Maybe a bit creepy!

I'm right with you there, buddy. This being the dad of a beautiful daughter gig isn't for the faint of heart!

The older I get, the more I realize that I am a lot like my dad was. I almost feel sorry for the poor little boy who comes to pick our daughter up for her first date. Almost. Our kids, however, shall suffer the full wrath of their crazy dad embarrassing them to the fullest extent allowed by law. I've already been practicing with my niece who recently got her first boyfriend (he's actually an alright kid).
Well, the thing is, my kid really has a pretty good head on her shoulders. I bet yours does, because her dad seems to. Mine is 11, and while this stuff is a way off yet, it's definitely on the radar. Anyway, I think I can mostly stay in supporting roles (such as being available to relocate the kneecaps of any guy who tries to hurt her, you know, the usual, mundane dad stuff). Probably no need to embarrass her or scare guys away. She is very comfortable talking with me and Mrs. Badger about touchy things (sometimes more comfortable than I am!). And she knows a good friend from a fake. And she loses interest pretty fast in people who aren't nice to her. And she thinks most boys her age are sort of dumb.

So, I have all that going for me. But still.
Aww, heck with it! This is me... Do I look anything like you pictured, minus the horns?
You look like an angel. Now sit up straight and put your halo back on.♡
I mean, if you want to. :look:
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I understand where you're coming from. Liking anything and everything kills the effectiveness of said likes. When you're liked for simply saying "hello" it kind of defeats the purpose. I'd like to see the likes used for good solid advice, or for warmhearted welcomes, even for when something really does strike the right chord in you. I'd say a limiter would be cool so that everyone only gets "x" likes a day, but even then, I know I could easily exceed a limit because of the bountiful messages which has good information, or generally appeals to me.

Though, I can see the younger side too, alot of things nowadays revolve around likes, and views, it's the world we live in. It may seem pointless to the older gen, however thats what they're used to and I can't fault them for it.
Great observations.

I "Like when I agree, appreciate, or get enjoyment. I "Laugh" a lot because we're a bunch of witty characters. I very very rarely use the "Wow" because it's not clear to me if it is an appalled wow or an appreciative wow.
"Sad" is self explanatory.
I hope I never use the "Angry" one.
The "Love" one is if I'm super impressed by someone's tank or fish picture, their knowledge, or their talent, or kindness towards others.

I especially like that you pointed out how the rise in social media and the sense of need for peer approval measure in on this topic. The more distinguished members may not realize the context and implications involved regarding the number of likes one receives.

Wish their was a hug button but what a can of worms, right ?
Thank you. Our kids got them as well. They got all of our good genes. Somehow they both got blonde hair as well (recessive gene since neither side has any blonde family members). We're going to have our hands full here in 10 years. Shoot me now. :lol:

Natural lighting:

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Are there any Celts in your or your wife's ancestry?

There's a Celtic gene which blesses the possessor with very, very pale blue eyes - they often look almost silver.

It is supposed to indicate that the person has The Sight, and can see into other worlds and they have an awareness of things which can't be explained by ordinary means. Sometimes they are prescient, too.
Are there any Celts in your or your wife's ancestry?

There's a Celtic gene which blesses the possessor with very, very pale blue eyes - they often look almost silver.

It is supposed to indicate that the person has The Sight, and can see into other worlds and they have an awareness of things which can't be explained by ordinary means. Sometimes they are prescient, too.

I'm sure we do. Her family history is mostly uncertain, but she definitely has some English roots and possibly German. I've got English, Irish, German and possibly Swedish. We're uber white, I know that. Bordering on neon white.
I'm sure we do. Her family history is mostly uncertain, but she definitely has some English roots and possibly German. I've got English, Irish, German and possibly Swedish. We're uber white, I know that. Bordering on neon white.
If she has English roots the odds are that she will have a bit of everything.

We are a delightfully mongrel race! :thumbs:

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