Llj's Ada Tank "refugees From Endor"

If you want nippers for the bigger tank then get yourself some Exodon paradoxus, mind yer fingers... :lol:

Just forget everything that has gone before and beg, steal or borrow a 4x2x2 that will give you somewhere to play and your creative juices can run riot.....
If you want nippers for the bigger tank then get yourself some Exodon paradoxus, mind yer fingers... :lol:

Just forget everything that has gone before and beg, steal or borrow a 4x2x2 that will give you somewhere to play and your creative juices can run riot.....

We just discussed money in the other thread at mod chat. Why do you think I stay with nanos? :lol: I have the tanks I have... Nope, as tempting it is to keep the 36g running with firemouths or whatnot, it must be torn down. I might be moving in the summer and shoot, that ADA tank did well, drained in the back seat of my car, driving from Ft. Lauderdale to Miami. Easy as pie to move. Can't do that with the corner bow.
Why don't you put some panty hose over the filter intake so the little fishes don't get sucked into it? Ever thought about celestial pearl danios? Stay small and are very hardy and would love the planted tank.
You know GS, I was looking at that website where I buy fish & CPDs did cross my mind. Also saw a WCMM at a store (purchased some otos, they're on my list) and while that particular one was not lovely, I know a couple of places where they look good. More of a sub tropical fish, but I could stand to lower the AC during the summer. We kept it up this past summer to keep costs down, but didn't notice much of a difference in the bill, so will be cranking up the AC this Summer! :yahoo:

Celestials are more cool, but WCMM are cheaper.
i used to keep WCMM when i was into cold water. IMO they are a great little fish, great colours and brilliant shoalers.
OK, I'll bite. What's a WCMM?
White Cloud Mountain Minnows (Tanichthys albonubes)
White cloud mountain minnows. Yea CPDs are a bit pricey I got 7 for like $8 a piece then I got 7 more for like $4 a piece since the lfs was closing down and they were half off. They were from a different breeder too so I should have some health fry if they choose to breed. What about gouramis? Some of them have quite stunning color variations and would stand out amongst the green. Might be too much color though for your liking.
White cloud mountain minnows. Yea CPDs are a bit pricey I got 7 for like $8 a piece then I got 7 more for like $4 a piece since the lfs was closing down and they were half off. They were from a different breeder too so I should have some health fry if they choose to breed. What about gouramis? Some of them have quite stunning color variations and would stand out amongst the green. Might be too much color though for your liking.

No, I absolutely love gouramis. Used to keep honey and sparkling, but I don't heat my tanks in Miami, so the temp can get a bit nippy for them in the Winter. The funny thing is that in IL, one of the coldest places I've lived, I kept gouramis. Well, figured I'd have to heat the tank anyway, so might as well...

I purchased some otos and will be checking some of the LFS for WCMM this weekend. If I can save some money and not have to opt for shipping, I'd be happy. I'll post pictures of the otos tonight.

White Cloud Mountain Minnows (Tanichthys albonubes)

THANK you!!

Glad that got cleared up for you.

Picked up 6 otos today. That'll bring the total up to 8, but sometimes the fish are roughly handled in transit between the shipper and the store (gentle Miami post) and there may or may not be a loss or two. There was a fair amount of poop in the bag when they got home, though, so someone is eating well in the group. Good sign to see poop. They are schooling right now, and it looks rather nice. A picture for you...


Look forward to putting my fat female in there with them, but will wait to see for a spell. I like my fish in Endor and won't compromise their health until the other fish are settled. Will have a look at some WCMM tomorrow at a couple of stores. I'm liking them more and more. So the plan will be to add the new fish first then wait, and then add Endor inhabitants.
Nice Ottos and they look pretty healthy too,
Absolutely love this species.
Do you not get some of the more recently introduced species down your way Liz

A couple of different options now available.
No, C, I don't. If it isn't SW or large Cichlids, it's ignored. The irony is that many of the fish farms, like the aquatic plant nurseries are down here, but they don't sell to individuals and the overall market in Miami doesn't ask for these exotics. I imagine it gets better once one leaves Miami, as even the small college town in IL, would get more fancy species. They don't even sell Celestial Pearl Danios in Miami. Brian from Corysrus, has received those species, but he's over in Wellington, FL & doesn't allow pick up anyway. Yesterday's otos were from Miami's best LFS, according to AGA members. I wasn't impressed. :no:
Went on a LFS adventure today and scoped out the stock at about 7 stores. Most of the LFS had very bad FW stock, mostly devoted to SW now. Understandable, that's where the money is. But, believe it or not, at the big chain store of all places, saw some lovely WCMM, at $1.19 each. Pretty cheap, so guess what? I picked some up. Honestly, if I'm going to be moving, I don't want to invest in species that were too expensive and that I had to have shipped to me. I've done it before, but I need to save money, so some nice WCMM, which was a fish I was considering anyway, goes on sale and I don't have to pay for shipping, I'm going to go for it. :good:

Will post pix when the tank lights come on. There are a mix of sexes.

By the way C, saw those marble hatchets again. :drool: So tempting, as they are lovely, but they need a heated tank. See, I'm a good girl, no impulse buying! :D I buy what's on my list. Otos & the fish I was considering...

you won't be disappointed with them llj, great little fish :good:

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