lazy dayz
Can I ask how much the white ribbon set you back?? That's cool that you could find one
Here read this:
Here read this:
Here read this:
Can you post a pic of the eye-swelling? If it is a sting, I can't think of anyting that would fix it, but it could be eye-parasites. A high-res close-up of the eye would be required, which will be very tricky to do I suspect
For eye-parasites, I usualy freshwater dip and QT at work. If it were available, I'd run UV also, to prevent re-ocurrences, but failing that a copper based treatment can be used. Copper is not reef-safe though, so you would have to treat in a seporate system if that is nessisary This would leave a risk of other livestock becomming infected in the main tank. At this point, I'd lock down the tank if possible untill you have a positive ID on the issue. That basically forces your hand towards QT for any in-comming new fish for their own safety at this point, or you could land yourself with two fish that need treatment
This is of course first assuming you have already ruled out eye parasites or confirmed an aptasia sting?
Did that Aptase-x at work solve the nano reef displays little pest? If so, it would be worth a go And work stock it for rapid deployment
Nope that's not bad at all
I don't think flame hawks even get to four inches.. I've had a mated pair in my tank for almost a year now and they haven't grown very much. They're about two and a half inches, definitely no more than three.
I'm sorry he's not doing very well, but I can't think of anything that would help.
Me neither, it doen't sound like anything I've come across. If it is a sting, it will probibly be best to remove the stinger and just monitor him. Eating is good, but the fact he was off food wasn't so. Wild caught fish only stop eating if they are seriously upset as it increases vunerability to predation... The fact he is eating again though would surgest he is on the mend though
All the best