Made A Dangerous Stock Choice..........


Sep 18, 2011
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The tank is now properly mature. The fish are in very rude health and I have figured out the columbian proof plants.....

The choice? Something the wife has wanted for a long time, a, drumroll...........

A red tailed shark.

Not a.random choice. The collumbian tetra are not a tolerant fish now they are all grown up. The tank is plenty big enough and he is in on his own.

Reasearch says pasive tankmates are a no no. Shark shaped are a no. Open tank, nope. So should be good.

The only fish they may take issue with will be the corys but with 5ft by 18inch floor area there should be plenty for 11 fish.

Seems ok for now but I will be watching the tank. A friend has similar stocking without issue.

Suppose some up to date tank pics are due too.
Am confused... Columbian Tetras are little nutjobs as far as tetras go... perfect tankmates for a RTBS so long as tank is big enough which at 5ft is just about ok :)
my rainbow wouldn't stop chasing corys in a 3ft by 18inch tank hopefully the extra 2ft help but i only had 7 small corys and the rainbow on bottom so similar stocking ratio...
oh they're not that bad MBOU. As the family go they're positively benign. They are though, little nutters relative to many of the tetras people immediately think of when they hear the word.
I don't know... my Columbians in the display tank are a great example... absolutely decimated an entire population of guppies!! Were fine young but they grew up fast and took a dislike to the guppies! (though to be fair.. I shared those sentiments!).
I love the Columbians, one of the prettiest tetras (though soft spot for the White Fin Bentosi tetras :) ). But compatibility with a shark is a given really...
Thank goodness for that.

I did feel they would work. There was a moment with the Boss. A glorious male must be getting on for 2 inches maybe more gave the new guy a swift, 'not in my yard mate' and things seem to be ok.

I have seen a lot of mixed info and looking past the hype at the facts it did seem a good match.

Thanks for backing the choice.

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