdown and I knew this is not what mum wanted for me. On the 16th Dec I decided to get off all my meds and stopped drinking. I went through the intense withdrawals of all the drugs my body was craving but powered through it. Today, I haven’t touched an anxiety drug, alcohol or sleeping tablets. I do have days were I struggle but I talk myself through it or find things to distract me.

Just remember it’s okay, not to be okay!!
I'm sorry to hear about your mental health issues but I am glad that you have managed to overcome it.

Just like our human body that can fall sick, our mind or brain can also fall sick.
Sometimes it could be due to the brain that has deficiency of some chemicals or some chemical inbalance.
And until today despite the advance in science and medicine, there are still very few medications or probably no medications that can really help.

And from my understanding, the medications will make you even worse when you take them.
Your brain might become slow or even stop working when you take the medicines.

Does your anxiety started when you are young?
Do you know what triggered your anxiety?
Does any of your family members or parents or grandparents have the same problems?

Please allow me to share some of my knowledge and experiences.
In the past, I used to serve in my church in praying for people who are experiencing demonic attacks/ oppressions.
We learned that some sicknesses or mental health issues are caused by demonic attacks or have spiritual origins.
Some of these sickness/mental health issues are passed down from the generations before.

We had to investigate and interview their backgrounds, their grandparents or great grandparents to find out what actually happened in the past.
If their grandparents were greatly involved in occults or witchcrafts, their children or grandchildren might experience serious mental health issues.
For this kind of cases, we have to break the past ties and the demonic holds on the family due to their involvement in occults and pray for healing from God.

However, some mental health issues are purely caused by the brain "physical" problems and not due to some spiritual/demonic issues.
For this case, we have to pray for God to heal them.

Anyway, continue to stay strong, stay close to your family and friends to get their supports.
Will keep you in my prayers!
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I'm sorry to hear about your mental health issues but I am glad that you have managed to overcome it.

Just like our human body that can fall sick, our mind or brain can also fall sick.
Sometimes it could be due to the brain that has deficiency of some chemicals or some chemical inbalance.
And until today despite the advance in science and medicine, there are still very few medications or probably no medications that can really help.

And from my understanding, the medications will make you even worse when you take them.
Your brain might become slow or even stop working when you take the medicines.

Does your anxiety started when you are young?
Do you know what triggered your anxiety?
Does any of your family members or parents or grandparents have the same problems?

Please allow me to share some of my knowledge and experiences.
In the past, I used to serve in my church in praying for people who are experiencing demonic attacks/ oppressions.
We learned that some sicknesses or mental health issues are caused by demonic attacks or have spiritual origins.
Some of these sickness/mental health issues are passed down from the generations before.

We had to investigate and interview their backgrounds, their grandparents or great grandparents to find out what actually happened in the past.
If their grandparents were greatly involved in occults or witchcrafts, their children or grandchildren might experience serious mental health issues.
For this kind of cases, we have to break the past ties and the demonic holds on the family due to their involvement in occults and pray for healing from God.

However, some mental health issues are purely caused by the brain "physical" problems and not due to some spiritual/demonic issues.
For this case, we have to pray for God to heal them.

Anyway, continue to stay strong, stay close to your family and friends to get their supports.
Will keep you in my prayers!

Oh thank you hun. We do have mental health in the family yes.
During the time of the withdrawals of coming cold turkey off the meds (picture a drug user in rehab that you see on t.v shows etc) this was the kind of withdrawals I went through but I was able to think clearer and saw things a lot differently then what I did on the meds even through this hard time. It made me realise how much the meds were clogging my mind and thoughts up. I changed my whole lifestyle to become the person I am today. I quit my full time high end stressful job that was glaring my anxiety up constantly, I have started helping ppl and talking to them with mental health issues and helping them through things. I have made things easier in my life so I can deal with everyday challenges with a positive outlook and overcome them. I think the thing that helps me is knowing my mum is with me everyday still even if I can’t see her, speak to her or touch her helps a lot and having family to fall back on helps so much.
I am sorry to hear you have to go through that in yourlife. All people deserve better in this world.

Not really a mental health story, but i do want to share this because I can't share it anywhere except in my gaming community & here. :)

WARNING for Homophobia please dont read it. :lol:,

When i was 12, I know that I am different. I am not really open to everyone. I feel insecured because I realize that I am gay, living in Indonesia is kinda a curse for everyone that is different. First, all people are forced to believe in God. It's not like that I dont Believe in God, I do! I just dont want to believe in 1 specific God. If you know what I meant. And you have to follow a "Traditional rules". And if you dont respect it then you're deleted from part of the family and you're getting some sort of curse that's incurable or some ****.

Second, being myself, i aware that i am different from other people so, i have to be " the weird kids" in school. I do have some friend until now. But none of them know that i am gay. And when i was at Junior High School. People are always bullying me, and all girl always said that i am a jerk that "dont do relationships because i am good looking guy." I barely can go to cafeteria in peace. My entire school life all i hear at school is that they talk about me because i am the most different person in school. Teacher tried to talk to me, but i really feel insecured, so all i can do is answer their stupid question and keep silent. I really dont want to talk to much and keep my secret to myself.
At that time all i can trust is my family, especially my big brother. They've been really supportive and keep telling me that i dont need friend to be success in the future.
When i was 15, i live upstair alone. And all of my family is at the ground floor. One day i can't sleep because of homework and i was really stress out. My Dad & Mom with my sister are gathering at the living room, i thought they're having a late night dinner or something and i can hear them talking clearly because the living room are right below me so i wanted to join them to clear my mind. But then on my way from bed I heard that my mom said "(Myname), is such a useless son, i can't imagine what will he do for his own future. He dont has a friend, can't socialise at all, doesn't even have a perfect mark at school at all. I dont know what kind of job he will get in the future. Probably just like my brother, leeching with some rich girl for life." And all of them are agreeing to each other and continuing to bash me from behind. Maybe they thought I was asleep alr. I still remember that night. I dont even want to waste my tear that night so I have to "Accidentally Drop something." So they knew I am not asleep yet. And then i am not sure they realise or not but they stop talking about me after that.

From that night i dont believe all people around me. And i really dont want to rely on my family money. But sadly i can't find any "part time job" since there's no part time job in this country. When you wanted a job you need at least 18 Years old. Even when the job is taking orders as a waitress. How stupid is that, and all i can do is living in their lie and I dont use any of their money for my aquarium. I always sold all of my gaming items and account for that. But I still can't live on my own with that income.
now that i am 17. I still playing game's for my fishes life and i dont even give a **** about my school mark since a Straight-A with 2/3 B+ mark is not perfect for my family. And i still believe in myself and kept my sexual orientation a secret from everyone around me. I have never told anyone beside my gaming community since all of us live around the world. And now i told you guys here. I always wanted to talk about this without sharing my real identity. After that night. I barely trust people around me, i was naive when i believe that i can trust my family, but i an glad that night happens, because of that. I don't have to live in their fake ass lie. :)
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As a psychiatric nurse and from dealing with depression personally, I will say that there are many causes of mental illness. Chemical imbalances, post traumatic stress, Post partum, life choices, among many other things contribute to the disease. It is a disease, just like pneumonia or cancer. It is nothing to be ashamed of. We must remove the stigma of mental illness so that others will know it is OK to reach out for help. One point I want to correct that was said above...medications are not poison and for many people, medication must be taken on a regular basis. Be careful when discussing meds in a negative way. As a psych professional, we fight constantly to get patients to remain compliant with their medication regiment. Many of the homeless that you see on the streets are mentally ill and refusing medication. I will be the first to encourage someone suffering from depression to try therapy such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy to turn their lives around. This will provide tools to fight depression without meds. However, if you are Schizophrenic, Bipolar, Borderline Personality, and others, you will have to stay on meds throughout your life. It’s OK. I stay on BP medications. If you need help, reach out for it. If you don’t need help then learn all you can, don’t be judgemental, and support those who are suffering. Depression is curable! Other mental illnesses may not be but they are treatable if you remain compliant with your medications. Be’s there for anyone willing to fight for it! :)
I am sorry to hear you have to go through that in yourlife. All people deserve better in this world.

Not really a mental health story, but i do want to share this because I can't share it anywhere except in my gaming community & here. :)

WARNING for Homophobia please dont read it. :lol:,

When i was 12, I know that I am different. I am not really open to everyone. I feel insecured because I realize that I am gay, living in Indonesia is kinda a curse for everyone that is different. First, all people are forced to believe in God. It's not like that I dont Believe in God, I do! I just dont want to believe in 1 specific God. If you know what I meant. And you have to follow a "Traditional rules". And if you dont respect it then you're deleted from part of the family and you're getting some sort of curse that's incurable or some ****.

Second, being myself, i aware that i am different from other people so, i have to be " the weird kids" in school. I do have some friend until now. But none of them know that i am gay. And when i was at Junior High School. People are always bullying me, and all girl always said that i am a jerk that "dont do relationships because i am good looking guy." I barely can go to cafeteria in peace. My entire school life all i hear at school is that they talk about me because i am the most different person in school. Teacher tried to talk to me, but i really feel insecured, so all i can do is answer their stupid question and keep silent. I really dont want to talk to much and keep my secret to myself.
At that time all i can trust is my family, especially my big brother. They've been really supportive and keep telling me that i dont need friend to be success in the future.
When i was 15, i live upstair alone. And all of my family is at the ground floor. One day i can't sleep because of homework and i was really stress out. My Dad & Mom with my sister are gathering at the living room, i thought they're having a late night dinner or something and i can hear them talking clearly because the living room are right below me so i wanted to join them to clear my mind. But then on my way from bed I heard that my mom said "(Myname), is such a useless son, i can't imagine what will he do for his own future. He dont has a friend, can't socialise at all, doesn't even have a perfect mark at school at all. I dont know what kind of job he will get in the future. Probably just like my brother, leeching with some rich girl for life." And all of them are agreeing to each other and continuing to bash me from behind. Maybe they thought I was asleep alr. I still remember that night. I dont even want to waste my tear that night so I have to "Accidentally Drop something." So they knew I am not asleep yet. And then i am not sure they realise or not but they stop talking about me after that.

From that night i dont believe all people around me. And i really dont want to rely on my family money. But sadly i can't find any "part time job" since there's no part time job in this country. When you wanted a job you need at least 18 Years old. Even when the job is taking orders as a waitress. How stupid is that, and all i can do is living in their lie and I dont use any of their money for my aquarium. I always sold all of my gaming items and account for that. But I still can't live on my own with that income.
now that i am 17. I still playing game's for my fishes life and i dont even give a **** about my school mark since a Straight-A with 2/3 B+ mark is not perfect for my family. And i still believe in myself and kept my sexual orientation a secret from everyone around me. I have never told anyone beside my gaming community since all of us live around the world. And now i told you guys here. I always wanted to talk about this without sharing my real identity. After that night. I barely trust people around me, i was naive when i believe that i can trust my family, but i an glad that night happens, because of that. I don't have to live in their fake ass lie. :)

This is brilliant!! I love the fact that you have continued to go on with a positive outlook on everything. I’ve always taught my kids not to judge ppl on their gender, sexuality and looks. I think I was more persistent on it when I worked in a factory and met all kinds of ppl. Not only were there different race but also different gender staff. I became good friends with a transgender, she was absolutely an amazing person and looked absolutely stunning in drag too. Hearing her story and what she went through in life) as back in the days being transsexual was a sin and forbidden pretty much) was so devastating but she stood high and proud through it all. She was married with kids and grandkids and her wife stuck by her through it all! I also became such good friend with a lot of the gay community there too, just everyday ppl like anyone else. Please be proud and don’t let ppl tell you any different.
As a psychiatric nurse and from dealing with depression personally, I will say that there are many causes of mental illness. Chemical imbalances, post traumatic stress, Post partum, life choices, among many other things contribute to the disease. It is a disease, just like pneumonia or cancer. It is nothing to be ashamed of. We must remove the stigma of mental illness so that others will know it is OK to reach out for help. One point I want to correct that was said above...medications are not poison and for many people, medication must be taken on a regular basis. Be careful when discussing meds in a negative way. As a psych professional, we fight constantly to get patients to remain compliant with their medication regiment. Many of the homeless that you see on the streets are mentally ill and refusing medication. I will be the first to encourage someone suffering from depression to try therapy such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy to turn their lives around. This will provide tools to fight depression without meds. However, if you are Schizophrenic, Bipolar, Borderline Personality, and others, you will have to stay on meds throughout your life. It’s OK. I stay on BP medications. If you need help, reach out for it. If you don’t need help then learn all you can, don’t be judgemental, and support those who are suffering. Depression is curable! Other mental illnesses may not be but they are treatable if you remain compliant with your medications. Be’s there for anyone willing to fight for it! :)

There are ppl that can’t handle life and need to be medicated daily to continue and I have no problem with that. My cousin is one of these ppl and I have no judgement on that, this is her way of dealing and that’s okay! I think for me the fact with what I witnessed and went through with my mum and all the meds I was on and the frequent adjustment of meds totally messed me up. I was that bad that I was prescribed stilnox sleeping tablets (which are band in Australia) and that was my tipping point. Also having a stressful high end job in the mix didn’t help. I think the changing of lifestyle and correcting the issues first is a big thing as it play a big part. But I also believe today that because mental illness is such a broad spectrum that ppl are just giving meds straight up before even trying to address the matter and offering other alternatives first. Mental health is a serious issue and anyone can walk into a doctors office here and say they they can’t deal and get a script for drugs. I don’t think the seriousness of mental health is dealt with properly with a lot of practices.
Are we talking about Depression and anxiety specifically? If so, OK. If not, drugs are a necessary evil for many. Keep in mind that mental illness has a very broad spectrum. I will share my story one day but not today.

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