Mature Tanks

Go ahead and get some tangs but a clown tang is probably the worst possible choice. These things often do terribly in captivity unless kept in monster tanks; they are one of the few that actually DO inhabit the surge zone of the reef. As if that wasn't enough they are intensely aggressive, even to people, and one of the few tangs thought to actually have venom in their already swordish spines. They'd make a good tankmate for a full grown undulate trigger I'd imagine...
everything ive read about clown tangs points to bad news but weve had 3 at work, all tame and living with other tangs in a 6'x2'x1.5' or somthing like that one large 9inch one went on to a full reef set up with other tangs and things! so im not sure, its a beutiful fish but i wouldnt want something that im unable to deal with!!

undulate triggers are pure evil hard to come by tankmates for them!
im not trying to continue the argument since we have resolved the issue, but never once here have i compared it to the ocean (i dont think) shibby.
i know you didnt but i like to compare things to the ocean it makes me kinda depressed on the fishkeeping matter though! its freedom of speach in this world (apparently) so musho stick with your guns if thats what you believe :)

has anyone else heard anything about imports of purple tangs being banned? ? or is it just a rumour.
Continuing the OT discussion...

Hmm, my tang must hate being in its tank, while it is 100 gallons, it is only 5 feet long. However, it is 24 inches front to back, so has more surface area to swim than many 6 footers, and with most of my filtration in the sump and fuge has a huge swimming area.

That poor guy must be really hating being in there...
Oh i can go on if you like

nope, ive watched 4 foot tanks with tangs in it (yellow, and ive seen a hippo in one as well), swimming back and forth fast, i dunno, i just said to myself that 4 ft tanks dont seem enough to me. I mean im sure the tang was perfectly healthy and doesnt get diseases etc, but i just thought no, these active things need bigger tanks.

Also learning some other peoples opinion, i found other people think the same way as me, being called tang police, dunno if youve heard that term before.


Yes for Christ's sakes! I have nothing against you personally and share many of your beliefs. I am looking out for the fish and other people on this one. Of course I still pity you for not being able to add a tang to your own tank when you upgrade (assuming it stays under a hundred gallons); they are sweet fish; but if you keep your unfounded opinion to yourself (mostly) then I do not have any issue with you what so ever.

So, resolved?

yes i acknowledged your post, no im not going to change my views. No comment on leaving by getting "weeded out", i guess time will tell.
No one is going to give a damn what you believe unless you have some piece of evidence. Stubborness is one thing, but dude, you're worse than a religious fundamentalist.

Please at least show me the respect of giving your evidence that your opinion is based on (I gave you mine); 'cause from my point of view there is none for you.

i dont have evidence, like i said, it is my morals and my opinion.

Oh and andy, if you dont mind, define happiness and hatred and sadness, and emotions in general in fish.

And do you want me to just re-quote everything that was said in the argument? Cause our points have been made, i can just keep re-quoting my points and some of the answers i have given, because as was said and still applies, it doesnt seem like you guys are able to change my mind, since plenty of posts of lynden has tried but, nothings changed except the agreement weve made. I will keep my morals and opinions even when this thread gets locked, even if i get warned, and even if i get banned.

And like you said it has more swimming room than 6 feet, then what makes you think that the tang must be hating it in there and what makes you think that i will hate you for putting a tang in a tank that has more swimming space? I dunno what its like in England over there but here in america, its not easy to find a 5 footer that has more swimming space than a 6 footer, its called generalization, everyone uses it, if you want me to go into specific details in my siggy, feel free to ask, i will do it. Want me to go into specific detail for everything i write on here to the last period, chances are i wont listen, and i doubt you would either.

I mean judging you from other posts, and knowing me as me, it seems like neither of us are going to end our own arguments unless an agreement is made. So, it will continue until others stop us.
Why would I want to do that? It would take the humour away from my post and fail to highlight that your rule is flawed.

Consider. Many people now say 2lbs of LR per gallon, this gives far less swimming room in tanks than 1lb per gallon. You make no mention of decor. Also, suppose someone has a tank 4x3 feet in surface area. Are you saying that is worse than a heavily "rocked out" 6x1.5? After all, it doesn't fit your "rule".

And therein lies most of the problem here, I feel.
depends on rock structure, is there any room to swim? Thin tanks dont offer as much room for front swimming space due to rock formations.

Are you saying 8'x1'x2' are commonly made and are standards?
a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty
Above is the first definition in that link. However, considering one accepts this definition, your "opinion" Musho fails to be even that, since that "opinion" rests on grounds easily sufficient to produce complete certainty. ;)
Your right, but "a personal view, attitude, or appraisal." Is more of my definition of opinion. If you have a word for me, feel free to say it, oh wait, you have, well feel free to throw out more that follows your definition of me.

Any more attempts to try and change my opinion and views?
Your right, but "a personal view, attitude, or appraisal." Is more of my definition of opinion. If you have a word for me, feel free to say it, oh wait, you have, well feel free to throw out more that follows your definition of me.

Any more attempts to try and change my opinion and views?

no one is trying to change your views ok? you can believe what ever makes you sleep at night. someone asked where you got your rule from ok? yes lyden can be alittle less aggressive when he askes a question dont take it so personal next time.
its just lynden and i have been over this over and over again. I think on the second or third page lynden said that he would try one last time to change my views. Well, its been quite a few pages since then, still trying eh?

Call me crazy, but I'm going to take one more whack at this.

I'm sorry but I just don't understand your reasoning. I see my domino and puffer swim VERY quickly across the tank sometimes; does that mean they too "need" a huge tank that relatively few can afford? What if I became a "Pomacentrid Police" and belittled anyone who didn't keep them in a monster tank, and then when asked why, couldn't even explain my thinking let alone defend it with factual information?

You: "Hello all, I think their may be something wrong with my coral, here's a picture to help identify the problem. Thanks in advance. :) "

"Dude you should really move those ocellarises, they need a WAY bigger tank and by keeping them in yours you are being cruel to innocent creatures, they may be fine now but give them a week and they'll be dying/dead."

You: "I've had them for a long time in here and other people keep them in tanks this small with no problems. They don't swim fast or anything, so why do you say they need a bigger tank?"

Me: "I've seen them in small tanks before, and I said to myself "these things need more space". It's just the way they swim."

Another person: "That's bull, they will be fine in that tank, many people have done it, (insert tsunami of reasoning and proof against "Me's" attack here). Also, your coral is simply collapsing, will be better tomorrow."

Me: "I don't care what you say it's my rule. Nothing you can say or do will make me change my mind. I have no reason to believe what I do and hardly the right to force it on others but I do it anyway. Yes I know I'm arrogant, ignorant, stubborn, and insane but I don't care what you say."

Just scale up the tank sizes and change the fish, and you've pretty much got tang police. :/ Sounds pretty psycho when someone put's it like that, huh? At least change the avatar for Christ's sakes.
still trying eh?
Umm, sort of....

If I don't understand something, I try my best to gain understanding. I certainly have nothing against you personally. I certainly do not feel obligated to listen to you when you tell me or others what you "think" a tang "needs" and I also try to make sure no one else does. Perhaps slightly (very slightly) I am trying to change your opinion so that you could own a tang yourself, they are sweet fish and very helpful; but above all else I simply am trying to understand why you still believe what you do even when the real matter is most definitely opposite. Frankly to me it seems stupid/ignorant, akin to doubting gravity or doubting the existence of dogs; but I don't think you are a stupid person and am trying to figure out what the appropriate word is, if any. So far you haven't shown me the respect of telling me that, and though I've tried to show you the same respect I think I deserve (though perhaps not always), if this goes on much longer I may be forced to conclude that you are nothing more than you seem regarding this issue.

Certainly you must realize that not all tangs are the same. In a post above I stated that clown tangs need monster tanks. It is a myth that all tangs live in the surge zone as many, if not most, of them do not. The ones that do such as the clown, all the tang police mumbo jumbo actually does apply: the problem is that people too often extend it to all tangs. You do this. Your "rule" is flawed and scientifically incorrect. It is no longer some weird belief; it's you trying to be as stubborn and contrary as you possibly can. Tangs are a highly derived and varied group; do some research before you jump to conclusions.

Lastly, I know that you or anyone else doesn't give a flying 'ef' what some internet forum guy thinks. ;)
This is so pointless. All you're doing is ignoring our points while coming up with "your own". I suppose I am forced to conclude you are nothing more than you seem regarding this issue. For your own sake, avoid any arguments you come across, as you seem totally unable to hold your own in them.

I guess then, this is re-resolved. I have all the info I wanted.

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