Mature Tanks

well, great time to ask, was just at a frag and coral swap, got me quite a few corals.... Gonna get them all settled in and i will take pics.
Just your rule is a bit odd? dont understand why you got that at bottom of your sig?

and I didnt think had a very large tank?
its an exadurated rule, i exadurate all my minimum fish size tank rules, its my rule, i live by it, others dont have to but i dont mind if they do.
Sorry not meaning to have a go at you and you probably do a very good job with your tank ,

But its very pedantic.

I also presume at some point you have had a 100 gallon tank?
nope, ive watched 4 foot tanks with tangs in it (yellow, and ive seen a hippo in one as well), swimming back and forth fast, i dunno, i just said to myself that 4 ft tanks dont seem enough to me. I mean im sure the tang was perfectly healthy and doesnt get diseases etc, but i just thought no, these active things need bigger tanks.

Also learning some other peoples opinion, i found other people think the same way as me, being called tang police, dunno if youve heard that term before.
I think "tang police" is the wrong phrase. 'Arrogant, bigoted, snobbish, PETA-loving psycho' is a little more fitting. ;)

I would be a little more accepting if those views included other fast swimming or territorial fishes such as pelagic triggers that can outpace most surgeonfish or Pomacanthus whose territories are measured in acres. But no, just tangs. Being a "Tang police" is amoung those obsessions that I will never comprehend.
ah, yes, weve been over that lynden and i called myself, similar things to what you call tang police, more specifically the peta and arrogant and i forgot to add, stubborn. But hey, nothing you say (or do) will change my opinion.
I dont mean to ruffle feathers but I think maybe its a bit OTT to have that rule, yeah I agree there is a limit and I really was in two minds about buying a tang in a tank my size, but the wife really didnt wanna 6ft or bigger tank! (I wanted and 8ft with 5 ft sump, I had a plan!) so I gotta respect that, but then the reason I got into marine fish is the beauty of the fish, it just more exciting than other fish.

And also after getting a couple of clowns its only natural to get a tang? I gotta 2 year old and hes fascinated with them and after getting the clowns he kept looking for "dory" and yes its very cliche but when you got kids you'll understand?

So maybe its worth dropping it? A lot of the newbies on here are here to seek advice and 99% of the time they want help on what to do? so we tell them, then at that point politely? do you not agree? and I gotta say we do have the odd young kid and they dont listen but its the parents who pay and they'll stop them if they kill fish(I presume so, I would as a parent) So what I'm getting at is they arent completly stupid and the internet is a huge source of knowledge and just googling the words marine and fish I am sure it will pop up more than once on tank sizes and stock?

and also I apologise for hijaking post and totally going off topic?
Call me crazy, but I'm going to take one more whack at this.

I'm sorry but I just don't understand your reasoning. I see my domino and puffer swim VERY quickly across the tank sometimes; does that mean they too "need" a huge tank that relatively few can afford? What if I became a "Pomacentrid Police" and belittled anyone who didn't keep them in a monster tank, and then when asked why, couldn't even explain my thinking let alone defend it with factual information?

You: "Hello all, I think their may be something wrong with my coral, here's a picture to help identify the problem. Thanks in advance. :) "

"Dude you should really move those ocellarises, they need a WAY bigger tank and by keeping them in yours you are being cruel to innocent creatures, they may be fine now but give them a week and they'll be dying/dead."

You: "I've had them for a long time in here and other people keep them in tanks this small with no problems. They don't swim fast or anything, so why do you say they need a bigger tank?"

Me: "I've seen them in small tanks before, and I said to myself "these things need more space". It's just the way they swim."

Another person: "That's bull, they will be fine in that tank, many people have done it, (insert tsunami of reasoning and proof against "Me's" attack here). Also, your coral is simply collapsing, will be better tomorrow."

Me: "I don't care what you say it's my rule. Nothing you can say or do will make me change my mind. I have no reason to believe what I do and hardly the right to force it on others but I do it anyway. Yes I know I'm arrogant, ignorant, stubborn, and insane but I don't care what you say."

Just scale up the tank sizes and change the fish, and you've pretty much got tang police. :/ Sounds pretty psycho when someone put's it like that, huh? At least change the avatar for Christ's sakes.
I dont mean to ruffle feathers but I think maybe its a bit OTT to have that rule, yeah I agree there is a limit and I really was in two minds about buying a tang in a tank my size, but the wife really didnt wanna 6ft or bigger tank! (I wanted and 8ft with 5 ft sump, I had a plan!) so I gotta respect that, but then the reason I got into marine fish is the beauty of the fish, it just more exciting than other fish.

And also after getting a couple of clowns its only natural to get a tang? I gotta 2 year old and hes fascinated with them and after getting the clowns he kept looking for "dory" and yes its very cliche but when you got kids you'll understand?

So maybe its worth dropping it? A lot of the newbies on here are here to seek advice and 99% of the time they want help on what to do? so we tell them, then at that point politely? do you not agree? and I gotta say we do have the odd young kid and they dont listen but its the parents who pay and they'll stop them if they kill fish(I presume so, I would as a parent) So what I'm getting at is they arent completly stupid and the internet is a huge source of knowledge and just googling the words marine and fish I am sure it will pop up more than once on tank sizes and stock?

and also I apologise for hijaking post and totally going off topic?

not a problem ive been enjoying this post and latley and musho's rule has always intriguing. ive also wanted to ask about his rule but never knew how to start the conversation.
Well while we're already on this topic.
Musho - Why 100g? Why not 110? or 90? What if I had a tank that was 8' long, 1' wide, and 2' tall. It's >100g and >6' long. But somehow I don't think you'd put a tang in it. What makes you draw the line there? What if a yellow tang was the only fish in the tank.

I think it depends on each person's situation, because every tank is different.
most tanks under 100 gallon is not 6 feet. Its not the amount of fish, its the space of the tank IMO.
So would you say a yellow tang would be okay in a 8'x1'x2' tank?

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