When i took over the club they were sitting third in the league with £50million to spend and not a bad side, perhaps a mid table squad puching above their weight but it wouldn't take too much time to get them into real promotion material.
I made a policy of not signing anyone below the rating of 88 and starting line up players being 90 or above preferably 90 as these players are still affordable. I also looked for players that are performing well in real life as there is a good chance they could recieve a rating increase. I made an excpetion for the 19 year old Daniel Parejo who players for real madrid castillo. he is only a 70 rating which is no were near being in the starting 11 but with Arsenal looking to sign him in real life he will be getting a rating increase sooner or later...
I quickly made moves for players with clubs unavaible to manage to speed up improving the squad here is a little help for what i'd do with your teams but it's up to you, you guys are the managers, this is just who i'd do it but i'm no expert. If anyone has any ideas for my team then go ahead help me out.
I'd lose a few attackers to lower your wage bill and bring in one quality attacker for two poor ones by swapping with an unaviable club.
For example two attackers who won't feature in your plans for Jose Sand who is 90 and may increase his rating this year. Just offer the cash difference for what your two attackers are worth to his club.
I know a good goalkeeper is hard to come by right now as i struggled but managed to get 2 decent ones (90 + 89) when i joined up but i think you need to try and get one no lower than 89.
Theres not much i could suggest with your MF and DF as you don't have many, maybe try and swap a couple more attack for a good defender or midfielder with the unavailable clubs.
The easiest way to look for 90 players is. Transfer search rating 90 - 99 and then position, just scroll down to the 90 -91 players and click on their clubs to see which ones are unavilable to manage then make an offer.
I'd suggest the same to Estudiantes who have lots of decent attackers who they could trade to save cash with good midfielders or defenders. I've only got 4 attackers i think and this seems to be enough to put 2 on the pitch 1 on the bench and 1 spare. Maybe 5 would be more cover but for now i sort out my startgin 11 and look for depth when th enext lot of money omes next season.
I'll look at the other clubs later tonight and see what advice i can give, if anyone has any advice for my i'm be glad to hear it