I did the regular weekly maintenance and water change and I tried to remove as much of the hair algae as I could. Very difficult to remove, I did use a toothbrush but ended up using my hands to remove it from the wood. I also cut some of the plants that were entangled in it... nasty stuff. I got a PO4 test and I'm at 0... the test itself says I should be below 2.
Before starting any other actions fighting with the algae, I decided to go ahead and increase the bio load of the tank in the hope that balances things out.
I went a visited another LFS which I like much better than the one I got the cardinals from. I got all the fish I wanted to get so that I don't risk bringing a disease multiple rounds as I don't have the posibility to quarantine the fish.
--(already in)
11 x Cardinal Tetras (Paracheirodon axelrodi)
?? Red Cherry Shrimp ( 9 originals + their many offsprings)
5 x Honey Gouramy (Trichogaster Chuna) - 3 silver 2 yellow
5 x Rosy Tetra (Hyphessobrycon rosaceus white fin)
5 x Otocinclus
5 x Cory Julli
I wanted a few more Rosy Tetras but that's all the LFS had...
The aquarium became much more lively and fun and I'm pretty happy with it. The shrimps are very shy now, we'll see how this goes. I didn't see any casualties, the small ones relocated on the plants mostly and the large ones are pretty shy for now.
In general it looks like everyone is adjusting to the new environment. If all goes well, I'll keep the stocking as is and only replace any casualties that may happen.