Marine Journal - 159l

Can you post a pic of the eye-swelling? If it is a sting, I can't think of anyting that would fix it, but it could be eye-parasites. A high-res close-up of the eye would be required, which will be very tricky to do I suspect :crazy:

For eye-parasites, I usualy freshwater dip and QT at work. If it were available, I'd run UV also, to prevent re-ocurrences, but failing that a copper based treatment can be used. Copper is not reef-safe though, so you would have to treat in a seporate system if that is nessisary :nod: This would leave a risk of other livestock becomming infected in the main tank. At this point, I'd lock down the tank if possible untill you have a positive ID on the issue. That basically forces your hand towards QT for any in-comming new fish for their own safety at this point, or you could land yourself with two fish that need treatment :crazy:

This is of course first assuming you have already ruled out eye parasites or confirmed an aptasia sting?

Did that Aptase-x at work solve the nano reef displays little pest? If so, it would be worth a go :nod: And work stock it for rapid deployment :lol:

Can you post a pic of the eye-swelling? If it is a sting, I can't think of anyting that would fix it, but it could be eye-parasites. A high-res close-up of the eye would be required, which will be very tricky to do I suspect :crazy:

For eye-parasites, I usualy freshwater dip and QT at work. If it were available, I'd run UV also, to prevent re-ocurrences, but failing that a copper based treatment can be used. Copper is not reef-safe though, so you would have to treat in a seporate system if that is nessisary :nod: This would leave a risk of other livestock becomming infected in the main tank. At this point, I'd lock down the tank if possible untill you have a positive ID on the issue. That basically forces your hand towards QT for any in-comming new fish for their own safety at this point, or you could land yourself with two fish that need treatment :crazy:

This is of course first assuming you have already ruled out eye parasites or confirmed an aptasia sting?

Did that Aptase-x at work solve the nano reef displays little pest? If so, it would be worth a go :nod: And work stock it for rapid deployment :lol:


Thanks, it would be near impossible to get a close-up, but I have some semi-decent pictures which I took today. I assumed it was a sting since my Aiptasia has gotten rather large (1/2" in diameter, 3/4" tentacles), and it's in my Hawks territory. I can't seem to find much about parasites which attack the eyes, do you know of any websites with some images on?

That aiptasia-x seem to work well, we injected a little more on Sunday.
The tentacles were retracted even before dosing the second time.

The images will come tomorrow, since I can't find my cable.

Nope that's not bad at all

I'm glad I made the purchase before somebody else did. :good:
If it needed a second dose, it diden't work, first time at least :sad:

Sorry, no idea about sites with info on eye parasites. Basically, they give a glaze like apperance to the eyes, and can look like a swelling. You mainly go on the swellings shape and apperance, hence why I asked for a photo :rolleyes: as it is hard to describe over the net... Any signs of it getting larger? Not spreading at all, or moving to the other eye?

All the best
The good news is it has not spread to the other eye, so it is less likely to be some form of parasite. It does not have a glazed appearance, only swelling, and the pupil is currently dilated. He began eating again yesterday, the first time in three days, granted it was only a small amount. What worries me is the rate at which he is breathing, that has not improved much. The swelling is basically the same as it was last night. :/
I don't think flame hawks even get to four inches.. I've had a mated pair in my tank for almost a year now and they haven't grown very much. They're about two and a half inches, definitely no more than three.

I'm sorry he's not doing very well, but I can't think of anything that would help.
Me neither, it doen't sound like anything I've come across. If it is a sting, it will probibly be best to remove the stinger and just monitor him. Eating is good, but the fact he was off food wasn't so. Wild caught fish only stop eating if they are seriously upset as it increases vunerability to predation... The fact he is eating again though would surgest he is on the mend though :nod:

All the best
I don't think flame hawks even get to four inches.. I've had a mated pair in my tank for almost a year now and they haven't grown very much. They're about two and a half inches, definitely no more than three.

I'm sorry he's not doing very well, but I can't think of anything that would help.

I haven't seen one that large either, but apparently they can attain a length of 4" according to various different sources.

Me neither, it doen't sound like anything I've come across. If it is a sting, it will probibly be best to remove the stinger and just monitor him. Eating is good, but the fact he was off food wasn't so. Wild caught fish only stop eating if they are seriously upset as it increases vunerability to predation... The fact he is eating again though would surgest he is on the mend though

All the best

He has been eating since, too. But not nearly as well as he used to. :no:

I'll see how he gets on . . .

On a brighter note, my Ghost Eel has arrived, it looks like he is currently around the 15" mark. But is barely the thickness of a pencil. Excellent service from Tri-mar again, it was on time and packed really well. :good:

EDIT: Turns out it's around 18", maybe slightly larger.
All in due time KJ (tomorrow). :)

I have recently lost my Scarlet Hawk, not surprising since he was quite reclusive and not feeding before hand. I had to pull a part the tank to get to his body. I couldn't ID his condition, as his head was missing . . . :no:
I did a 30L waterchange the day after his death, as i had to mix the salt.

Anyhow, the Moray is doing well, already taking food from my hand, which is never a bad thing. :hyper:

I also need to get a hold of some nitrate removing filter media, the seachem brand states that a low flow rate is needed for their particular product (200LPH max), and the flow rating on my external is 1200LPH. Anyone have any other products that have a good reputation?

I've just purchased 4 Turbo Snails, 5 Cerith Snails and a Red Star (Fromia milleporella), they were acclimatised for around 4 hours. I will have some photos up tomorrow, hopefully. :good:
Sorry to hear about the Flame Hawk :sad:

Why are you looking for nitrate removal products? You having nitrate issues? My system has had a full cube of frozen food go in every other day since adding the clean-up crew about 3-4weeks ago (bar a few days when the first pair of Skunks went in and struggled), with 20% waterchanges every second week and nitrate has remaind zero. For a 70l system that is very heavy feeding, despite there only being CUC in there, so something has to be caursing it in your's I'd have thought... (Have verifyed my nitrate result by using a second kit :good: ) It's a larger system that will only have been lightly fed I assume considering you have only had the Flame Hawk in there?

Zeolite and Phosban have been recomended on other sites for nitrate issues, but I have used niether... A skimmer could also help pull it down ;) offer still stands of a re-make of my DIY solution to the issue if you like

All the best
Hello, its been quite some time since my last update. Rabbut, i don't think i can fit yet another bucket around my tank until i removed some furniture, but i'll definitely keep your DIY skimmer in mind. :good:

My Ghost Eel made a leap out of the tank, the water was lowered a full 3 inches but it still managed to get behind my tank. Thankfully I've now get some acrylic to cover the surface of my aquarium, instead of those half-broken condensation trays. The Eel didn't make it, I assumed it was behind my tank for a full 24 hours before I realised - they tend to be quite reclusive, so I didn't think nothing of it when he wasn't in view. :no:



Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 15 - 20 ppm
PH: 8.4

New additions;
I've just purchased a Fu Manchu Lionfish (3"), as well as a Scarlet Hawk (2.5") for a very reasonable price. They are currently acclimatising. The Lion is a nice red, brown-tan colour - a great specimen. The Hawk is a bright red - also very nice.


Images are here!

The new Flame Hawk. :nod:


Phone picture!

One of the larger red mushrooms, minutes after switching on the light.

Cerith Snail.




Fu Manchu! He has already established his territory, lunging at the Hawk when he passes by. He's also alot brighter now, but he's at the back of the tank currently, so I can't take any more photos of him. :D


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